







汉语拼音:jiàn jiàn






  1. 每一件;一件件,一桩桩。

    宋 惠洪 《冷斋夜话·满城风雨近重阳》:“ 黄州 潘大临 工诗,多佳句,然甚贫。 东坡 、 山谷 尤喜之。 临川 谢无逸 以书问有新作否, 潘 答书曰:‘秋来景物,件件是佳句。’”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二一:“一心猜是那个人了,更觉语言行动件件可疑,越辨越像。” 清 李渔 《怜香伴·冤褫》:“説老师贿赂公行,是非倒置,以优为劣,以劣为优,后面开了赫诈秀才的欵单,件件都有赃据。”《新民晚报》1984.8.8:“这类好事件件都要市长批吗?”



  1. And, apparently, sometime during my mid-20's, I also began to acquire goals as if they were collectibles.


  2. The smoothness whether the soul pearls piled up with past event that you and I make up are still taken good care of by us is like the jade!


  3. From the time I learned to read, I loved to put my own words on paper, forming my own small truths into a story.


  4. From listening to her stories about dance , share the common feelings of her "Dance Lin" for other youth in the years to come.


  5. Pieces of the palaces that had been hidden before the Nazis came could be used to rebuild the city and its culture.


  6. But, when we turn that abstract dream each article concrete matter time, I detected we leave that dream to be very remote, specially remote.


  7. You can be so absolutely decisions, because of your love is not a momentary impulse, but events summary.


  8. The sculptural "haute couture" pieces enchant and enthrall with its ingenious construction and tactile allure of porcelain.


  9. And not only that, she does it while she disrobes, one piece of clothing at a time.


  1. 样样懂, 件件松

    One who can do everything can do nothing

  2. 我传唤件件往事的回忆,

    I summon up remembrance of things past

  3. 祸在如暴雨, 件件接踵来。

    It never rain but it pour.

  4. 一件件不幸的事接踵而来。祸不单行。

    One misfortune follows another.

  5. 本厂医疗手术器械件件科学精制。

    In our factory every medical apparatus and instrument for operation is scientifically made with extra care

  6. 玩具拿开前先将它拆成一件件的。

    Take apart the pieces before putting the toys away.

  7. 我看到这张照片时件件往事涌上心头。

    Old memories awoke in me when I saw the picture.

  8. 全体员工本着件件都是精品的思想恭候你的光临!

    Each and all staff in the boutique are waiting for your ideas!

  9. 正是这一件件小的善事最终改变了我们的世界。

    Its these small acts of goodness stacked together that eventually change the world.

  10. 所以,造成了我的作品一件件有如鬼斧神工,栩栩如生。

    All works sculpted under this rules are vivid from an uncanny workmanship.

  11. 我不知道该从何处开始列举一件件的革新。

    I don't quite know where to begin in enumerating the innovations.

  12. 特别适用来制造机床底座,床身,支架等基础件件。

    PC especially can be used i n manufacturing the foundation,bed supporting bracket.

  13. 一桩桩一件件的事接踵而来, 那可怜的家伙委实够受的了。

    With one thing after another, the poor chap has too much to contend with.

  14. 一桩桩一件件的不接踵而来, 那可怜的家伙委实够受的了。

    What with one thing and another, the poor chap has too much to contend with.

  15. 国家承平日久, 近来的地方官办事, 件件都是虚应故事。

    The country has been at peace for so long that local government has become a mere empty show.

  16. 一件件精美的艺术品可以唤起我们情感和精神上的响应。

    Pieces of fine art may evoke emotional or spiritual responses in us.

  17. 宛如一件件精美艺术品, 与您共同见证人生最完美一刻!

    Just like one an elegant artwork, life of as collective as you testimony is the idealest momently!

  18. 保罗手上揽了好几件工作,他有办法件件都做好。

    Paul had a number of irons in the fire, and he managed to keep all of them hot.

  19. 剧本中就是这么说的窦娥受冤屈死,三桩誓愿件件应验。

    The play tells that Dou E died in injustice, but her wishes all came true.

  20. 剧本中就是这么说的:窦娥受冤屈死,三桩誓愿件件应验。

    The play tells that Dou E died in injustice, but her wishes all came true.

  21. 她开始一件件拿出藏在和服两袖中带来的自家的东西。

    She commences to unburden herself of her belongings, which she has been carrying in the sleeves of her kimono.