







汉语拼音:téng xùn



  1. Relatively few users actually pay at all, but they are enough to account for three-quarters of the company's revenue.


  2. Tencent's investment in DST gives it a 10. 26 per cent interest in the Russian group, with power to appoint an observer to its board.


  3. Tencent spokeswoman Catherine Chan said the company often receives central-government officials at its offices.


  4. Sometimes tencent is so not to lose face, want to have split up, and he pulled out a black halfway verification code.


  5. Tencent said only 5m users continued to be affected by the dispute as of Wednesday, suggesting that the majority had picked QQ over 360.


  6. In 2005, there was a big debate within the company over whether they should develop its own search technology or partner with someone.


  7. "The U. S. media say Yao has formally decided to retire, Chinese superstar says goodbye to NBA, " reads the headline of Tencent Sports.


  8. On the side of operation , TM requires users to bundle up their cell phone numbers with Tencent IM system to log in and use it for free .


  9. The strength of this revenue base means the company is hardly affected by the advertising downturn that has hit China.


  1. 击退腾讯和百度

    Fending off Tencent and Baidu

  2. 腾讯手机频道查看更多。

    And now, about that nap. zzz.

  3. 做企业不能太腾讯了!

    Do a business cannot too Tecent!

  4. 腾讯科技做现场直播报道。

    Leaps the news science and technology to make scene direct seeding report.

  5. 腾讯游戏上半年是大丰收的。

    Tencent a big game half of the harvest.

  6. 腾讯游戏上半年是大丰收得。

    Tencent a big game half of the harvest.

  7. 主要介绍了腾讯公司及其公司发展。

    In this part, the company and its development is mainly discussed.

  8. 腾讯游戏嘉年华,时尚娱乐新主张!

    Tencent carnival games, the new entertainment that fashion!

  9. 腾讯娱乐独家稿件转载请注明出处!

    Tencent entertainment exclusive reprint articles, please reference!

  10. 腾讯帝国开始浮现在公众的视野之内。

    Tecent empire begins to emerge in the eye shot in the public.

  11. 腾讯帝国开始浮现在公众得视野之内。

    Tecent empire begins to emerge in the eye shot in the public.

  12. 第二章研究腾讯公司的相关理论基础。

    Chapter Two tells the relating and theories of Tencent marketing.

  13. 如腾讯目前的游戏收入就在不断提升。

    Tencent games such as current income in the continuous upgrading.

  14. 第二章研究腾讯公司得相关理论基础。

    Chapter Two tells the relating and theories of Tencent marketing.

  15. 腾讯公司对作弊行为定义保留最终解释权。

    Tencent Company reserves right to interpret the definition of cheating.

  16. 研发腾讯的自然语言处理和文本挖掘平台。

    The goal is to build the natural language processing and text mining platform in Tencent.

  17. 腾讯在推出新产品方面一向有着优良记录。

    Tencent has a strong track record in launching new products.

  18. 网络游戏仍然是拉动腾讯业绩增长得主动力。

    Network game is remained draw the power that uses growth of Tecent outstanding achievement.

  19. 其他合作公司还包括网络巨头腾讯和优酷。

    Other corporate partners include the Internet giants Tencent and Youku.

  20. 要知道,腾讯是2003年才进入门户网站竞争行列。

    Want to know,tencent was 2003 just enter range of portal website competition.

  21. 在腾讯网上,目前已经有超过4万条相关评论。

    On the Web site of chat service QQ. com, over 40,000 comments have been left so far.

  22. 得到记者反映, 腾讯公司立即组织工作人员调查。

    Get the reporter is mirror red, decent company organizes a staff member to investigate instantly.

  23. 网络游戏仍然是拉动腾讯业绩增长的主动力。

    Network game is remained draw the power that uses growth of Tecent outstanding achievement.

  24. 金融危机对于腾讯的广告业务也有很大的杀伤力。

    Financial crisis also has very great power to the ad business of Tecent.

  25. 金融危机对于腾讯得广告业务也有很大得杀伤力。

    Financial crisis also has very great power to the ad business of Tecent.

  26. 腾讯就可以把这个号码继续在网上拍卖出租了。

    Tecent can continue this number in the auction on the net to rent.

  27. 腾讯成功运用多样化策略的一个例子是在线广告。

    One example of Tencent's successful diversification is online advertising.

  28. 腾讯成功运用多样化策略得一个例子是在线广告。

    One example of Tencent's successful diversification is online advertising.

  29. 朱明跃首先向腾讯科技回顾了他的创业历程。

    Zhu Mingyue reviewed his pioneering course to Tecent and technology above all.

  30. 朱明跃首先向腾讯科技回顾了他得创业历程。

    Zhu Mingyue reviewed his pioneering course to Tecent and technology above all.


  1. 问:腾讯拼音怎么拼?腾讯的读音是什么?腾讯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腾讯的读音是téng xùn,腾讯翻译成英文是 Tencent, a Chinese internet company best known f...

  2. 问:腾讯网拼音怎么拼?腾讯网的读音是什么?腾讯网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腾讯网的读音是TéngxùnWǎng,腾讯网翻译成英文是 Tencent, China's largest and most used Internet s...

  3. 问:腾讯QQ拼音怎么拼?腾讯QQ的读音是什么?腾讯QQ翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腾讯QQ的读音是,腾讯QQ翻译成英文是 Tencent QQ

  4. 问:腾讯微博拼音怎么拼?腾讯微博的读音是什么?腾讯微博翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腾讯微博的读音是,腾讯微博翻译成英文是 Tencent Weibo

  5. 问:腾讯视频拼音怎么拼?腾讯视频的读音是什么?腾讯视频翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腾讯视频的读音是,腾讯视频翻译成英文是 QQLive




