


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……


1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……



汉语拼音:jiǎ tǐ






假体 [等效组织(与人体密度近似且相同有效原子数)的物体,用以模拟人体对辐射的吸收及散射反应。水、蜂蜡、合成木等都是作假体当用的材料。  代替人体用的物体,为估计整个人体内相关点的剂量分布情形。假体所用之物质,应与人体组织具有相同的原子序与密度,此乃为构成假体的重要因素。辐射治疗时,为测量等剂量曲线@@@@@isodose curve@@@@@,可用石蜡板或压缩木板做成假体,于其内预先留下数个通当的位置,以便放置游离腔。由于人体内之不均匀性,假体必依人体各部位的组织,加以精密制造。假体内的放射性物质或剂量之分布情形若与人体的分布情形不同,则只要将游离腔放入假体内,使可决定人体(以参考人为主)的成肤和内脏器官等的辐射剂量。#####]
  1. 等效组织(与人体密度近似且相同有效原子数)的物体,用以模拟人体对辐射的吸收及散射反应。水、蜂蜡、合成木等都是作假体当用的材料。  代替人体用的物体,为估计整个人体内相关点的剂量分布情形。假体所用之物质,应与人体组织具有相同的原子序与密度,此乃为构成假体的重要因素。辐射治疗时,为测量等剂量曲线@@@@@isodose curve@@@@@,可用石蜡板或压缩木板做成假体,于其内预先留下数个通当的位置,以便放置游离腔。由于人体内之不均匀性,假体必依人体各部位的组织,加以精密制造。假体内的放射性物质或剂量之分布情形若与人体的分布情形不同,则只要将游离腔放入假体内,使可决定人体(以参考人为主)的成肤和内脏器官等的辐射剂量。



  1. However, the incidence of periprosthetic fracture does not seem to be diminishing with time.


  2. Ceramics have been used to make hip joint prostheses for many years and they still have huge potentials to be developed.


  3. Polymer gel dosimetry has been used to measure the radiotherapy dose homogeneity in a breast phantom for two different treatment methods.


  4. Casting a mirror image from her good eye, Barron created a prosthetic device that she can pop in whenever she goes out in public.


  5. Such prosthesis might be five or 10 years in the future, but our research is at least demonstrating that this is not an impossible idea.


  6. The cost of revision surgery and of the prostheses themselves can be up to four times that of primary surgery.


  7. Aseptic loosening is one of the most frequent long-term complications after joint replacement, which limits the service life of prostheses.


  8. Fractures of the distal femur, proximal tibia, and patella that occur adjacent to a total knee replacement may be very difficult to treat.


  9. The department did not concur with calls that it set up a national registry of women who receive breast implants .


  1. 膝关节假体

    Knee prosthesis.

  2. 组合式假体

    modular hip implant.

  3. 椎间盘假体

    artificial disc prosthesis.

  4. 人工鼻假体

    artificial prosthesis.

  5. 组配式假体

    Modular prostheses.

  6. 膝关节假体置换

    knee prosthesis replacement

  7. 颈椎间盘假体

    cervical disc prosthesis

  8. 膝下假体试装

    Fitting of prosthesis below knee.

  9. 球形轴心式假体

    spherocentral prosthesis

  10. 编织假体缝合法

    suture with weaving prosthesis

  11. 胆道假体置换术

    Replacement of prosthesis in biliary tract

  12. 膝上假体试装

    Fitting of prosthesis above knee.

  13. 组配式股骨假体

    modular femoral prosthesis

  14. 就得寄托于假体设备

    regaining sight is through prosthetic devices.

  15. 假体置换的下腔静脉。

    Prosthetic replacement of the inferior vena cava.

  16. 髌骨关节成形术用假体

    Arthroplasty of patella with prosthesis

  17. 非手术性除去胆道假体

    Nonoperative removal of prosthesis of bile duct

  18. 凝胶假体为成象操作

    Gel prosthesis for imaging procedure

  19. 水袋假体为成象操作

    Water bag prosthesis for imaging procedure

  20. 盐水假体为成象操作

    Saline bag prosthesis for imaging procedure

  21. 舌下囊肿造瘘术用假体

    Fistulization of ranula with prosthesis

  22. 带锁套筒式髓内假体

    Interlocking tubular component

  23. 手关节成形术用合成关节假体

    Arthroplasty of hand with synthetic joint prosthesis

  24. 如果假体破损了,会发生什么?

    What happens if an implant ruptures

  25. 肘关节成形术用限制性假体

    Arthroplasty of knee with constrained prosthesis

  26. 桡骨小头假体置换治疗桡骨小头骨折

    Treatment of radial head fractures by replacement with floating cup radial head prosthesis

  27. 胫骨得假体周围骨折不常见。

    Tibial periprosthetic fractures are less common.

  28. 胫骨的假体周围骨折不常见。

    Tibial periprosthetic fractures are less common.

  29. 瘤段切除,特制人工假体置换。

    tumor segmental resection, special prosthetic replacement.

  30. 肩峰成形术用合成关节假体

    Acromioplasty with synthetic joint prosthesis


  1. 问:假体椎拼音怎么拼?假体椎的读音是什么?假体椎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假体椎的读音是jiǎ tǐ zhuī,假体椎翻译成英文是 pseudocentrous vertebra

  2. 问:假体腔拼音怎么拼?假体腔的读音是什么?假体腔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假体腔的读音是jiǎ tǐ qiāng,假体腔翻译成英文是 pseudocoel

  3. 问:假体装置拼音怎么拼?假体装置的读音是什么?假体装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假体装置的读音是jiǎ tǐ zhuāng zhì,假体装置翻译成英文是 prosthetic appliance

  4. 问:假体腔动物拼音怎么拼?假体腔动物的读音是什么?假体腔动物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假体腔动物的读音是jiǎ tǐ qiāng dòng wù,假体腔动物翻译成英文是 pseudocoelomate

  5. 问:假体蛋白尿拼音怎么拼?假体蛋白尿的读音是什么?假体蛋白尿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假体蛋白尿的读音是jiǎ tǐ dàn bái niào,假体蛋白尿翻译成英文是 false proteinuria


