


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……


1. 径 [jìng]径 [jìng]小路;亦指道路,方法:~道。山~。捷~。途~。大相~庭(相差太远)。直,直捷了当:~直。~流。~情(任性)。~自。数学上指连接圆心和圆周的直线:直~。……



汉语拼音:wài jìng






  1. Note: the external insulation diameter of the monitoring cores should correspond to that of the dynamic core.


  2. The kelly bushing (KB) has an inside diameter profile that matches that of the kelly, usually square or hexagonal.


  3. The centre of this wooden disc was hollowed out to a diameter equal to the exterior diameter of the columbia d.


  4. A device that can be run into a wellbore with a smaller initial outside diameter that then expands externally to seal the wellbore.


  5. A metal ball can be absorbed by the magnet when the ball falls down. Its external diameter is larger than the diameter of the control mouth.


  6. The outside micrometers are widely used for outside precision measurement and the main inaccuracies conform to ISO and GB standards.


  7. Note: The front two numbers indicate the inner diameter of the pipe, and the back two indicate the outer diameter.


  8. This outside micrometer is widely used for outside precision measurement. ? Measuring face trimmed with carbide.


  9. The bending radius of a cable should not be less than 10 times of the cable diameter.


  1. 外径圆柱规

    external cylinder gage

  2. 外径测微计

    outside micrometer.

  3. 外径测微器

    micrometer calipers.

  4. 外径的离隙

    major diameter relief.

  5. 外径千分卡尺

    outside micrometer calipers

  6. 轴承公称外径

    Public errand external dianeter of the bearing

  7. 外径千分尺

    outside micrometer.

  8. 检查扶正器的外径。

    Check the outside diameter of stabilizers.

  9. 输入轴承的外径大小。

    Enter the outside diameter size for the bearing.

  10. 单一平面平均外径偏差。

    Single plane mean outside diameter deviation.

  11. 注特殊外径需协议订货。

    Remark Consult order for special outside diameter.

  12. 数字式外径千分尺

    digital outside micrometer

  13. 螺纹外径单位用公厘时


  14. 用钻头规来量一下钻头外径。

    Check the bit O.D with a bit gauge.

  15. 拿钻头规来量一下钻头外径。

    Check the bit O.D. with a bit gauge.

  16. 平均外径须在规定范围内。

    The mean diameter shall be within the specified tolerance.

  17. 单一径向平面外径变动量。

    Outside diameter variation in a single radial plane.

  18. 适用工具外径和扭矩范围大。

    It is suitable to wide diameter and large torque range.

  19. 外径和厚度可按照客户要求定制。

    The diameter and thickness are available upon request.

  20. 电缆弯曲半径不小于电缆外径10倍。

    The bending radius of a cable should not be less than 10 times of the cable diameter.

  21. 激光扫描动态测量管外径的研究

    Study on dynamically measuring outer diameter with a scanning laser

  22. 斜口管零件的外径车削夹具

    A Clamp Device of Turning the Outsides Diameter Parts of Oblique Section Pipe

  23. 测量第四腰动脉后支的外径。

    Measurement the external diameter of the posterior branch of the fourth lumbar artery.

  24. 分度值表圈外径产品标准号。

    Range Resolution Dial Diam Standard NO.

  25. 电缆弯曲半径不小于电缆外径的15倍。

    The bending radius should not less than 15 times of cable diameter.

  26. 电缆最小弯曲半径为电缆外径的15倍。

    The minimum bending radius should be 15 times of the outer diameter.

  27. 电缆最小弯曲半径为电缆外径得15倍。

    The minimum bending radius should be 15 times of the outer diameter.

  28. 什么是内径和外径两个喷射袖子?

    What are the inside diameter and outside diameter of both ejector sleeves?

  29. 用分度值为0。01的千分尺测量外径。

    Measure the diameter of wire with 0.01 mm micrometer.

  30. 内径和外径都可调整的弹簧锁垫圈。

    Spring lock washer with adjustable inside and outside diameters.


  1. 问:外径拼音怎么拼?外径的读音是什么?外径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外径的读音是wàijìng,外径翻译成英文是 external diameter; outside diameter

  2. 问:外径规拼音怎么拼?外径规的读音是什么?外径规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外径规的读音是wài jìng guī,外径规翻译成英文是 external gage

  3. 问:外径配合拼音怎么拼?外径配合的读音是什么?外径配合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外径配合的读音是wài jìng pèi hé,外径配合翻译成英文是 major diameter fit

  4. 问:外径指示规拼音怎么拼?外径指示规的读音是什么?外径指示规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外径指示规的读音是wài jìng zhǐ shì guī,外径指示规翻译成英文是 passameter



外径 wài jìng [outside diameter;external diameter] 包括壁厚度在内的管子或容器的外缘直径 在建筑学里,一般用D来表示。 也表示数学中的直径。一般也用字母d来表示。外径和内径是相对的. 就比如一根钢管,外围的那个最大圆的直径是外径,管里面那个圆的直径是内径. 它的外径=内径+2*管的厚度 就是两个同心圆,外径是大圆的直径,内径是小圆的直径. 外径和内径都属于直径,只是分别又有特指.