







汉语拼音:gān quán








  1. 甜美的泉水。

    《荀子·尧问》:“其犹土也,深抇之而得甘泉焉。” 唐 骆宾王 《灵泉颂》:“冥契动天,甘泉涌地。泠泠无极,烝烝不匱。” 许地山 《换巢鸾凤》:“但愿人间一切血泪和汗点,一洒出来就同雨点一样化做甘泉。”

  2. 指美好的水泉。

    宋 曾巩 《齐州北水门记》:“ 济南 多甘泉,名闻者以十数。”

  3. 宫名。故址在今 陕西 淳化 西北 甘泉山 。本 秦 宫。

    汉武帝 增筑扩建,在此朝诸侯王,飨外国客;夏日亦作避暑之处。《三辅黄图·甘泉宫》:“一曰 云阳宫 …… 始皇 二十七年作 甘泉宫 及前殿,筑甬道自 咸阳 属之。 汉武帝 建元 中增广之。周回一十九里,中有 牛首山 ,望见 长安城 。”《汉书·外戚传下·孝成许皇后》:“朕亦当法 孝武皇帝 也,如此则 甘泉 、 建章 可復兴矣。” 唐 李郢 《江上逢王将军》诗:“虬鬚憔悴羽林郎,曾入 甘泉 侍 武皇 。”

  4. 宫名。

    五代 后汉 离宫名。见《新五代史·南汉世家·刘隐》。

  5. 赋名。

    汉 扬雄 撰。《汉书·扬雄传上》:“﹝上﹞召 雄 待詔 承明 之庭。正月,从上 甘泉 还,奏《甘泉赋》以风……天子异焉。”后因以“甘泉”喻指进献主上而受到赏识的文章。 唐 孟浩然 《题长安主人壁》诗:“欲随 平子 去,犹未献《甘泉》。” 明 杨珽 《龙膏记·旅况》:“拂青萍白日寒,禁不住气冲碧汉,竟何年遇主奏《甘泉》?”

  6. 汉 粮仓名。

    《通典·食货十一》:“入粟 甘泉 ,不復告緡。” 明 李贽 《富国名臣总前论》:“又於京师置平準以平物价……不待加赋而国用自足, 太仓 、 甘泉 一岁皆满。”



  1. It has also hurt Oasis' already thin margins, although the airline insists it has not been hit by a wave of cancellations.


  2. Oasis' inaugural flight took off the next day.


  3. And I firmly believe that the game strategies made by Ganquan Groups will gain numerous applause and acclaim.


  4. The water in a Song Dynasty well near the sea still tastes sweet today.


  5. Enforcement of smoking regulations has always been the biggest obstacle to tobacco control, according to Mr. Gan.


  6. Compliance has been lax, said Gan Quan, a senior project officer with the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.


  7. A great poet is a fountain forever overflowing with the water of wisdom and delight .


  8. Kim was carried out of the ring by stretcher and rushed to Desert Springs Hospital.


  9. true feelings like desert's fresh-tasting spring water, can give the thirsty person to give the new life.


  1. 成都荒漠甘泉书店

    Chengdu Stream In The Desert Bookstore

  2. 荒漠之中有甘泉么?荒漠之中有甘泉么?

    Is there water in this desert, is there water in the desert?

  3. 汉甘泉昆明池

    Kunming Pond in Ganquan during the Han Dynasty

  4. 我是他的同学甘泉。

    I am Gan Quan, his classmate.

  5. 常汲之井涌甘泉。

    Draw wells have sweet water.

  6. 用她清新而甜美的甘泉

    And has filled with its freshness and sweetness

  7. 对陕北甘泉美水的研究

    Beauty Study On The Fine Water of Ganquan Northern Shaanxi

  8. 我是一条小溪,你是我的甘泉。

    I am a bourn, you are my mellifluence.

  9. 大地甘泉逐退咸苦之敌。

    The sweet waters of the earth drove back the salt destroyer.

