







汉语拼音:zá suì







  1. The two thieves immediately smashed the window of the shop with iron bars and began to help themselves to diamonds and other jewelry.

  2. "All my boxes had been opened, the windows smashed, my flowerpots knocked over, but nothing was missing, " said the old woman.

  3. The way to turn off the warning light is not to smash it out, but to find the problem.

  4. for if you do, I shall hit your horse on the head, so that he will drop dead on the spot, and there will be an end of him.

  5. Hughes steadied himself and managed to punch out five windows, all the while trying to keep Rogers calm.

  6. If you're planning on getting rid of an old computer, make sure you remove the hard drive first and smash it up with a hammer.

  7. Ms. Osbourne, for her part, tried to run him over with a car, smashing his gold records with a hammer and taking out a restraining order.

  8. Strikers occasionally turned violent, smashing the windows of taxis that continued to operate and pulling their drivers from the vehicles.

  9. She was just in time to see Brasi thrust violently at the bundle, crushing the newborn infant against Filomena's chest .


  1. 打得稀烂, 砸碎, 粉碎

    break into shards

  2. 球砸碎了窗户。

    The ball shattered the window.

  3. 瓶子被砸碎了。

    The bottle was shattered to pieces.

  4. 石头砸碎了挡风玻璃。

    The stone shattered the windscreen.

  5. 罪犯砸碎镣铐逃走了。

    The criminal broke the chains and escaped.

  6. 他用铁锤把石头砸碎。

    He crushed the rock to small pieces with a hammer.

  7. 无产者终于砸碎了锁链!

    The proles are breaking loose at last!

  8. 他用石头砸碎了窗户。

    He smashed the window with a stone.

  9. 把它收好, 免得砸碎了。

    Put that away before it gets broken.

  10. 他们把那只箱子砸碎了。

    They thumped the box broken.

  11. 他们砸碎我的窗子并威胁我。

    They broke my windows and threatened me.

  12. 砸碎现在有4秒的冷却时间。

    Overhead Smash now has a 4 seconds cooldown.

  13. 树木呗吹向房子,砸碎玻璃

    Trees were thrown against the house, the windows exploded.

  14. 她勃然大怒,把镜子砸碎了。

    She smashed the mirror in her fury.

  15. 狂暴的工人开始砸碎全部的玻璃

    A berserk worker who started smashing all the windows.

  16. 他一气之下砸碎了花瓶。

    In a rage, he broke the vase.

  17. 我们一定要砸碎奴隶制的锁链。

    We must break the chains of slavery.

  18. 他们发现有两用窗子给砸碎了。

    They found two of the windows smashed.

  19. 别理他。不然他会砸碎你的头。

    Leave him alone, or he will blow your head off.

  20. 有几扇玻璃窗被砸碎了。

    Several of the windows were broken.

  21. 棵树倒下来,把它砸碎了。

    It was shattered by a falling tree.

  22. 你刚刚砸碎了我的难题箱。

    You just smashed my puzzle box.

  23. 天灾被砸碎在你的武器之下吗?

    Have the Scourge crumbled beneath your weapon?

  24. 接着,突然传来一阵玻璃的砸碎声。

    Then all of a sudden there was a crash of breaking glass.

  25. 我用电熨斗砸碎了她的头。

    With electric iron. Smashed her head in.

  26. 他用方糖夹钳砸碎了小玻璃容器。

    He broke the capsule with his tongs.

  27. 我要砸碎你的脑袋还有你的烂厨房。

    I'm going to kick your brains all over your fucking kitchen.

  28. 这些小家伙用球砸碎了我的窗户。

    The little devils broke my window with their ball.

  29. 接着, 突然传来一阵玻璃得砸碎声。

    Then all of a sudden there was a crash of breaking glass.

  30. 把核桃砸开,但不要把核桃仁砸碎了。

    Try to crack the walnut without breaking the kernel.


  1. 问:砸碎拼音怎么拼?砸碎的读音是什么?砸碎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砸碎的读音是zásuì,砸碎翻译成英文是 to break into pieces; smash; shatter





【解释】 1、〖shiver;pulverize;decimate〗∶用坚硬的工具把完整的东西击碎 示例:砸碎玻璃 2.、〖overthrow;overturn〗∶比喻推翻旧社会旧制度 示例:砸碎吃人的旧社会