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《玉台新咏·古诗<为焦仲卿妻作>》:“阿母白媒人:‘贫贱有此女,始适还家门。不堪吏人妇,岂合令郎君?’” 南朝 梁 沉约 《奏弹王源》:“ 源 人身在远,輒摄媒人 刘嗣之 到臺辨问。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·嘱鹞》:“你从前既把媒人做,还仗你把姻亲订妥。” 老舍 《龙须沟》第二幕:“我的老婆是媒人给说的。”
If my go-between can't get permission for me to marry her, I guess I'll have to take the bull by the horns and go talk to her father myself.
如果我的媒人不能帮我获得迎娶她的许可,我想我就得硬着头皮去找她父亲谈了。An online talent scout, Plentitube is trying to become a middleman of the new media, a matchmaker for the YouTube generation.
作为在线人才星探,Plentitube力图成为新媒体的经纪人,YouTube一代的媒人。By contrast, flash marriage group advocates the concept of "marriage freedom" and leave behind what was a must in the past.
与之形成鲜明对照的是,闪婚族在大力提倡婚姻自由的同时,把媒人抛到一边去了。Grace is quite the matchmaker. She has introduced at least three couples, including my husband and I.
葛芮思真是个大媒人。她已经至少介绍了三对夫妻了,其中包括我和我先生。"I have told you, " said the go-between with justice on his side, "When you met first, I told you that he settled on you with one eye. "
“我怎么没有告诉你?”媒人也不甘示弱,“你们第一回见面后,我就说,他一眼就看中你的。”The time to think about marriage had come and then gone, his reputation such that no matchmaker wanted to bet a girl's future on him.
该结婚的年龄到了然后又过了,他的名声这么臭,没有媒人敢把女孩的终身托付给他。To see other dogs, is there any way it likes to do back to a matchmaker.
去看看别的狗,有没有它喜欢的顺便可以做回媒人。A system like this, in which marital union is arranged by a matchmaker, is jarring to our modern Western sensibilities.
像这样由媒人安排联姻的体系,与我们现代西方的情感是相悖的。Matchmakers used to be very important to wedding plans.