


人或某些动物体内器官之一,在肝脏右叶的下部:~囊。苦~。~固醇。肝~相照(指对人忠诚,以真心相见)。不怕凶暴和危险的精神、勇气:~量。~气。壮~。~魄。~大妄为(wéi )。装在器物内部而中空的东西:球~。暖瓶~。……









汉语拼音:dǎn xiǎo pà shì








  • 【解释】:胆子非常小,怕事情落在自己头上,怕惹麻烦。
  • 【出自】:巴金《谈〈寒夜〉》:“他后来竟变成了一个胆小怕事、见人低头、懦弱安分、甘受欺侮的小公务员。”


  1. He might have behaved timidly in life; in the book he would be bold as a lion.


  2. And a fellow Republican, Thomas Ognibene, who would also like the mayor's job, has called him "spineless" .


  3. Because he fought against slavery and secession at a time in history where others were too afraid to do anything.


  4. One would certainly have thought that Milady, timid as women are generally, would have tried to stop the quarrel.


  5. The natural suspicions and fears of the peasants themselves also inclined the peasant to go slow.


  6. Because he fought against slavery and secession at a time in historyswheresothers were too afraid to do anything.


  7. Had I refused out of fear as well as from resentment ?


  8. He was no coward in spirit.


  9. He's chickenhearted, but I still love him.


  1. 她胆小怕事。

    She is timid and overcautious.

  2. 这孩子总是胆小怕事。

    The child is timid.

  3. 他们天生就胆小怕事。

    They are by nature fearful and timid.

  4. 这孩子总是胆小怕事。

    My mother takes care of our child, because we are busy with work.

  5. 此人胆小怕事, 不足与谋。

    He is so overcautious and timid that we had better not consult with him.

  6. 管理部门软弱无力, 胆小怕事。

    Management was feeble and cowardly.

  7. 精神上他倒并非胆小怕事。

    He was no coward in spirit.

  8. 胆小怕事是我的生存秘诀。

    Cowardice is the secret of my survival.

  9. 她不喜欢她丈夫这样胆小怕事。

    She didn't like her husband to be so timid.

  10. 从根本上说,我非常胆小怕事。

    I was basically a dreadful coward.

  11. 他不会抱怨的, 他一向胆小怕事。

    Dont expect him to complain he couldnt say boo to a goose.

  12. 他看不起他们,因为他们这样胆小怕事。

    He held them in contempt for behaving in such a cowardly way.

  13. 他的确胆小怕事,但我仍然爱着他。

    He's chickenheartde, but I still love him.

  14. 所以胆小怕事是我生存的主要武器。

    So cowardice is my main weapon of survival.

  15. 她接着谈她爱人, 说他如何胆小怕事。

    She went on about her husband, how he was timid and always tried to keep out of trouble.

  16. 我拒绝他除了由于忿忿不满之外还由于我胆小怕事?

    Had I refused out of fear as well as from resentment ?

  17. 尽管他是英国最强的人,可他胆小怕事。

    Although he is the strongest man in England, he would not say boo to a goose.

  18. 因爲他们本身就非常容易招来责难, 所以他们胆小怕事。

    Their rage is decorous and prudent, for they are timid, as being very vulnerable themselves.

  19. 可他却总是这样胆小怕事, 小题大作, 像个老处女似的。

    But he always was so nervous and fussy and old maidish.

  20. 没有哪一个胆小怕事得人能说服他改变我们得方针。

    No faint heart would be able to appeal to him to reverse our course.

  21. 他是位为人和蔼的医生,但胆小怕事,不敢冒什么风险。

    He was a nice doctor, but a weak man who wasn't going to stick his neck out.

  22. 我们绝不能包揽一切, 我们在迎接未来时也决不能胆小怕事。

    We cannot afford to do everything nor can we afford to lack boldness as we meet the future.

  23. 胆小怕事, 优柔寡断的人, 会觉得什么事看来都不可能做好。

    To the timid and hesitating everything is impossible because It'seems so.

  24. 胆小怕事,优柔寡断得人,会觉得什么事看来都不可能做好。

    To the timid and hesitating everything is impossible because it seems so.

  25. 当不得不做出决定时, 她在委员会中以胆小怕事而闻名。

    She has a reputation on the Committee for being a weakling when decisions have to be made.

  26. 你们都是好人,胆小、怕事,不过都是好人。

    You're all good guys, you're all chicken, and you're all yellow, but you're good guys.

  27. 她胆小怕事心宽体胖看上去像只考拉。

    Shes a funky little broad that looks like a koala.

  28. 她胆小怕事心宽体胖看上去象只考拉。

    She's a funky little broad that looks like a koala.

  29. 做必要的事以避免成为胆小怕事者。

    Do whatever you need to do in order to avoid becoming the fearful one.

  30. 你怕事, 你没胆量。

    You're chicken. you've got no guts.


  1. 问:胆小怕事拼音怎么拼?胆小怕事的读音是什么?胆小怕事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胆小怕事的读音是dǎnxiǎopàshì,胆小怕事翻译成英文是 To fear to take responsibilities.


拼音dǎn xiǎo pà shì成语来源【胆小如鼠】 语本《魏书·汝阴王天赐传》:“言同百舌,胆若鼷鼠。”后 以“胆小如鼠”或“胆小如鼷”形容胆量极小 。