




1. 绍 [shào]绍 [shào]连续,继承:~复(继承恢复)。~述(继承)。~世(连续几世)。指中国浙江省绍兴市:~酒。~剧。~兴师爷(这一职务旧时大多数由绍兴人担任;后来就称刀笔吏、讼棍为“绍兴师爷”,含贬义)。……





汉语拼音:jiè shào rén









  1. 居间沟通双方关系的人。

    赵树理 《登记》二:“我来当你们的介绍人!” 郭德贵 《“种菜迷”》诗:“茄子结出西红柿,多少‘夫妻’他是介绍人。”



  1. He gave the name of his boss as a.


  2. But the boy says the agent ended up making a secret deal with a factory, and pocketing half the boy's pay as a finder's fee.


  3. In the past they were the match makers, but today it's just a formality.


  4. This can be them contacting me via email or telephone or myself contacting them through a referral.


  5. In London he and Charles Darwin were both abashed when introduced to each other as "great men" .


  6. The time to cultivate your references is now, while everything is going well.


  7. In a recent pastoral search committee meeting, the members asked, "what kind of questions should we ask the references? "


  8. R. Lang Cottrell, then a partner at the firm, says another partner brought in Mr. Pang, saying he could 'sell snow to an Eskimo. '


  9. Expect help from a broker, spouse, agent, lawyer, job broker, or other middleman.


  1. 充当介绍人

    act as an intermediary.

  2. 入党介绍人

    recommender for the Party.

  3. 货物买卖介绍人,经纪人

    produce broker

  4. 商品买卖介绍人, 经纪人

    Commodity broker

  5. 他们有客户介绍人吗?

    Do they have customer references?

  6. 他是我的入党介绍人。

    He was my sponsor when applied for party membership.

  7. 她是我的入党介绍人。

    She was my sponsor when I was applying for Party membership.

  8. 无介绍人者,恕不接受报名。

    Applicants without a referee will not be accepted.

  9. 她提供她老板的名字作为介绍人。

    She give the name of her boss as a referee.

  10. 训练学生用英语介绍人的能力。

    Introducing practice Ask some students to introduce their friends without names.

  11. 还有一件事情,我需要介绍人。

    There's one thing. I'm gonna need some references.

  12. 你知道吗?, 我可以介绍人给你谈谈。

    You know, I know people you can talk to.

  13. 他说出他老板的姓名,作为他的介绍人。

    He gave the name of his boss as a.

  14. 入党介绍人一般由培养联系人担任。

    Introducer of join or be admitted to the party is held the position of by education contact commonly.

  15. 如果你愿意, 请让我做你的介绍人。

    Please use me as a reference if you wish.

  16. 申请人党应有两位党员作介绍人。

    An applicant must be recommended by two Party members.

  17. 要加入俱乐部必须有一位会员做介绍人。

    To join the club you have to be put up by an existing member.

  18. 游戏介绍人猿翻翻乐, 考考你的记忆哦!

    The game introduceThe ape turns over joy, testing your memory!

  19. 左挑右挑,最后找了没有介绍人的包工头。

    Left out right out, the last to the labor contractor without introducer.

  20. 介绍人可以转介另外的介绍人的层次,目前是四层。

    CertDepth 4 TZFix is hours to add to time to get GMT, for GMT timestamps.

  21. 并介绍人羊膜的制作和保存等护理方法。

    Nursing methods of preserving and making of human amniotic membrane was introduced.

  22. 她的前任项目经理将可以成为她极好的介绍人。

    Her former project manager is a great reference for her.

  23. 我的介绍人包括2个以前的同事和一个私人朋友。

    My references includes two former business associates and one personal reference.

  24. 我得介绍人包括2个以前得同事和一个私人朋友。

    My references includes two former business associates and one personal reference.

  25. 在以前就是指媒人, 不过现在是形式上的介绍人。

    In the past they were the match makers, but today its just a formality.

  26. 我的介绍人不愿意让我陷于这种尴尬可笑的境地。

    Having introduced me,my friend had no intention of leaving me in this ridiculous position.

  27. 我的介绍人包括以前的两位同事和一位私人朋友。

    My references include two former business associates and one personal friend.

  28. 本人明白我的介绍人将可在任何时候收取佣金。

    I understand that my Referral Agent may collect transaction based commission from time to time.

  29. 入党介绍人可由发展对象自己约请,或由党组织指定。

    Introducer of join or be admitted to the party but by development him object invite, or by the party the organization is appointed.

  30. 做你的一个介绍人,给你写一封推荐信是我的荣幸。

    It would be my pleasure to be one of your references and write a letter of recommendation.


  1. 问:介绍人拼音怎么拼?介绍人的读音是什么?介绍人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:介绍人的读音是jièshàorén,介绍人翻译成英文是 introducer; sponsor; broker