




落下:~泪。减损,消失:~色。~价儿。遗失,遗漏:这一行~了两个字。回转(zhuǎn ):~头。~转。摇摆,引申为卖弄,耍:~文。~俏。~以轻心。~臂而去。对换:~包。~换。落在后面:~队。用在动词后表示动作完成:改~。戒~。……



汉语拼音:kuǎ diào






  1. But if Beijing leaders ever decide that it's just too risky to own U. S. dollars and debt, then the system is going to come crashing down.


  2. As a violinist I was able to transcend the dysfunctional home environment and my own despondency I was lifted to the stars.


  3. The magnitude of his expectations and naive faith in her financial prowess struck Inna like a splash of cold water.


  4. If one of the big four international accounting firms collapsed, some large quoted companies might be stuck without an alternative.


  5. One of the few lightweight cars to offer RWD and a mid-engined configuration was the original Honda Beat.


  6. It was as if I had no power over my life as it collapsed before my eyes.


  7. But if you leave out a pole, creating the equivalent of a hole, part of the tent can sag, or bow out, or ripple unpredictably in the wind.


  8. I mean, you know, the music industry is imploding in front of our very eyes, and Hollywood's worried as well.


  9. Executives could be in the line of fire too, since they assured shareholders that the bank was fine just before it almost went belly-up.


  1. 她垮掉了。

    She was burnt out.

  2. 她垮掉了。

    She was burnt out.

  3. 垮掉的一代

    beat generation.

  4. 不 不 我现在不能垮掉。

    No. No, I can't afford to fall apart right now.

  5. 不 不 我现在不能垮掉。

    No. No, I can't afford to fall apart right now.

  6. 任何人都有可能垮掉。

    Anybody can go broke.

  7. 没有顾客会使我们垮掉。

    No customers will kill us.

  8. 工程垮掉系环境所迫。

    The reasons for the project collapsing were circumstantial.

  9. 垮掉是为了信心的重建。

    Falling Down Is For The Rebuild Of The Confidence.

  10. 我今天感觉像要垮掉了。

    I feel that I will lose my physic, today.

  11. 这个地方要是没有你会垮掉。

    This place would fall apart without you!

  12. 你是否曾觉得自己就要垮掉?

    Have you ever felt like you are about to snap?

  13. 我的姿势垮掉,犹如崩塌的桥。

    My posture collapsed like a bridge crumbling down.

  14. 那座老房子眼看要垮掉了。

    The old building was falling to pieces.

  15. 我一定是快要垮掉了,布莱恩。

    I'm bound to crack up soon, Bryan.

  16. 我一定是快要垮掉了,布莱恩。

    I'm bound to crack up soon, Bryan.

  17. 我们得工业大部分都垮掉了。

    Much of our industry was clapped out.

  18. 我们的工业大部分都垮掉了。

    Much of our industry was clapped out.

  19. 我们的工业大部分都垮掉了。

    Much of our industry was clapped out.

  20. 筋疲力尽因费力而变弱或垮掉

    To weaken or collapse from exertion.

  21. 最终,过度清洗导致皮肤健康垮掉。

    Finally, over washing could break down the skin itself.

  22. 他们审讯他多日后他就垮掉了。

    They questioned him for days before he cracked.

  23. 他们说这车会垮掉, 果真如此。

    They said the car would break down and indeed it did.

  24. 窗框在大梁的重压下垮掉了。

    The window frame folded up under the heavy weight of the beam.

  25. 她镇定而且坚强,绝不会垮掉。

    She's calm and strong, and she is just not going to crack.

  26. 她好像精神上完全垮掉了一样。

    She seemed to have become completely spiritless.

  27. 一些小额信贷机构因此垮掉了。

    As a result, some microfinance outfits collapsed.

  28. 三个月后,这间公司垮掉了。

    Three months later the company folded up.

  29. 三个月后,这间公司垮掉了。

    Three months later the company folded up.

  30. 他要是不休息,他很快会垮掉的。

    If the does not rest he will crack up soon.


  1. 问:垮掉拼音怎么拼?垮掉的读音是什么?垮掉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垮掉的读音是Kuǎdiào,垮掉翻译成英文是 to go to pot

  2. 问:垮掉的一代拼音怎么拼?垮掉的一代的读音是什么?垮掉的一代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垮掉的一代的读音是,垮掉的一代翻译成英文是 Beat Generation



书 名:垮掉 作  者:(美)摩根 著,龙余 译 出 版 社:江苏人民出版社 出版时间:2012-1-1 版  次:1 页  数:223 字  数:205000 印刷时间:2012-1-1 开  本:16开 纸  张:胶版纸 印  次:1 I S B N:9787214072719 包  装:平装 22554049