




小,细小:细~。轻~。~小。~型。~观。~雕。~积分。~电脑。~量元素。谨小慎~。~乎其~。少;稍:稍~。~笑。~调(tiáo )。衰落;低下:卑~。~贱。精深;精妙:~妙。精~。~言大义。隐约;不明:~茫。~词(隐晦的批评)。隐匿:“白公……



汉语拼音:zé wēi






  1. 犹言地位卑微。则,通“ 侧 ”。

    《公羊传·定公八年》:“ 季氏 之宰,则微者也,恶乎得国宝而窃之。”



  1. Britain was an outlier. There, trust in the state fell (from 41% to 35%), whereas trust in the private sector inched up, from 45% to 47%.


  1. 女性对善与恶具有惊人的感觉, 但对左与右则感觉甚微。

    Women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong, but little sense of right and leave.

  2. 正则微分芽层

    Sheaf of germs of regular differential

  3. 正则微分分次代数

    Regular DG algebra

  4. 正则微分形式芽层

    Sheaf of germs of regular differential form

  5. 通用汽车,福特,克莱斯勒所占比重则微幅下降。

    General Motors, Ford and Chrysler all had slightly lower shares of total sales.

  6. 阳微则恶寒

    chill due to deficiency of YANG

  7. 去年, 俄罗斯的经济仍保持了健康增长, 石油产出则微幅下降。

    Last year growth remained healthy, while oil production declined slightly.

  8. 微正则总体

    microcanonical ensemble.

  9. 微正则分布

    microcanonical distribution.

  10. 微正则系综

    microcanomical ensemble.

  11. 微正则退火

    microcanonical annealing.

  12. 微正则系综合

    microcanomical ensemble.

  13. 微正则配分函数

    microcanonical partition function

  14. 二夫人则神色微凛。

    Two madams then air tiny Lin.

  15. 反函数微分法则

    inverse function differential principle

  16. 大批量显微剖切导则

    Guidelines for High Volume Microsection

  17. 而另外那组人,则是微软

    The other was Microsoft.

  18. 正常时期沉积层则呈微绿色。

    Layers from normal years are greenish.

  19. 从肺论治临证发微四则

    Some Diseases need Remedy Pulmo, Four Clinical Ideas Using Theories of Internal Classic

  20. 衣着则会受到微尘、羽毛和粪便的污染。

    Clothing can also become contaminated with dust, feathers, and excrement.

  21. 有界域中的微分算子和正则半群

    Differential Operators and Regularized Semigroups on Bounded Domain

  22. 而微软设计的楔形镜片则不存在这些缺点。

    The design of the wedge lens bypasses this problem, explains Bathiche.

  23. 而微软设计得楔形镜片则不存在这些缺点。

    The design of the wedge lens bypasses this problem, explains Bathiche.

  24. 断裂韧性则同时受晶粒尺寸及微孔的控制。

    Its fracture toughness is controlled by both grain size and micropore.

  25. 微软则计划在今年底让老的服务器退居二线。

    Microsoft expects to decommission the older servers by the end of the year.

  26. 涉及齐次微分多项式的整函数族的正规定则

    Normal Family Related to the Homogeneous Differential Polynomials

  27. 熟悉微软办公软件,若能使用自动制图则更佳。

    Conversant with use of Microsoft office. Would be an advantage if incumbent can use AUTOCAD.

  28. 一类求数值微分的正则化方法及算例

    A Regularization Method and Example for the Numerical Differentiation

  29. 微效不育基因完全纯合,则不育起点温度不会漂变。

    The critical temperature for sterility should be invariable if whole minor effect genes were homozygous.

  30. 英国及欧洲长期债券孳息微升, 但美国则无变动。

    Long term yields marginally higher in the UK and Europe but little changed in the US.