


高兴,快乐:欢~。~悦。~讯。~剧。~气。~色。~幸。~乐(lè ㄌㄜˋ)。~洋洋。欢天~地。欣~若狂。可庆贺的,特指关于结婚的:~事。~酒。~糖。~蛋。~联。~幛。~雨。~报。~庆。贺~。报~。妇女怀孕:害~。她有~了。爱好:~爱。~好(……





汉语拼音:xǐ xùn








  1. 好消息;使人高兴的消息。

    鲁迅 《花边文学·谁在没落》:“这是一个喜讯,值得我们高兴的。” 巴金 《家》二:“﹝ 琴小姐 ﹞一双水汪汪的大眼睛发光地盯着他的脸,好象得到了一个大喜讯似的。” 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·生命之树常绿》:“喜讯频繁,捷报纷传。”



  1. Now on to the good news. I believe adding Shaq was a great move, and I'm very excited about playing with him.


  2. Sotto voce, there was also joy that Japan's "nuclear village" appears to be back in business.


  3. Women, though, seem to feel this pressure to smile at the happy news of others more than men.


  4. One piece of good news through the long night, coming from the distant highlands of Brazil.


  5. Surrounded by 400 others of my Legionary family, I felt this to be a part of our call to evangelize China, my extended family and patria .


  6. A tiny little chick hatches from the egg and the children set off on an adventure to find the chick's mummy.


  7. When Iran knocked the United States out of the 1998 World Cup, the defeat of the Great Satan was widely celebrated.


  8. The joy which Miss Darcy expressed on receiving similar information, was as sincere as her brother's in sending it.


  9. Right after that pleasant news, he had to drive to the local Goodwill store to drop off the stuff to be given away.


  1. 喜讯频传。

    Good news kept pouring in.

  2. 寄语亲人报喜讯。

    Send our dear ones the happy news.

  3. 他带来了喜讯。

    He brought glad tidings.

  4. 带来了喜讯, 同时,

    Brought tidings of the same

  5. 听到喜讯真是高兴。

    I’m so glad to hear that.

  6. 喜讯传来, 举国欢腾。

    There was nationwide rejoicing at the good news.

  7. 喜讯传来,举国欢腾。

    There was nationwide rejoicing at the good news.

  8. 喜讯圣诞节和新年快乐。

    Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  9. 喜讯不久就传布开来。

    The happy news soon came abroad.

  10. 喜讯传来, 人们奔走相告。

    On hearing the good news, they lost no time telling everybody.

  11. 澳喜讯安慰和喜悦。

    O tidings of comfort and joy.

  12. 喜讯很快就传开了。

    The happy news soon circled round.

  13. 丰收喜讯传遍了全国。

    The news of a bumper harvest has spread over the length and breadth of the country.

  14. 喜讯传来, 全家兴高采烈。

    When the good news arrived, the family was on top of the world.

  15. 喜讯传来,全家兴高采烈。

    When the good news arrived, the family was on top of the world.

  16. 喜讯传来, 他心情很好。

    The good news put him in fine fettle.

  17. 喜讯传来使她精神倍增。

    The good news put her in fine fettle.

  18. 我听到这个喜讯非常高兴。

    I was overjoyed with at this good news.

  19. 这些喜讯却使敌人胆战心惊。

    The good tidings, however, struck fear into the hearts of the enemies.

  20. 喜讯传来,人们顿时欢呼起来。

    People broke into cheers as soon as they heard the good news.

  21. 自由的灾难是自由敌人的莫大喜讯。

    The tragedy of freedom is the evangel for its enemy.

  22. 听到这个喜讯真是让人兴奋。

    I’m so excited by the news.

  23. 对我来说这消息是个喜讯。

    The news is a great satisfaction to me.

  24. 我回来啦,还带来一个喜讯。

    Hi, I'm home. And I've got good news.

  25. 看起来还挺乐观的,我挺期待喜讯的

    And seems optimistic. I'm hoping for good news.

  26. 我从收音机里听到这则喜讯。

    I heard the happy news on the radio.

  27. 胜利的喜讯很快就传开了。

    The news of victory spread rapidly from mouth to mouth.

  28. 喜讯传遍了祖国的每个角落。

    The good news spread to every corner of the country.

  29. 听到你的特大喜讯我们兴奋异常。

    We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news.

  30. 他们立即把喜讯传给家里的同志们。

    They lost no time in sending the joyful news to their comrads at home.


  1. 问:喜讯拼音怎么拼?喜讯的读音是什么?喜讯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:喜讯的读音是xǐxùn,喜讯翻译成英文是 good news



拼音:xǐxùn 基本解释 [good news;glad tidings] 令人高兴的消息 详细解释 好消息;使人高兴的消息。 鲁迅 《花边文学·谁在没落》:“这是一个喜讯,值得我们高兴的。”巴金 《家》二:“﹝ 琴小姐 ﹞一双水汪汪的大眼睛发光地盯着他的脸,好像得到了一个大喜讯似的。”徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·生命之树常绿》:“喜讯频繁,捷报纷传。”

解释: 使人高兴的消息。内容让人感到鼓舞快乐的信息。 如: 喜讯 各位同事: 由______________举办的“_____摄影比赛”已经圆满落下帷幕,我公司______同志的作品《_____________》,在上百篇参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣获特等奖,可喜可贺! ________同志的这份荣耀,既是他本人的光荣和骄傲,也是本公司的一大精神财富,获此殊荣实属不易,在此也忠心地祝愿______同志能够以此为起点,再接再厉,争取更大的成绩。同时也希望全体员工以他为榜样,立足本职,在平凡的工作中,利用自己勤劳的双手和智慧的头脑,创造出不平凡的成绩。