




1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:xī shǔ







  1. 谓一一列举。

    《礼记·儒行》:“遽数之,不能终其物;悉数之,乃留更僕未可终也。” 宋 王安石 《上仁宗皇帝言事书》:“若夫迎新将故之劳,缘絶簿书之弊,固其害之少者,不足悉数也。” 清 端方 《请改定官制以为立宪预备折》:“凡此等等,悉数难终。”

  2. 全部。

    宋 苏洵 《管仲论》:“虽 桓公 幸而听 仲 ,诛此三人,而其餘者, 仲 能悉数而去之邪?” 周立波 《张满贞》:“ 张满贞 把玻璃片子悉数扫进撮箕里,亲自端到屋后山肚里去了。”



  1. His former life of freedom and happiness is all but buried as the new social order makes its demands on him.

  2. Who ever heard of a cobbler saying that there was no such thing as boots, or a tailor maintaining that all men are really naked?

  3. He also reported closing out his stake in several companies and introduced a handful of new companies from various market sectors.

  4. Another bad hit, and the UN, holed up in its fortresses, will wonder about being in the country in any numbers at all.

  5. If you have ever lost weight on a diet only to gain it all back, you were probably as perplexed as you were disappointed.

  6. In general, a war must pass three tests to be justified. A country must first have exhausted all other means of defending itself.

  7. Sometimes I find my dreams leave me feeling so odd that I have to confess all to the colleague in question the next day.

  8. The plane ran into a towering wall of thunderstorms over the Atlantic Ocean. Officials fear all aboard are lost.

  9. One day, when the whole world shall have been redeemed, all creation shall be able to speak, as in the olden times of which the poets sing.


  1. 残敌悉数虏获。

    The remaining enemies were all captured.

  2. 这项议案悉数通过。

    This proposal was carried, with no votes against.

  3. 这项议案悉数通过。

    This proposal was carried, with no votes against.

  4. 有谁能够悉数他的美德?

    Who can recount all his virtues?

  5. 崂山土地要员悉数倒台前后

    The whole story of the land and resource administration bureau officials fell from power

  6. 我们重申我们渴望并愿意悉数保管档案。

    We have reiterated our desire and readiness to take full custody of the archives.

  7. 尽悉数的努力来进步孩子们的留意力。

    All effort should be made to improve the attention of the child.

  8. 每笔捐赠无论多少,都会悉数统计在内。

    Remember every donation counts, no matter how small.

  9. 将他人眼中的奢侈品,悉数尽收门下。

    Collect all the luxuries in others' eyes.

  10. 原本各自为战的业务板块将被悉数整合。

    The business that is battle severally originally board piece will be alled integrated.

  11. 学界的经典文献也未被悉数翻译成中文。

    Related classics were not fully translated into Chinese.

  12. 版面有限,无法悉数刊载我们收到的所有来信。

    There was not enough space to print all the letters we received.

  13. 并将许根太的同伙悉数抓获, 但许根太却侥幸逃脱。

    And too many root of all associates arrested, but too many root but managed to escape.

  14. 想去拯救伤员的医疗班担架手也被悉数杀死。

    Stretcher bearers from the medic section were shot when they tried to save wounded soldiers.

  15. 专责小组收到的书面意见,已悉数载附于附件。

    A full set of written submissions received by the Task Force has been included in the Annexes.

  16. 本次晚会中所筹的捐款将悉数捐给深圳的慈善机构。

    The total amount raised will be given to a charity organization in Shenzhen.

  17. 思量到可以让悉数差此外在你的雷同质量差的缓解身分。

    Taking such mitigating factors into consideration could make all the difference in the quality of your communication.

  18. 上汽依维柯红岩这次带来的车型,悉数是轻量化产品。

    Iveco Hongyan SAIC brought this model, all are lightweight products.


  1. 问:悉数拼音怎么拼?悉数的读音是什么?悉数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悉数的读音是xīshǔ,悉数翻译成英文是 every single one; to explain clearly



词目:悉数 属性:多音词

近义词:全部、所有、一切、完全、全数 释义: Xī shǔ:全部数出;完全列举(一一悉数) Xī shù:全数;尽数(悉数奉还) (1)指全部。 苏洵《管仲论》:“仲能悉数而去之邪?” (2)指完全地说出来。 《礼记·儒行》:“遽数之不能终其物,悉数之,乃留。更仆未可终也。”