







汉语拼音:diàn miàn






  1. 商店用作门市交易的地方。

    宋 吴自牧 《梦粱录·茶肆》:“今 杭 城茶肆亦如之,插四时花,挂名人画,装点店面。” 鲁迅 《呐喊·孔乙己》:“只有穿长衫的,才踱进店面隔壁的房子里。”

  2. 泛指旅店、商店。

    元 无名氏 《盆儿鬼》第一折:“单则是我家开座店面,在此招接往来客旅。”



  1. "ChinaLot has no direct control over the rollout plan as it is only an equipment supplier, " the bank said.


  2. But they lead me to become disappointed in that there were just a few blocks or stores! !


  3. Most of Aeon's stores lie outside Japan's main cities in regional suburbs where the population tends to be older.


  4. Cai: Referring to this, there should be two or three kind of brands which have done advertisement on TV in one store.


  5. When we were waiting to transfer planes in Inchon, we found a little shop where offers free traditional Korean costumes to try on.


  6. SONY VAIO where the company is now signing dealers, up to 26 Sony retail store management experience in the market.


  7. From the beginning, when he bought Starbucks' six stores from its quirky founders in 1987, he knew what the company could be.


  8. As the store count continued to grow, GNC began producing its own vitamin and mineral supplements as well as foods, beverages and cosmetics.


  9. The restaurant itself is a little ramshackle, but the sublime duck makes it a culinary experience to savour .


  1. 店面总算落成了。

    It's really coming together.

  2. 有些店面你出生前

    I mean, some of them have been there.

  3. 深圳一供40多家店面。

    Shenzhen for a more than 40 stores.

  4. 该店面积达140平方米。

    Shop area of140 square meters.

  5. 店面正对着这条街。

    The storefront opened on to the street.

  6. 店面正对着这条街。

    The storefront opened on to the street.

  7. 这些店面,种植一片绿地

    storefronts right here and put in a green space.

  8. 统一的商标形象和店面形象。

    A unified image and store image of the trademark.

  9. 例如折旧和店面租金等等。

    Examples are depreciation, shop rent, etc.

  10. 设在店面房中的办公室

    a storefront office

  11. 租好了店面,下面要装修了。

    Rent a good store, the following should be renovated.

  12. 两家店面都可以买到票。

    The ticket can be bought on either store.

  13. 两家店面都可以买到票。

    The ticket can be bought on either store.

  14. 这些店面就是为这个团体应运而生。

    These stores are for that core group.

  15. 下曼哈顿各式各样的临街店面

    An eclectic mix of storefronts in Lower Manhattan

  16. 照度高低取决于店面形象要求。

    Light levels vary depending on the store image.

  17. 一些店面在暴乱中受到了破坏。

    A number of storefronts were damaged in the riots.

  18. 我们有自己的店面, 以及这个网站。

    We have our own store as well as this website.

  19. 徕生意, 这家饭店重新装修了店面。

    In order to boost business, this restaurant renovated its appearance.

  20. 管理自营店及经销商店面的形象。

    Manage the shop image of own stores and franchisees.

  21. 你是在家办公还是以外部店面为主?

    Will you be home based or a storefront?

  22. 必须控制好在店面或部门间的转移。

    Transfers between stores or departments must be controlled.

  23. 我这小店面,不能给你进行铺保。

    My shop is so small, I can't be your shop guarantor.

  24. 我这小店面,不能给你进行铺保。

    My shop is so small, I can't be your shop guarantor.

  25. 他们手挽手慢悠悠地逛过一家家店面。

    They dawdled arm in arm past the shopfronts.

  26. 品牌服装卖场店面与橱窗的一体化设计

    The Integrated Design of the Shopfront and the Show Window of a Fashion Brand Shop

  27. 期间, 除了圣诞日, 各家店面要天天营业。

    Meanwhile the stores had to open every single day except Christmas day.

  28. 色彩原理在沿街店面门头设计中的运用

    The Color Function of Modern City Streets Storefront Signboards Design

  29. 为了招徕生意,这家饭店重新装修了店面。

    In order to boost business, this restaurant renovated its appearance.

  30. 如果店面不整洁会给顾客一个坏印象。

    If the ship is untidy, it makes a bad impression on the customers.


  1. 问:店面拼音怎么拼?店面的读音是什么?店面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:店面的读音是diànmiàn,店面翻译成英文是 Façade or front of a shop, hotel or restaurant....


