







汉语拼音:tián sài






  1. 田径运动中跳跃和投掷比赛项目的总称。



  1. Liu said the bidding should be as fair as the track and field events themselves.


  2. while in the field events consisting of jumping and throwing, the results are judged by height and distance in meters and centimeters.


  3. Field events: It is far from a high degree of calculated results, or jumping and throwing items.


  4. Ireland has a strong reputation for field sports such as shooting, fishing and also for equestrian events, show jumping and horse racing.


  5. Field events, however, test how high or far someone can jump in events such as the long jump or high jump.


  6. Athletic events are decided into two broad categories- track and field .


  7. I'm interested in track event, field event, ball games and swimming.


  8. We judge the performance of field athletes by distance or height.


  9. competition in which a disc-shaped object is thrown as far as possible.


  1. 田赛远度项目

    distance item of field event

  2. 田赛场地布局和画法

    The arrangement and drauing of the sports field

  3. 田赛项目有跳跃和投掷。

    The jumping and throwing contests comprise the field events.

  4. 田赛距离测量系统的应用

    Application of Laser Distance Measuring System in Field Events

  5. 跳高和掷标枪都是田赛项目。

    High jump and javelin throwing are field events.

  6. 对田赛运动员集中注意力问题的探讨

    Exploration of the Attention Concentration of Field Athletes

  7. 我们用距离或高度来判定田赛成绩。

    We judge the performance of field athletes by distance or height.

  8. 标枪田赛项目, 运动员竭尽全力把标枪投向远处。

    Javelin The field event in which athletes attempt to throw the javelin as far as possible.

  9. 面向2008年奥运会女子新兴田赛项目的成绩预测

    Predicting Scores of Womens Rising Events in Field of2008 Olympic Games

  10. 面向2008年奥运会女子新兴田赛项目得成绩预测

    Predicting Scores of Womens Rising Events in Field of2006 Olympic Games.

  11. 田径田赛运动员专项能力的结构与层次的分析

    Structure and Arrangement Analysis of Specific Abillity on Field Evente in Athletics

  12. 我对径赛项目, 田赛项目, 球类比赛以及游泳感兴趣。

    I'm interested in track event, field event, ball games and swimming.

  13. 田赛投掷项目铅球铁饼标枪最佳出手点研究

    Research on Best Skilful Spot of Shot and Discus Throwing

  14. 刘淇说, 申办活动应该像田赛和径赛本身一样公平。

    Liu said the bidding should be as fair as the track and field events themselves.

  15. 田赛远度项目试跳、试掷次数变化对比赛的影响

    Research on Influences on Competition of Changing Distance Item's Times of Trial Jump or Trial Throw in Field Events

  16. 我国田径大赛中田赛管理裁判员在执法中存在的问题

    Problems and suggestions on the law enforcement by management judges in the national track and field events

  17. 巴西人认为,他会在2008年用本田赛车卷土重来。

    The Brazilian,however,is adamant Honda will be able to bounce back in 2008.

  18. 面向2008我国奥运会女子新兴田赛项目的发展及对策研究

    Research on the Prospect and Strategies of New Women Field Olympic Courses in China Toward2008

  19. 面向2008我国奥运会女子新兴田赛项目得发展及对策研究

    Research on the Prospect and Strategies of New Women Field Olympic Courses in China Toward2006.

  20. 车身修理小组1976年91丰田赛利卡道奇皮卡主干铰链。

    The reform of the panel 1976 Toyota Celica road, to stop Pika trunk 91.

  21. 田径运动在跑道及其围成得田赛场上进行得体育运动。

    Athletic events performed on a running track and the field associated with it.

  22. 田径运动在跑道及其围成的田赛场上进行的体育运动。

    Athletic events performed on a running track and the field associated with it.


  1. 问:田赛拼音怎么拼?田赛的读音是什么?田赛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:田赛的读音是tiánsài,田赛翻译成英文是 field events

  2. 问:田赛场拼音怎么拼?田赛场的读音是什么?田赛场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:田赛场的读音是tián sài chǎng,田赛场翻译成英文是 field; infield; athletic arena

  3. 问:田赛场地拼音怎么拼?田赛场地的读音是什么?田赛场地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:田赛场地的读音是tián sài chǎng dì,田赛场地翻译成英文是 grangia

  4. 问:田赛项目拼音怎么拼?田赛项目的读音是什么?田赛项目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:田赛项目的读音是tián sài xiàng mù,田赛项目翻译成英文是 field event

  5. 问:田赛运动员拼音怎么拼?田赛运动员的读音是什么?田赛运动员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:田赛运动员的读音是tián sài yùn dòng yuán,田赛运动员翻译成英文是 field athlete; fieldsman