


1. 吾 [wú]2. 吾 [yù]吾 [wú]我,我的:~身。~国。~辈。姓。吾 [yù]古同“御”,抵御。……





汉语拼音:wú děng






  1. 犹我们。

    《西游记》第九一回:“吾等知 大圣 连夜追寻,恐 大圣 不识山林,特来传报。”



  1. One need only look at the party's structure to see how communist -- and Leninist -- China's political system remains.


  2. And we understand that in the absence of our authorised signature, this Remittance Statement would be regarded as incomplete.


  3. See? We are like the many nerve fibers converge here into single brain.


  4. The Great Synthesis is the perfect vision of our goal.


  5. Chinese culture is also a goal of setting up the international light society.


  6. There can be no peace, no peace with Romans-men of stone and iron and lies.


  7. How quickly their shrieks of pain turn to enraptured adulation.


  8. We may disclose or access account information when we believe in good faith that the law requires it.


  9. For with thee is the fountain of life; and in thy light we shall see light.


  1. 首先,吾等赐福于大海。

    First, let us bless the sea.

  2. 以皇帝之名,吾等必胜!

    In the name of the Emperor we shall win!

  3. 兹决议,吾等薪资应予提升。

    Resolved that our salary be raised.

  4. 让吾等倾心服从上帝的圣诫。

    Let us incline our hearts to obey God's commandments.

  5. 大合成便是吾等追求的完美远景。

    The Great Synthesis is the perfect vision of our goal.

  6. 吾等之生命将是吾等对公国最后的礼物。

    Our life shall be the last we give for the dukdom.

  7. 吾等现确定删除下列人士之授权签署。

    We hereby confirm to remove the following persons from the Authorized Signatory List.

  8. 本人吾等要求桂洪证券取消本人吾等之证券买卖户口。

    IWe request KHS to terminate myour securities trading account.

  9. 它们痛苦的尖叫迅速转变成对吾等恩赐的狂热谄媚。

    How quickly their shrieks of pain turn to enraptured adulation.

  10. 吾等笃信上帝而重见君。译得传神啊,猎兄!

    And we will trust in God to see thee yet again.

  11. 这个世界不过是成就吾等大业的一处据点罢了。

    This world is merely a foothold for our expanding spheres.

  12. 上述指示将取替本人吾等先前给予本公司的指示。

    The above instruction will supersede myour previous instruction to the Company.

  13. 吾等联合国之子民,为更美好的世界而联合。

    We the peoples of United Nations, united for a better world.

  14. 冥想的主要目的是觉知及熟识吾等内在的生命。

    The primary purpose of meditation is to become conscious of, and familiar with, our inner life.

  15. 吾等须感谢瑟寇拉, 他未使吾生为玛林提。

    Give thanks to Sekolah that He did not shape me malenti.

  16. 吾等任何一人获授权可操作帐户, 发出交易指示。

    The account will be authorized to trade by any one of us.

  17. 看到了么?吾等即是组成完整大脑的诸多神经元。

    See? We are like the many nerve fibers converge here into single brain.

  18. 本人吾等免除贵公司因此授权所引起的责任及损害。

    I We hereby waive any liabilities for your company that may arise from these authorizations.

  19. 卿卿吾爱, 切勿软弱如昨, 但等吾之归舟。

    Be brave, beloved, and look for my sails in the horizon.

  20. 吾名军团,因吾等众多。

    My name is Legion, for we are many.

  21. 唯存帝皇, 乃吾等之庇佑。

    There is only the Emperor, and he is our shield and protector.

  22. 维吾尔等少数民族抱怨他们感到受到了汉族的歧视。

    Minority groups such as the Uyghurs complain that they are subjected to discrimination by the majority Han.


  1. 问:吾等组成公司拼音怎么拼?吾等组成公司的读音是什么?吾等组成公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吾等组成公司的读音是wú děng zǔ chéng gōng sī,吾等组成公司翻译成英文是 incorporamus