






1. 片 [piàn]2. 片 [piān]片 [piàn]平而薄的物体:卡~。名~。切削成薄的形状:~肉片。少,零星:~段(整体当中的一段)。~刻。~面。~甲不存。指较大地区内划分的较小地区:分~儿开会。〔~假名〕日本文所用的楷书字母。量……



汉语拼音:yù mǐ piàn






  1. Serena yawns, stretching her arms over her head, as she pads into the kitchen in her bare feet, where Nate's making nachos.


  2. Pouring Corn Flakes into a bowl at the age of four without asking permission from my mum.


  3. But William is too busy eating his cornflake and engrossed in his own microcosm while pretending to be an observant critic of China.


  4. When a dozen customers are jostling at the till trying to buy the same packet of cornflakes it probably means the price is too low.


  5. If you want to sit on the couch in an old T-shirt and shorts while munching on Doritos, no one will give you any flack for doing so.


  6. As you can tell, Limited Edition Tim McGraw Spicy Jalapeno Frito Corn Chips aren't for everybody, but those who love them, truly love them.


  7. They ate stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes on toast for breakfast the next day.


  8. Burger King lost their way when, in the 80s, they decided to diversify out of burgers into nachos, chicken, pizzas etc.


  9. Step up to the plate. Tortilla chips, chili, pico de gallo, shredded lettuce, jalapenos, quesos sauce, salsa and sour cream.


  1. 盒装玉米片

    cartoned cornflakes.

  2. 黑甜玉米片

    black sweet corn flakes

  3. 我喜欢吃玉米片。

    Corn flakes are my favorite.

  4. 你们有玉米片吗?

    Do you have things like corn flakes?

  5. 我们俩都喜欢玉米片。

    We both like cornflakes.

  6. 我早餐喜欢吃玉米片。

    I like cornflakes for breakfast.

  7. 一盒特大包装的玉米片

    a jumbo pack of cornflakes.

  8. 为晚会买些花生和玉米片。

    Buy peanuts and corn chips for the party.

  9. 还吃了一整盒的玉米片

    And I Ate An Entire Box Of Cereal.

  10. 我早餐有牛奶和糖的玉米片。

    I had cornflakes with milk and sugar for breakfast.

  11. 一碗加了糖和奶油的玉米片。

    A bowl of cornflakes with sugar and cream.

  12. 杰森正想从袋子里抓几片玉米片。

    Jason is about to grab some from the bag.

  13. 我抓了一把标准玉米片到碗里

    I drop a handful of standard cornflakes into the bowl

  14. 油炸的、薄的玉米粉面片。

    Thin piece of cornmeal dough fried.

  15. 这片玉米地种得都是优良品种, 亩产能达到850斤!

    The corn in the field has good seed strain. It can yield 850 kg per mu.

  16. 这片玉米地种的都是优良品种,亩产能达到850斤!

    The corn in the field has good seed strain. It can yield 850 kg per mu.

  17. 这片玉米地种的都是优良品种,亩产能达到850斤!

    The corn in the field has good seed strain. It can yield 850kg per mu.

  18. 这片玉米地下伏土层中出土了一个有考古价值的古墓。

    An archaeologically valuable ancient tomb was unearthed in the underlying soil of this corn field.

  19. 这片玉米地下伏土层中出土了一个有考古价值得古墓。

    An archaeologically valuable ancient tomb was unearthed in the underlying soil of this corn field.

  20. 顺道说说,这是一个巧克力片玉米片曲奇!

    btw, its a Chocolate Chip Corn Flake Cookie!

  21. 油炸的,薄的玉米粉面片。将奶油和面粉合成面团。

    Thin piece of cornmeal dough fried. Mix the butter and flour into a paste.

  22. 玉米片也没有发明。

    The cornflake hadn't been invented.

  23. 约翰,你喜欢玉米片吗

    John, do you like cornflakes

  24. 珍妮不喜欢玉米片,但约翰喜欢。

    Janet does not like cornflakes, but John does.

  25. 奥森,玉米片有什么紧急的?

    Orson, how are cornnuts urgent?

  26. 我不是靠做玉米片谋生的。

    I do not make cornflakes for a living.

  27. 黑甜玉米片发酵乳的研制

    Research on Fermented Milk with Black Sweet Corn Flakes

  28. 蓝莓松饼, 玉米片和一杯橙汁。

    A blueberry pancake, corn flakes, and a glass of orange juice.

  29. 阿蓝莓饼,玉米片,和一杯橙汁。

    A blueberry pancake, corn flakes, and a glass of orange juice.

  30. 有,除了玉米片,我们还有脆米花。

    Yes, we have corn flakes and rice krispies as well.


  1. 问:玉米片拼音怎么拼?玉米片的读音是什么?玉米片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玉米片的读音是,玉米片翻译成英文是 Corn flakes



玉米片是一种新型快餐食品,保存时间长、便于携带,既可直接食用,又可加工成其它食品。可以与冷牛奶和酸奶混 合食用,作为早餐。