







汉语拼音:yì yù








  1. 见“ 意欲 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 意慾 ”。欲望。

    《淮南子·道应训》:“故人主之意欲见於外,则为人臣之所制。” 宋 朱熹 《答林择之书》之一:“今方欲与朋友説,日用之閒,常切点检气习偏处,意欲萌处。” 清 陈天华 《论中国宜改制民主政体》:“倘非达於共和,国民之意慾难厌,霸者弥缝掩饰之策,决其不能奏效也。” 叶圣陶 《李太太的头发》:“她想新奇事情一定给她们望见了;一种意欲包围着她的脑袋。”

  3. 想要。谓心想做某事。

    《后汉书·彭宠传》:“小奴意欲解之,视户外,见 子密 听其语,遂不敢解。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷三:“我意欲完前日之约,不好自家启齿。”《红楼梦》第一回:“你携了此物,意欲何往?”



  1. shouted Nikolay to his father's coachman , so as to have a chance of overtaking him on the road.


  2. I don't see him ever trying to hurt someone, especially his own daughter.


  3. Berlusconi said the prosecutor brought the desire to dismiss his case is just an excuse.


  4. The number of Scots trying to sell their homes has reached the highest level in nearly two years, according to chartered surveyors.


  5. When you gaze at me Drinking in my every feature I tremble with longing As you move in for a kiss. . .


  6. Food supplements are intended to supplement the diet and should not be regarded as a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.


  7. Ms Merkel wants to embrace the FDP without appearing to embrace its ideology (as she did as a candidate in 2005 and nearly lost).


  8. The stars reveal that you and your sweetie would like to be together today but it could prove challenging to find the opportunity.


  9. The palate exudes tropical fruit flavours with a soft easy-to-quaff finish of citrus acidity.


  1. 他意欲恶作剧。

    He means mischief.

  2. 意欲做某事

    to plan on doing something

  3. 意欲打伤的一击

    a wicked blow

  4. 我意欲明年去香港。

    I purpose that next year I will go to HongKong.

  5. 他意欲毕业后结婚。

    He purposed that he would marry after graduation.

  6. 埋怨青春, 意欲何求。

    You complained the your youth, but where your wish?

  7. 埋怨青春,意欲何求。

    You complained the your youth, but where your wish?

  8. 联想倾巢出动意欲何为?

    What is Lenovo aiming with its turning out in full force?

  9. 不, 我意欲慢慢挺进罗马。

    No, I intend to drive into Rome very slowly.

  10. 提供或意欲传达灵感的

    Providing or intended to convey inspiration.

  11. 杰克意欲娶她为妻。

    Jack desires her for his wife.

  12. 意欲解除痛苦的药物治疗

    medication that is supposed to relieve pain.

  13. 意欲煽动公众想象力的故事

    a story intended to titillate the imagination of the public

  14. 意欲煽动公众想像力的故事

    a story intended to titillate the imagination of the public

  15. 意欲浪费时间并落在后面的。

    inclined to waste time and lag behind.

  16. 他意欲杀死谋杀他父亲的凶手。

    He intended to slay his fathers murderer.

  17. 琼毫不隐讳她意欲结婚的愿望。

    Jean was outspoken about her wish to be married.

  18. 琼毫不隐讳她意欲结婚得愿望。

    Jean was outspoken about her wish to be married.

  19. 神欢体自轻,意欲凌风翔。

    When the mind is exalted, the body is lightened And feels as if it could float in the wind.

  20. 这部影片意欲吸引所有年龄段的人。

    The film is designed to appeal to people of all ages.

  21. 一个意欲摧毁大共同体的自由的阴谋

    Schemes to subvert the liBerties of a great community

  22. 滑稽有趣的意欲引起的或设计用来娱乐的

    Intended or designed to amuse.

  23. 意欲歪曲一个行动真实性质的东西。

    Something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity.

  24. 此前, 天涯意欲于2009年登陆国内创业板。

    Before this, skyline is appetent do poineering work at landing home 2009 board.

  25. 本发明意欲覆盖各种变型和等效设置。

    The invention is intended to cover various modification and equivalent arrangements.

  26. 这日, 偶至郭外, 意欲赏鉴那村野风光。

    One day he strolled to the outskirts of the city to enjoy the countryside.

  27. 可能哈里本人都不清楚自己意欲何为。

    It was possible that Harry himself did not know what he had intended to do.

  28. 你为什么对我们公司有兴趣而意欲加盟呢

    What are you interested in our company as your prospective employer

  29. 但蟹却把对手抱了起来, 意欲举过头顶。

    But our crab embraces it and tries to hoist it up.

  30. 你问我这个问题,我也在问,台湾当局意欲何为?

    You put the question of Taiwan to me.


  1. 问:意欲拼音怎么拼?意欲的读音是什么?意欲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:意欲的读音是,意欲翻译成英文是 conation

  2. 问:意欲主义拼音怎么拼?意欲主义的读音是什么?意欲主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:意欲主义的读音是yì yù zhǔ yì,意欲主义翻译成英文是 willingness doctrine