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1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……
回,归:往~。~航。~工。~青(某些植物的幼苗移栽或越冬后,由黄转绿并恢复生长)。~销。~修。~还(huán )。流连忘~。……
汉语拼音:chóng fǎn
After two years of legal battles he was cleared of all charges, but it was to prove a long way back.
打了两年官司之后,他洗脱了所有的指控,但他重返政坛的道路很长。He was told that it would be at least three more months before he could recover and return to work.
他被告知至少过三个月才能康复,重返工作岗位。"Whether the US remains the front runner in getting Man back to the Moon is a question the President needs to answer, " Dr McCurdy said.
“总统需只要回答美国是否还要保持着人类重返月球的领跑者地位这个问题”医生麦克柯迪说。These three steps are the beginning of a lifetime's journey back to your sense of wholeness and joy.
这三个步骤是你人生旅途重返完整和快乐的感觉。But he never did. Whatever promises he'd made to his new flock in England, his family forced him to break.
但他却从来没有。无论他承诺自己会如何重返英格兰都是如此,他的家人迫使他履行诺言。He said in an interview with the BBC on Tuesday that he saw no reason to return to Sweden to answer the allegations.
本周二,在接受BBC采访时他表示,自己无意重返瑞典应诉那起案件。Another miner, estranged from his wife for eight years, has meanwhile returned to the surface to find her awaiting him.
一位与妻子已分居8年的矿工,在重返地面时,发现妻子正在等他。At this point, I am not sure when I will be ready to play again, but I hope to be back at some point before the end of the year.
目前来看,我虽然不确定我何时我才会准备好出战,但我希望能够在年末之前的某一时间重返赛场。One thing is sure: if you give it a chance, Campbell returning to Arsenal is actually quite heartening.