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汉语拼音:rēng qì
Part of its attraction was the tremendous racket you could make by scraping a stick along the corrugated sides as you went through.
当你穿过的时候,它的吸引部份是你藉由沿着缩成皱纹的边扔弃一根根可以制造的巨大球拍。Once that ink runs out, another stick goes in, and there's nothing that needs to be thrown away or recycled.
一旦墨跑出来,则另一根墨棒会进去,并且没有什么需要扔弃或回收。Untreated sewage and mercury-contaminated sludge continue to be dumped haphazardly.
不经处理的污水,被水银污染的泥土不断的随意扔弃。It has already become a tumour of production, consumption and reckless wastage for both my country and the whole world.
恣意生产,恣意消费,随意扔弃。已成为我国乃至世界环境的一大毒瘤。You must be very unhappy when you saw somebody throwing litters in public place .
当你看见别人在公共场合扔弃废物时,你一定很不开心。President Barack Obama has told the US credit card industry to scrap unfair interest rate hikes and to be more transparent and accountable.
美国总统奥巴马建议美国信用卡行业扔弃不公平的高利率,做到更透明,更责任化。Then we started having word processors and computers and laptops, and suddenly we're in a cycle of tossing stuff out.
后来我们开始有了文字处理机,电脑和笔记本电脑,突然间我们就生活在一个把东西不断扔弃的圈子里了。Abandoned and robbed by his transporter, T-Bag is on foot in the Mexican desert.
那两个带他过关的人洗劫了西奥多,将他扔弃在墨西哥沙漠里。I learned early in Australia that the time to photograph them is now - it is too late when they have all been scrapped.
Half the food produced in the USA is currently thrown away.
请将用过的湿巾扔弃, 不可冲洗重复使用。
The used wipes shall be discarded. Never allow reuse.
起初, 消费者随意的扔弃一个塑料袋都不以为然。
Initially, it costs the consumer nothing to throw away a plastic bag.
Initially,it costs the consumer nothing to throw away a plastic bag.
Untreated sewage and mercurycontaminated sludge continue to be dumped haphazardly.
在某些情况下, 英雄的遗体甚至被扔弃在集体墓地中。
And in some cases, remains had even been tossed aside into a massive pile.
Hillary signs were abandoned on chairs and trampled under foot.
A good wife lost is god's gift lost.
So he scraped clearing ground he found a small golden key.
科比拼抢到了这个关键篮板, 并把球高高扔弃, 让时间耗尽。
Bryant grabbed the rebound and threw the ball down court as time expired.