







汉语拼音:qún shū








  1. Surprised to see some of those names on the most well-read list?


  2. The trees like the longings of the earth standa-tiptoe to peed at the heaven.


  3. Director Gao told the media that the film was inspired by a real crime case several years ago.


  4. Mining bee stuffed sweet flowers, group of people reading the book out the truth.


  5. The so-called ventral visual desire is empty, the only group in order to enjoy the book.


  6. Mr. Gao thanked the jury for the award, saying that he didn't expect to win.


  7. The development of this system provides convenience for people to reade-book on the Networkthe , and people can read all the books in house.


  8. I spent three hours browsing in Young-poong bookstore.


  9. From an early age to study hard, wide base table book, so knowledgeable, engineering poetry, good painting and calligraphy.


  1. 博览群书的人

    an omnivorous reader.

  2. 她博览群书,修身养性。

    She cultivated her mind by reading many books.

  3. 饱读群书和精读

    Voracious and indiscriminate reader sb may very well be learning all these is to know in a very limited area

  4. 博览群书,然后大量舍弃。

    Read much, but have read, discard much.

  5. 博览群书,可裨补阙漏。

    One can greatly benefit by reading extensively.

  6. 博览群书,可裨补阙漏。

    One can greatly benefit by reading extensively.

  7. 他博览群书,精通坟典。

    He reads quite extensively and knows a lot about the classics.

  8. 他博览群书,精通坟典。

    He reads quite extensively and knows a lot about the classics.

  9. 他是个博览群书的人。

    He is a man of wide reading.

  10. 博览群书扩大我们的知识面.

    Wide-ranging reading broadens our mind.

  11. 他常花许多小时浏览群书。

    He often spends many hours browsing among his books.

  12. 博览群书会增加你的词汇量。

    Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.

  13. 他对于她的博览群书感到惊讶。

    He was surprised at her breadth of reading.

  14. 只有披览群书,才能博学多才。

    He studies hard and he often reads books until late at night.

  15. 她通过博览群书增长自己的见识。

    She cultivated her mind by reading widely

  16. 我知道他是个博览群书的人。

    I know him to be a great reader.

  17. 只有披览群书,才能博学多才。

    You must read enormous numbers of books before you become learned and versatile.

  18. 我们应该博览群书来扩大我们的知识面。

    We shall do a lot of read to widen the range of our knowledge.

  19. 他博览群书,你知道吗?博览群书,然后大量舍弃。

    He reads a lot, you know?

  20. 我对他的博览群书也颇感惊讶。

    I was astonished, too, at the vast extent of his reading.

  21. 她博览群书,会通中外,是有名的才女。

    It is proclaimed in writing here to forbid selling of pornographic books.

  22. 天文地理无所不看, 博览群书, 汗牛充栋。

    Astronomy and geography anything, Expo Group, a voluminous.

  23. 他是一个博览群书,颇为文雅的男人。

    He is a well-read and cultured man.

  24. 她博览群书,会通中外,是有名的才女。

    She is a well-known talented girl, having read a lot of books and achieved mastery through a comprehension of things at home and abroad.

  25. 读书有成效不在于博览群书, 而在于读有用的书。

    It is not wide reading but useful reading that tends to excellence.

  26. 读书有成效不在于博览群书,而在于读有用得书。

    It is not wide reading but useful reading that tends to excellence.

  27. 我当时博览群书,一心想要回到现实中来。

    I was reading more widely and wanting to come back to reality.

  28. 读书要有成效不在于博览群书,而在于读有用的书。

    It is not wide reading but useful reading that tends to excellence.

  29. 现在他已博览群书,不仅读历史,还读哲学与科学。

    He was widely read now, not only in history, but in philosophy and science.

  30. 博览群书的优点是知识面广,缺陷是缺乏侧重和专长。

    Its broad knowledge against its lack of specialization.




拼音:qún shū 释义:指各类书籍。