




1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……





汉语拼音:qíng huà wù






  1. On May 21st, Shortly after capture, Globocnik committed suicide by means of a cyanide capsule hidden in his mouth.


  2. Goering invited her to dinner, having arranged to put cyanide in her fish.


  3. In several videos, Dunn -- wearing a black mask -- said the baby food had been poisoned with cyanide, prosecutors said.


  4. An exterminator said he had a method that involved the use of cyanide and would render the house uninhabitable for two years.


  5. To the extent that cyanocobalamin might be a good detoxifier, which it isn't, you just trade cyanide for the toxin it removes.


  6. In Chicago, authorities have exhumed the body of a man who died of cyanide poisoning after winning the lottery.


  7. At these high doses hydroxycobalamin rather than cyanocobalamin must be used to avoid the toxicity of the cyanide in the later.


  8. While it's unclear whether this dangerous "kiss of death" was ever used, a cyanide pistol was used for assassination in that era.


  9. The precise cause of his death is unknown, but he is believed to have poisoned himself by lacing the apple with cyanide.


  1. 氰化物污染

    cyanide pollution.

  2. 废弃氰化物

    cyanide rejeetamenta.

  3. 氰化物矿泥

    cyanide pulp.

  4. 铜铁氰化物

    copper hexacyanoferrate

  5. 氰化物监测仪

    cyanide monitor

  6. 异氰化物气喘

    isocyanate asthma

  7. 亚铁氰化物滴定

    ferrocyanide titration

  8. 铁氰化物滴定

    ferricyanide titration

  9. 氰化物可用来杀害虫。

    Cyanide is used to kill insects.

  10. 生杏仁充满了氰化物。

    Raw almonds are full of cyanide.

  11. 水质。氰化物指数的测定。

    Water quality Determination of cyanide index.

  12. 硫代硫酸氰化物转硫酶

    Thiosulfate cyanide transsulfurase

  13. 类似氰化物的有毒物质

    a poisonous substance like cyanide

  14. 氰化物光亮镀银的研究

    A Study of Cyanide Bright Silver Plating

  15. 那个犯人吞了氰化物自杀。

    The prisoner committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide.

  16. 重金属, 氰化物和有毒有机物。

    Heavy metals, cyanide, and toxic organics.

  17. 简易法鉴定青饲料中的氰化物

    The simple method to identify cyanide in succulence

  18. 用氰化物提取用氰化物处理提取金或银

    To treat with cyanide to extract gold or silver.

  19. 我在假牙里放了氰化物胶囊。

    I've got a cyanide capsule in a false tooth.

  20. 氰化用氰化物处理使其表面坚硬

    To treatwith cyanide to produce a hard surface.

  21. 有机氰化物,如乙腈,丙烯腈 ,正丁腈等。

    Organic cyanide, like methyl cyanide, propylene nitrile, Ding Jing and so on.

  22. 与其它氰化物结合而成的双盐

    a double salt of platinous cyanide and another cyanide

  23. 遇氰化物能产生剧毒的氰化氢气体。

    Give off highly toxic gas hydrogen cyanide upon contacting with cyanide.

  24. 有人给他下了致命剂量的氰化物。

    Someone had fed him a lethal dose of cyanide.

  25. 幸而氰化物的破坏是相当迅速而容易的。

    Fortunately, cyanide breakdown is relatively rapid and easy.

  26. 氰化物处理部分是连续得, 但不是自动得。

    The cyanide treatment segment was continuous, but not automated.

  27. 氰化物处理部分是连续的,但不是自动的。

    The cyanide treatment segment was continuous, but not automated.

  28. 这里我们提出一个严重氰化物中毒的病例。

    Herein, we present a case of severe cyanide intoxication.

  29. 氯仿萃取法消除氰化物测定中的油干扰

    Elimination of grease disturbance in cyanide determination by chloroform extraction.

  30. 给予氰化物解毒剂,并在加护病房照顾。

    Cyanide antidotes were given and intensive care to maintain cardiopulmonary function was provided.


  1. 问:氰化物拼音怎么拼?氰化物的读音是什么?氰化物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物的读音是qínghuàwù,氰化物翻译成英文是 cyanide; prussiate

  2. 问:氰化物法拼音怎么拼?氰化物法的读音是什么?氰化物法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物法的读音是qíng huà wù fǎ,氰化物法翻译成英文是 cyanide process

  3. 问:氰化物中毒拼音怎么拼?氰化物中毒的读音是什么?氰化物中毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物中毒的读音是qíng huà wù zhòng dú,氰化物中毒翻译成英文是 cyanide poisoning

  4. 问:氰化物废水拼音怎么拼?氰化物废水的读音是什么?氰化物废水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物废水的读音是qíng huà wù fèi shuǐ,氰化物废水翻译成英文是 cyanide waste

  5. 问:氰化物氧化拼音怎么拼?氰化物氧化的读音是什么?氰化物氧化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物氧化的读音是qíng huà wù yǎng huà,氰化物氧化翻译成英文是 cyanide oxidation

  6. 问:氰化物测定拼音怎么拼?氰化物测定的读音是什么?氰化物测定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物测定的读音是qíng huà wù cè dìng,氰化物测定翻译成英文是 cyanide determination

  7. 问:氰化物滴定拼音怎么拼?氰化物滴定的读音是什么?氰化物滴定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物滴定的读音是qíng huà wù dī dìng,氰化物滴定翻译成英文是 cyanide titration

  8. 问:氰化物破坏拼音怎么拼?氰化物破坏的读音是什么?氰化物破坏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物破坏的读音是qíng huà wù pò huài,氰化物破坏翻译成英文是 cyanide destruction

  9. 问:氰化物离子拼音怎么拼?氰化物离子的读音是什么?氰化物离子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物离子的读音是qíng huà wù lí zǐ,氰化物离子翻译成英文是 cyanide ion

  10. 问:氰化物分析仪拼音怎么拼?氰化物分析仪的读音是什么?氰化物分析仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物分析仪的读音是qíng huà wù fēn xī yí,氰化物分析仪翻译成英文是 cyanide analyzer

  11. 问:氰化物水合酶拼音怎么拼?氰化物水合酶的读音是什么?氰化物水合酶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物水合酶的读音是qíng huà wù shuǐ hé méi,氰化物水合酶翻译成英文是 cyanide hydratase

  12. 问:氰化物监测仪拼音怎么拼?氰化物监测仪的读音是什么?氰化物监测仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物监测仪的读音是qíng huà wù jiān cè yí,氰化物监测仪翻译成英文是 cyanide monitor

  13. 问:氰化物分解细菌拼音怎么拼?氰化物分解细菌的读音是什么?氰化物分解细菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物分解细菌的读音是qíng huà wù fēn jiě xì jūn,氰化物分解细菌翻译成英文是 cyanide-attack bacteria

  14. 问:氰化物敏感因子拼音怎么拼?氰化物敏感因子的读音是什么?氰化物敏感因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物敏感因子的读音是qíng huà wù mǐn gǎn yīn zǐ,氰化物敏感因子翻译成英文是 cyanide-sensitive factor

  15. 问:氰化物解毒反应拼音怎么拼?氰化物解毒反应的读音是什么?氰化物解毒反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氰化物解毒反应的读音是qíng huà wù jiě dú fǎn yìng,氰化物解毒反应翻译成英文是 cyanide detoxification reaction


