







汉语拼音:zǒu huǒ









  1. 失火。

    《三侠五义》第三回:“只看东南角上一片红光,按方向好似 金龙寺 内走火。” 洪深 《青龙潭》第一幕:“可是庙里并不曾走火,乃是大王的神光。”

  2. 因不小心使枪枝发火射击。

    萧军 《八月的乡村》四:“枪走火是危险的,我们这是在做警戒--记住,无论什么时候总要注意枪走火!” 孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第三回:“ 郭三麻子 摆弄枪枝,假装走火,一枪打在 张金龙 肚子上。”

  3. 比喻不小心而说了不该说的话。

    克非 《春潮急》十一:“ 李春山 忽然明白说话走火,舌头越发不听使唤。” 张宇清 《哈哈大叔的传说》:“ 徐大娘 急得跺脚,断定老头子说话要走火,又干咳嗽起来。”

  4. 电线破损走电引起燃烧。



  1. And here he was, being confirmed in his madness by the two acceptances he took such pride in telling her about.

  2. But "sword shaken into the wrong front" using them properly, might merit with well, are very easy to lose.

  3. His gun burst while out on the hills by himself; a splinter cut his arm, and he lost a good deal of blood before he could reach home.

  4. "My dad shot him on accident. Turned him into a cripple. " Samuel smiles.

  5. The Samadhi have no illusion that common people feared, not to mention that they cause disease and lead you into a way of evil.

  6. But if the stomach feel emptiness , creative might be goes wrong , for that , I'm excluded .

  7. A few years ago there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V. . . His name was v.

  8. The company continued to fight problems in several reactors on Wednesday, including a fire at the plant.

  9. Network all day soaking in the attention of friends above Rafah, chances are one day you will be like him, unable to extremes.


  1. 一直到我听到枪走火。

    Till I heard the gun go off.

  2. 我可以说是我的枪走火。

    We'll just say it was an accident.

  3. 枪突然在我手上走火。

    The gun just went off in my hands.

  4. 小心, 否则那枪可能会走火。

    Be careful, or that gun might go off.

  5. 别碰已经上膛的枪的扳机, 以免走火。

    Don't touch the trigger in case the loaded gun shoots.

  6. 别碰已经上膛的枪的扳机,以免走火。

    Don't touch the trigger in case the loaded gun shoots.

  7. 我们扭打在一起争抢那枝左轮,直至那枪走火。

    We struggled for the revolver, until at last it went off.

  8. 然而,这里有涉及到武器走火 对此会有些惩戒。

    However. A firearm was discharged, And there are consequences for that.

  9. 我会说是你拿枪指着我我们扭打之中不小心走火。

    You pulled it on me, we struggled, it went off.

  10. 他们走后火又烧了起来。

    The fire flamed up when they left.

  11. 枪掉到地上砰地一声走了火。

    The gun discharged into the ground.

  12. 此人刚把枪别在腰带上就走了火,射伤了自己左边的睾丸。

    The man had just stuck the gun back into his waistband when it fired, shooting him in the left testicle.

  13. 他走过来要一个火。

    He came over and begged for a light.

  14. 战场外永远保持枪口朝下,以免枪械走火伤及他人。

    Make sure your gun is point to the floor, because it maybe hurt to the others.

  15. 希望这把火可以驱走大家心中的邪念。

    And this fire can chase the demons out of everybody.

  16. 向那火走近一步

    Move a step closer to the fire

  17. 你把火踩灭后再走。

    Tread out the fire before you go.

  18. 走到半山腰时,发动机熄了火。

    Half way up the hill, the engine pooped out.

  19. 赫斯渥走近炉子,也把手伸出来烤火。

    Hurstwood approached and held out his own toward the fire.

  20. 当你走在慢慢长夜里,我在火中想念你。

    When you walk slowly in the enless night, I am thinking of you in fire.

  21. 走在碎玻璃上, 就像我蹈入火途

    Walk on broken glass make my way through fire

  22. 角落里的一个人走过来跟我借了个火。

    A man in the corner approached me for a match.

  23. 角落里得一个人走过来跟我借了个火。

    A man in the corner approached me for a match.

  24. 你要多久才能教会一个婴儿不走近火?

    How soon can you teach a baby not to go near the fire?

  25. 别让任何人活着走过我们的枪火。

    On whoever makes it through that line of fire.

  26. 火风暴会转走电力让你们有足够时间离开

    Firestorm will divert the power long enough for you to exit.

  27. 士兵带着钱以及火绒箱走到一座城镇。

    He took the money and the tinderbox and went to a town.

  28. 燃着的火, 以它熊熊的光焰警告我不要走近它。

    The flaming fire warns me off by its own glow.

  29. 燃烧着的火, 以它熊熊的光焰警告我不要走近它。

    The flaming fire warns me off by its own glow.

  30. 爱上了,跟着感觉走,无怨无悔,飞蛾扑火在所不惜!

    Love, follow the feeling, no regrets, not to hesitate to fire!


  1. 问:走火拼音怎么拼?走火的读音是什么?走火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走火的读音是zǒuhuǒ,走火翻译成英文是 go off accidentally; be on fire

  2. 问:走火入魔拼音怎么拼?走火入魔的读音是什么?走火入魔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走火入魔的读音是,走火入魔翻译成英文是 Kundalini syndrome



“走火”是个多义词,它可以指走火(中国电视连续剧), 走火(词语)。