







汉语拼音:nèn cǎo






  1. Older men often date younger women in an attempt to recapture this lost state of youthful adventure, but it rarely, if ever, works.


  2. She doesn't have to close her eyes and dream of the sweet smell of fresh grass and the gentle breeze coming up from the pasture.


  3. He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning , like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth .


  4. There were no old leaves or branches on the water, and fresh grass grew around the spring and it was always clear and calm.


  5. With fewer bison , grass shoots were not eater, so grass did not grow as strongly .


  6. When he got married with his wife, many people said that he had robbed the cradle.


  7. One of the other reasons why relationships with younger women end badly is because the entire relationship resembles a honeymoon.


  8. For the waters of Nimrim shall be desolate: for the hay is withered away, the grass failed, there is no green thing.


  9. The smell of grass soaked in morning dew remains for a little while .


  1. 当老牛碰上嫩草当老牛碰上嫩草

    How Stella Fot Her Grover Back

  2. 当老牛碰上嫩草

    How Stella Got Her Groove Back

  3. 大地被一片嫩草盖着。

    The land is blanketed by the tender grass.

  4. 那个男人居然老牛吃嫩草!

    That man is robbing the cradle!

  5. 田里到处都是绵羊在吃嫩草。

    The field was full of sheep feeding on the new grass.

  6. 人家是想吃嫩草拉!别拆穿人家拉!真是得!

    HUANIs my girlfriend to be goI will dote on you well, believe me!

  7. 公园里无耻一幕。真正的老牛吃嫩草!

    In the park, the impudent real act old cattle eat the browse!

  8. 你不要老牛吃嫩草,她对你而言太年轻了。

    Don't rob the cradle, she is too young for you.

  9. 他真的是老牛吃嫩草。他太太整整比他小20岁。

    He is a cradle robber. His wife is 20 years younger than him.

  10. 他与太太结婚时, 很多讲他是老牛吃嫩草。

    When he got married with his wife, many people said that he had robbed the cradle.

  11. 你知道我那个老混蛋居然啃嫩草?怎么可能呢?

    Windy Do you know my old bastard has a twinkie How could that possibly be true.

  12. 他与太太结婚时, 很多人讲他是老牛吃嫩草。

    When he married his wife, most people said that he is like an old cow eating tender grass.

  13. 野牛少了,嫩草没有牛吃,草就长得不象以前那样茂盛了。

    With fewer bison, grass shoots were not eater, so grass did not grow as strongly.

  14. 四月嫩草萌发。

    April brought the first flush of grass.

  15. 乾草割去,嫩草发现,山上的菜蔬,也被收敛。

    The hay appeareth, and the tender grass sheweth itself, and herbs of the mountains are gathered.

  16. 干草割去,嫩草发现

    When the hay is removed and new growth appears.

  17. 那女人老牛吃嫩草哦。

    That woman is robbing the cradle.

  18. 松嫩草地虎尾草光合与蒸腾作用的研究

    Photosynthesis and evaporation of Chloris yirgata in alkalized meadow on Songnen plain of China

  19. 松嫩草地五脉山黧豆地上生育规律及生物量的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Aboveground Growth Rule and Biomass of Lathyrus quinquenervius in Songnen Grassland

  20. 小草偷偷地从土里钻出来, 嫩嫩的, 绿绿的。

    The grass drills secretly from the earth, tender, green.

  21. 刷状兰色到熏衣草色花的小型嫩草本植物。

    small tender herb grown for its fluffy brushlike blue to lavender blooms.

  22. 那曾是个可爱的花园, 长满了嫩绿的青草。

    It was a lovely garden, with soft green grass.

  23. 松嫩平原星星草分蘖丛构件的定量分析

    Quantitative Characters on Modules of Tiller Tuft of Puccinellia Tenuiflora in the Songnen Plains of China

  24. 这里的草都叫杨玉环, 丰腴, 嫩泽, 充满肉质的诱惑。

    All grass here have the same name of Yang Yuhuan. They are plump, succulent and would arouse ones carnal desire.

  25. 松嫩平原栽培条件下羊草无性系构件的结构

    Module structure of Leymus chinensis clones under cultivated condition in Songnen Plains of China

  26. 松嫩草原羊草与其主要伴生种竞争与共存研究

    Competition and Coexistence of Leymus Chinensis and its Main Companion Species in the Songnen Grasslands

  27. 松嫩平原两个生态型羊草叶构件异速生长规律

    Allometry regulation of leaf module for two ecotypes of Leymus chinensis in Songnen Plain, China

  28. 松嫩平原不同生境条件下羊草无性系的生长规律

    Growth patterns of Leymus chinensis clones under different habitat conditions in Songnen Plain of China

  29. 松嫩平原两种趋异类型羊草对干旱胁迫的生理响应

    Physiological response of two divergent Leymus chinensis types to drought stress in the Songnen Plain

  30. 松嫩平原人工草地羊草和野大麦叶种群的趋同生长格局

    Convergent growth patterns of leaf populations of Leymus chinensis and Hordeum brevisubulatum of cultivated pasture on the Songnen Plains of China





【释义】 乔木和灌木的幼苗、嫩枝和叶,常用作牛和别的动物的饲料。