




1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……



汉语拼音:wán gěi






  1. 丰足;充裕。

    《韩非子·显学》:“今夫与人相若也,无丰年旁入之利而独以完给者,非力则俭也。” 汉 应劭 《风俗通·正失·孝文帝》:“ 文帝 本修 黄 老 之言,不甚好儒术,其治尚清浄无为,以故礼乐庠序未修,民俗未能大化,苟温饱完给,所谓治安之国也。”



  1. Just put on your, "Oh, you're so cool" face, and he'll love you all the more.


  2. Can I have the milk? -I'm almost done with it.


  3. He didn't finish his letter to Lucy yesterday.


  4. No, I just finished. Here you go.


  5. Have you finished the letter to Jane?


  1. 等他休息完给他这个。

    Give him this after he rests.

  2. 那本书你看完给我。

    Pass the book on to me when you've finished with it.

  3. 画完给我发短信,就见分晓

    Text me a shot, I'll let you know.

  4. 我要把整首歌都唱完给你听 请听!

    I want you to hear the whole medley Come on!

  5. 等我吃完再给我。

    After my meal, please.

  6. 学校不会将学费再退还给完不成学业的学生。

    The university is unable to refund tuition fees to students who fail to complete the course.

  7. 你看完我给你的手稿了么?

    Have you finished the manuscript I gave you?

  8. 弗朗西斯我刚打完。给你。

    Francis I just typed it. Here you are.

  9. 在你玩完之前给我们点钱!

    Give us some money before you croak!

  10. 等我装完就给你拿该死的派。

    You'll get your damn pie when I'm done.

  11. 你看完我给你的那本小说了吗?

    Have you finished reading the novel I gave you?

  12. 姥姥说赶紧吃饭,吃完饭给你们买冰棍儿去,我高兴了。

    Grandma urged us to hurry up with our meals and promised to buy ice suckers for us.

  13. 你考虑完再打给我。

    Think about it and call me back.

  14. 书我看完了可以给你。

    You can have the book when I have finished it.

  15. 我干完了分给我的工作。

    I did my share of the work.

  16. 请您看完报纸后给我。

    After you with the paper, please.

  17. 注意测试完后须给弹簧卸载。

    Attention After tested have to unload the spring.

  18. 你做完了就给我打个电话。

    Ring me when you finish.

  19. 你看完以后借给我,好吗?

    Could you lend it to me after you finish?

  20. 他匆匆干完了分派给他的任务。

    He dispatched the task he was assigned.

  21. 吃完,都给我滚,我好招待亲友。

    When you've finished eating, scram, so that I can entertain relatives and friends.

  22. 你看完了我给你的那本小说了吗?

    Are you done with the novel I gave you?

  23. 我想等我换完衣服你给我照一张。

    I thought maybe you could take a photo of me in my new blouse.

  24. 吃完饭后她给我沏了一壶绿茶。

    She made me some green tea after dinner.

  25. 快点干吧,孩子,干完了我给你们糖吃。

    Snap into it, kids. I'll giver your candy when you finish.

  26. 要是吵完我打给她她就不会跟尼克约会

    If I had called her, she never would have gone out with Nick.

  27. 他说在与老板谈完后会给我价码的建议。

    He said he would run some numbers by me after talking to his boss.

  28. 绝缘接头组装完后,给内部元件应固定在相应位置。

    After assembling, the inner objects shall be fixed on the relevant position.

  29. 记得他每次的巡演上,表演完都要给粉丝们鞠躬。

    Every time on his concert, he always makes a bow to his fans after his performance.

  30. 没事儿,一会儿我们吃完饭,给爸妈送去一个。

    No problem. When we are done eating dinner, let's take one to parents.