  10. 你知道那里海边有条甘泉吗?

    You know that sweet water spring down there by the sea?

  11. 畅饮吧,否则莫尝比埃里甘泉。

    Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring.

  12. 甘泉航空的首航于第二天起飞。

    Oasis inaugural flight took off the next day.

  13. 谷内树木茂密,甘泉自流,风景也佳。

    Yachi lush trees, Oasis Gravity, the scenery is good.

  14. 洗礼的恩典, 我畅饮着圣水甘泉, 它是。

    God gave for baptism, I am fain to drink.

  15. 沁河流域甘泉沟治沟骨干工程的设计

    Design of backbone project for control of Ganquan ditch in Qinhe Water Basin

  16. 甘泉获准飞越俄国领空只是一次性安排。

    Permission granted to Oasis Airlines to fly over Russian airspace was just a oneoff arrangement.

  17. 太渴了,真想痛快的喝几口甘泉。

    I am really thirsty, I want to have some sweet and refreshing spring water.

  18. 太渴了,真想痛快的喝几口甘泉。

    I am really thirsty, I want to have some sweet and refreshing spring water.

  19. 甘泉6号对大鼠肠系膜微循环的影响

    Effect of ganquan6 on mesenteric microcirculation in rats

  20. 甘泉6号对大鼠肠系膜微循环得影响

    Effect of ganquan6 on mesenteric microcirculation in rats

  21. 我们痛饮知识的甘泉,这个人只是用来漱口。

    Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; this person only gargled.

  22. 论湛甘泉对陈白沙的继承与扬弃

    On Zhan Ganquan's Inheritance and Development of Chen Baisha's Theory

  23. 难道一个源可以同时喷出苦水和甘泉吗?

    Doth a fountain forth at the same place sweet water and bitter

  24. 与海水咫尺相隔的宋井中涌流出汩汩甘泉。

    The water in a Song Dynasty well near the sea still tastes sweet today.

  25. 诗人是一眼甘泉,永远喷涌着智慧与快乐的水。

    A great poet is a fountain forever overflowing with the water of wisdom and delight.

  26. 诗人是一眼甘泉,永远喷涌着智慧与快乐得水。

    A great poet is a fountain forever overflowing with the water of wisdom and delight.

  27. 随后, 金被担架抬出拳击台, 送往沙漠甘泉医院。

    Kim was carried out of the ring by stretcher and rushed to Desert Springs Hospital.

  28. 这笑声对我来说, 就好象是沙漠中的甘泉一样。

    For me, it was like a spring of fresh water in the desert.

  29. 它是我们国家,社会和个人幸福取之不竭的甘泉。

    It has been to us all a copious fountain of national, social, personal happiness

  30. 联邦是我们国家,社会和个人幸福取之不竭的甘泉。

    It has been to us all a copious fountain of national, social, personal happiness.


  1. 问:甘泉拼音怎么拼?甘泉的读音是什么?甘泉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甘泉的读音是gānquán,甘泉翻译成英文是 Sweet spring water; also a source of a sweet wat...

  2. 问:甘泉香港航空拼音怎么拼?甘泉香港航空的读音是什么?甘泉香港航空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甘泉香港航空的读音是,甘泉香港航空翻译成英文是 Oasis Hong Kong Airlines

  3. 问:甘泉香港航空公司拼音怎么拼?甘泉香港航空公司的读音是什么?甘泉香港航空公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甘泉香港航空公司的读音是Gānquán Xiānggǎnghángkōnggōngsī,甘泉香港航空公司翻译成英文是 Oasis Hong Kong , an airline company based in Hong...



“甘泉”是个多义词,它可以指甘泉(书画篆刻艺术家), 甘泉(清代江苏省旧县), 甘泉(汉语词语解释), 甘泉(当代书法家), 甘泉(戴帆著小说《甘泉》), 甘泉(砂梨品种)。