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挡,拒,用力对撑着:~挡。~制。~抗。~赖。顶撞,冲突,矛盾:~触。代替,相当,顶替:~押。~偿。~充。~还(huán )。到达:~京。~临。……
汉语拼音:dǐ zhài
One of his victims was a fifty-year-old farmer from whom Ko had taken his house a few years before in payment of a debt.
受害者之一是一位五十岁的农民。几年前柯增强夺了他的房子抵债。Many lost so much money on toxic subprime mortgage-related derivatives that they have been essentially insolvent for more than a year.
许多银行在有毒次级抵押贷款相关衍生品领域损失惨重,一年多来,它们实质上一直资不抵债。But that lingering risk of insolvency means that the state needs to be ready to take yet more action.
但资不抵债风险未得消除,政府就得时刻准备采取进一步行动。If the borrower defaulted, the Bank would first use up the money paid in by its member countries, then call on them to contribute more.
如借款人资不抵债,银行首先用其成员国缴纳的资金全力给予支持,然后要求其成员国再追加认购股金。But a year into the venture he was broke and investors weren't willing to infuse the company with a capital boost.
不过在创业一年之后,他已经资不抵债,而投资者们也不愿意再次为这家公司注入资金。The U. S. government is unlikely to do either of these things and therefore, in conventional parlance, is not insolvent.
美国政府不大可能做这些事情,因此用传统的说法,它没有资不抵债。He said India has hundreds of thousands of six(sex) trafficking victims and millions of banged(bonded) laborers.
他说印度有成百上千性贩卖受害者和抵债劳工。Fourth, in keeping the bank property, the thesis puts forward concern the law risk of paying for the debt by guaranty and preferential lien.
在银行资产保全方面,论文提出关注抵押物抵债和留置权优先的法律风险。If Nouriel Roubini of the Stern School in New York were to be right (as he has been hitherto), they are.