


1. 南 [nán]2. 南 [nā]南 [nán]方向,早晨面对太阳,右手的一边,与“北”相对:~北。~方。~面。~国(指中国南部)。~陲(南部边疆)。~极。~半球。姓。南 [nā]〔~无(mó)〕佛教用语,意思是合掌稽首,表示对佛尊敬或……





汉语拼音:nán rén








  1. 南方人。

    《论语·子路》:“南人有言曰:‘人而无恒,不可以作巫医。’” 何晏 集解引 孔安国 曰:“南人,南国之人。” 唐 刘禹锡 《竹枝》词之一:“南人上来歌一曲,北人莫上动乡情。” 明 陈邦瞻 《宋史纪事本末·文谢之死》:“﹝ 孛罗 等﹞欲使跪, 天祥 曰:‘南之揖,北之跪,予南人,行南礼,可赘跪乎?’” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·广赓虞之死》:“ 侍郎 性爽朗,少随 文端公 居 两江 久,习染南人风度。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·北人与南人》:“据我所见,北人的优点是厚重,南人的优点是机灵。”

  2. 金 代对 汉 人的称呼。

    《金史·舆服志下》:“初, 女直 人不得改为 汉 姓及学南人装束。”

  3. 元 代对 南宋 人的称呼。

    《元史·选举志一》:“ 蒙古 、色目人作一榜, 汉 人、南人作一榜。” 明 叶子奇 《草木子·克谨》:“台省要官皆北人为之, 汉 人、南人万中无一二,其得为者不过州县卑秩,盖亦仅有而絶无者也。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·北人与南人》:“至于 元 ,则人民截然分为四等,一 蒙古 人,二色目人,三 汉 人即北人,第四等才是南人,因为他是最后投降的一伙。”



  1. North Duolei Penan people laugh, green peaks no ladder heard the cuckoo.


  1. 北人堕泪南人笑,青嶂无梯闻杜鹃。

    North Duolei Penan people laugh, green peaks no ladder heard the cuckoo.

  2. 匈奴人南下入塞原因考

    Research on the Causes of the Hunnish South Transfer

  3. 南太湖人湖口

    Inlets of south of Tai lake.

  4. 使南都品牌走向世界,是南都人的目标。

    Our aim is to develop Narada as a world brand.

  5. 南印度人成为全世界,尤其是美国,软件业的骨干力量。

    The people of southern India form the backbone of the software industry all over the world, and particularly, the United States.

  6. 究竟是什么力量让南都人如此娴熟地玩活这把策划宝剑?

    Be what force lets after all south does the person enjoy work so adeptly this plan sword?

  7. 当印第安人往南迁移时, 他们必须习惯新气候。

    The Indians had to get adapted to a new climate AS they moved south.

  8. 清军则带着大部分达斡尔人一起南撤。

    They figured that the demons would not be able to subsist by themselves.

  9. 掌管高原橄榄树和桑树得是基第利人巴勒哈南。

    BaalHanan the Gederite was in charge of the olive and sycamorefig trees in the western foothills.

  10. 掌管高原橄榄树和桑树的是基第利人巴勒哈南。

    BaalHanan the Gederite was in charge of the olive and sycamorefig trees in the western foothills.

  11. 越往南走, 天人越暖和。

    The nearer we go to the south, the warmer it will be.

  12. 亚摩利人,迦南人,革迦撒人,耶布斯人之地。

    And the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Girgashite, and the Jebusite.

  13. 南爱尔兰的很多人都不支持也不能容忍恐怖分子。

    It is not that most of the people of southern Ireland are supportive or even tolerant of the terrorists.

  14. 出2328我要打发黄蜂飞在你前面, 把希未人, 迦南人, 赫人撵出去。

    Exo 2328 I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way.

  15. 但求泡浴于南昆山温泉大观园,不辞长作岭南人。

    Life if a jorney, travel it well. Life is enjoyable and no refusion to be a Cantonese.

  16. 你们所有人实际上正在向南

    All of you are actually going south.

  17. 那个我们就不清楚了。叫喊的人是先知伊奥迦南。

    We know nothing of that, Princess. It was the prophet Iokanaan who cried out.

  18. 欧洲人自由贸易协会,南非洲关税同盟和津巴布韦

    European Free Trade Association, Southern African Customs Union and Zimbabwe

  19. 刘继德律师,重庆潼南人。

    Liu jide lawyer is from Chongqing Tongnan, China.

  20. 当时神并没有提到迦南人。

    God had not said anything about Canaanites.

  21. 昌河坝精神是陇南人的时代精神。

    Changheba spirit is the time spirit of longnan people.

  22. 昌河坝精神是陇南人得时代精神。

    Changheba spirit is the time spirit of longnan people.

  23. 是耶和华在迦南人心中散布了恐惧。

    It was Yahweh who put fear in the hearts of the Canaanites.

  24. 自此, 一代代暨南人薪火相传, 奋斗不息。

    From that time on, generation and YiNan person torch devolution , struggle not an interest.

  25. 这样的行为是因为他们崇拜迦南人的假神造成的。

    This would have been the practice of the false worship of the Canaanite gods.

  26. 这样得行为是因为他们崇拜迦南人得假神造成得。

    This would have been the practice of the false worship of the Canaanite gods.

  27. 征服不列颠, 就落到了印格伏南人身上。

    the Ingoevonians carried out the conquest of Britain.

  28. 迦南人崇拜巴力,以及他的妻子阿施塔蒂,丰产之神。

    The Canaanites worshipped Baal, and his wife Ashteroth, fertility deities.

  29. 迦南人被犹太人征服可以用来为任何形式的奴隶制辩护吗?

    Does the subjugation of the Canaanites to the Semites justify slavery of any form?

  30. 这就彻底推翻了麦克伦南人为地编造的理论的最后残余。

    Which finally disposed of the last remains of McLennan's artificial constructions?