




1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:nián huì






  1. 社会团体一年一度举行的集会。



  1. Every office made a commitment in Shanghai to deliver at least one piece of metal in an international award show.

  2. And White House economists are predicting a strong rebound over the next three years.

  3. And I said the World Bank would be pleased to host such an ongoing meeting of the Bali group in our annual meetings and the spring meetings.

  4. An annual meeting is usually held in January to set new targets for that year.

  5. The most stressed women were up to 75% less likely to have boys than the least stressed, the conference in Orlando, Florida, was told.

  6. Mr Rato said he expected to be given a clear mandate to implement a two-stage reform at the fund's annual meeting next month in Singapore.

  7. The studies were to be presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Denver.

  8. If the Chinese economy were to suffer a nasty accident over the next few years, it is likely that housing will be at the bottom of it.

  9. Leamer got a frantic call from a woman who was at the annual ball of a Jewish charity.


  1. 尿素技术年会

    urea technology anniversary.

  2. 肥料年会会议

    annual fertilizer conference.

  3. 通信技术年会

    annual institute in communication

  4. 学协会年会

    ASAP, American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry Annual.

  5. 发展问题年会

    annual meeting of development problem.

  6. 第七次年会

    the seventh annual conference.

  7. 人类遗传学年会

    Annual Meeting of Human Genetics

  8. 出席股东年会权

    right to attend shareholder annual meetings

  9. 在董事会年会上

    At the annual meeting of the board of directors

  10. 开始推广国际年会。

    Begin promotion of the RI convention.

  11. 国际大学联盟年会

    International University Consortium Annual Conference

  12. 中心专家委员会年会

    CAPC Expert Committee Annual Meeting

  13. 国际化学生态年会

    International Society of Chemical Ecology Annual Meeting

  14. 美国核医学年会

    Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting

  15. 年会下个月举行。

    The yearly conference will be held next month.

  16. 加拿大林业研究所年会

    Canadian Institute of Forestry Annual Meeting

  17. 第46届果蝇研究年会

    46Th Annual Drosophila Research Conference

  18. 届家庭医疗业务年会

    St Annual Family Practice Seminar

  19. 国际货币基金组织年会

    IMF Annual Meeting

  20. 他们为年会聚餐募捐。

    They took up a collection for the annual dinner.

  21. 安徽义工联盟年会召开。

    Annual conference of AVU was held.

  22. 计算机安全应用年会会刊

    Annual Conference Computer Security Applications

  23. 他被选为年会代表。

    He was elected as a delegate to the annual conference.

  24. 请为参加年会发收条。

    Please give a receipt for me, or my company etc.

  25. 母亲在年会中担任主席。

    Mother was in the chair in the annual meeting.

  26. 只有8个会员参加了年会。

    Only eight members showed up for the yearly meeting.

  27. 我预祝本届年会取得成功!

    I look forward to a successful meeting.

  28. 召开的美国物理学会年会

    Annual American Physical Society March Meeting

  29. 第十六届经济首脑年会

    sixteenth annual economic summit

  30. 计算和组合数学国际年会

    The Annual International Computingand Combinatorics Conference


  1. 问:年会拼音怎么拼?年会的读音是什么?年会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年会的读音是niánhuì,年会翻译成英文是 annual meeting