








1. 荼 [tú]荼 [tú]古书上说的一种苦菜:~毒(“荼”是苦菜,“毒”指毒虫毒蛇之类,喻毒害,如“~~生灵”)。古书上指茅草的白花:如火如~。古同“涂”,涂炭。……



汉语拼音:rú huǒ rú tú





《国语·吴语》:“…望之如荼…望之如火。” 像火那样红,像荼那样白。原形容军容之盛。后用来形容气势旺盛或热烈。荼(tú):一种茅草的白花。



  • 【解释】:荼:茅草的白花。像火那样红,像荼那样白。原比喻军容之盛。现用来形容大规模的行动气势旺盛,气氛热烈。
  • 【出自】:《国语·吴语》:“万人以为方阵,皆白裳,白旗,素甲,白羽之缯,望之如荼。……左军亦如之,皆赤裳,赤𣄊,丹甲,朱羽之矰,望之如火。”
  • 【示例】:过了两年“五四运动”发生了。报纸上的~的记载唤醒了他的被忘却了的青春。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义


  1. Normally at this time of year spring planting would be in full swing, but the drought has made farming impossible in parts of the province.


  2. At the moment, Iran, with its radical ideology and burgeoning nuclear program, is one of Washington's biggest headaches.


  3. He isn't running as an iconoclast on the right but as a return to soft-spoken moderation at a time of tea-party fervor.


  4. She was, for the occasion, a little too emphatic, perhaps, and yet more because of her burning vitality than of her costume.


  5. Outside, the Sino-Japanese war was raging, but I was as safe as a baby in his mother' s womb.


  6. Bauhinia is Like. Bud, like a grain of rice, the sharp detail round. Soon, we will be able to see it Ilex Yan-hong, a passion in full swing.


  7. It was a time of super-easy credit, frenzied financial speculation, and blistering industrial expansion.


  8. Palm Pre developer events are going on all around the world, though, so expect to see more apps for that platform quickly.


  9. In the Soviet Union research was as vigorous as in the United States and showed a similar mix of empirical and basic theoretical approaches.


  1. 他的生意如火如荼。

    He's carrying on a thriving business.

  2. 那本小说卖得如火如荼。

    The novel was selling like a bomb.

  3. 在投票前夕,竞选活动如火如荼。

    On the eve of the poll, campaigning was bitter.

  4. 竞选活动已经是进行得如火如荼。

    Campaigning is already in full swing.

  5. 全国掀起了如火如荼的改革热潮。

    Reform is catching on like fire throughout the country.

  6. 比如互联网在美国发展得如火如荼

    For instance, the Internet was booming in the U. S.

  7. 山坡上的鲜花如火如荼, 格外艳丽。

    The flowers on the hillside are growing vigorously and are extremely beautiful.

  8. 改革运动在南方如火如荼地开展着。

    Reform was now fully launched in the South.

  9. 国际橄榄球赛季正如火如荼地进行着。

    The international rugby season is in full swing.

  10. 今年四月三十日,洛杉矶暴乱如火如荼。

    On April 30 of this year,the L. A. were in full swing.

  11. 随着选举临近,党组织的活动也如火如荼。

    The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches.

  12. 目前来看, 房地产类股涨势依然如火如荼。

    For now, the party is still in full swing.

  13. 我们到达那里时罢工正进行得如火如荼。

    The strike was in full swing when we arrived there.

  14. 我们的建桥工程如火如荼地开展起来了。

    Our work on the new bridge went ahead like wildfire.

  15. 我们得建桥工程如火如荼地开展起来了。

    Our work on the new bridge went ahead like wildfire.

  16. 炎炎夏日, 记录片在各大影院如火如荼上映

    Handful of Documentaries Hit Theatres for Summer Season

  17. 我也完成了发动机设计和组装是如火如荼。

    I have also finished the engine design and assembly is well underway.

  18. 事实上,许多国家正如火如荼的 在展开改革。

    And in fact, a number of countries are starting to make progress on a number of points.

  19. 我们只停了十分钟来欣赏如火如荼的秋色。

    We stopped sniping all of ten minutes to see the fiery colors of the autumn.

  20. 各地培训双节棍教练员, 组织武术大赛, 如火如荼。

    Instructors were trained and big tournaments were organized.

  21. 你想让你的嘴变成炒勺吗?五味杂陈, 如火如荼。

    Would you like some flavors that make your mouth come alive something to let your mouth on fire?

  22. 庆祝牙买加节的准备工作正开展得如火如荼。

    Plans are rolling full steam ahead for the Jamaica Festival.

  23. 树叶长得很茂盛,花也开得如火如荼,非常引人注目。

    Leaves grown very lush, flowers are opening in full swing, very compelling.

  24. 逊尼派阿拉伯人的叛乱也在如火如荼地展开。

    The Sunni Arab insurgency is also running in high gear.

  25. 广场四周,各类民间艺人的展演也进行如火如荼。

    Around the square, various performances of folk artists were also in full swing.

  26. 然而,到1946年,对大陆漂移说的战斗进行得如火如荼。

    By1946, however, the battle over continental drift was in full swing.

  27. 南美洲的农民们以放火烧荒一般的速度如火如荼地垦地。

    South America's farmers are clearing acres as fast as they can burn them.

  28. 基因组计划进行得如火如荼,研究人员都充分地表现自我。

    The genome project thrived on big egos.

  29. 各种初级赛事也为下一年度的伦理杯如火如荼的进行中。

    Preliminary matches are in full swing for the next annual Ethics Bowl.

  30. 骤起的劳工运动如火如荼地使自己登上了当地的政治舞台。

    The emerging labor movement threw itself into local politics with enthusiasm.


  1. 问:如火如荼拼音怎么拼?如火如荼的读音是什么?如火如荼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:如火如荼的读音是rúhuǒrútú,如火如荼翻译成英文是 magnificent


