




1. 苔 [tái]2. 苔 [tāi]苔 [tái]隐花植物的一类,根、茎、叶的区别不明显,常贴在阴湿的地方生长:青~。~藓。~原。苔 [tāi]〔舌~〕舌头上面的垢腻,由衰死的上皮细胞和黏液等形成,观察它的颜色可以帮助论断病症。……



汉语拼音:shé tāi






  1. 指生于舌面上的一层苔状物。



  1. Tongue can well reflect the body of the root causes of disease can be pointing diagnosis and treatment, accurate prescription.


  2. There is no significant deviation in the dependability of chinese medical symptoms, tongue coating, pulse pattern between the two groups.


  3. Remember to brush the inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth, as well as your tongue.


  4. Main Manifestations Severe toothache accompanied by foul breath, thirst, constipation, yellow tongue coating. . .


  5. Main Manifestations Severe toothache accompanied by foul breath, thirst, constipation, yellow tongue coating, forceful and rapid pulse.


  6. His tongue showed a thick coating, and his limbs were cold while he felt hot inside. His pulse was weak and sluggish.


  7. Slowly I crawled out of the cupboard, my tongue furred, my feet heavy. My mind felt like lead.


  8. Researchers then took saliva and tongue coating samples to measure bacteria levels and odour-causing compounds, including hydrogen sulphide.


  9. Study on the interrelationship of liver depression, tongue and tongue epithelial cell apoptosis in perimenopausal syndrome.


  1. 舌苔厚腻。

    One's tongue is coated.

  2. 你的舌苔很厚。

    Your tongue's thickly furred.

  3. 你的舌苔比较厚。

    Your tongue's rather coated.

  4. 舌苔脱落细胞学研究进展

    Advancement in Cytological Study of Peeled Tongue Coating

  5. 我得舌苔为什么回脱落啊?

    Why is my coating on the tongue answered fall off?

  6. 我的舌苔为什么回脱落啊?

    Why is my coating on the tongue answered fall off ?

  7. 一个病人舌上常常有舌苔。

    A sick person often has fur on his tongue.

  8. 脑挫裂伤患者舌苔腻变意义探讨

    Investigation on the Mean that Tongue Became Greasy Fur in the Patient of Contusion and Laceration of Brain

  9. 基于生物技术的病证舌苔信息研究进展

    Research Progression for Disease and Syndrome of Coated Tongue Information on Biotechnology

  10. 急性脑血管病的舌质舌苔和脉象的同质分析

    Homogeneity Analysis of Nature and Fur's Tongue and Pulse Condition in Acute Cerebral Vascular Disease

  11. 舌苔主要为苔薄黄腻、质暗红、脉细滑。

    The tongue is dark red with thin yellow greasy coating and the pulse is thin slippery.

  12. 舌苔很厚,内部发热,四肢发冷。脉搏微弱而迟滞。

    His tongue showed a thick coating, and his limbs were cold while he felt hot inside. His pulse was weak and sluggish.

  13. 小便白、大便溏、舌苔白,肯定是要服生姜红糖汤了。

    Whitish urine, sloppy stool, white tongue coating are symptoms for taking Fresh Ginger and Brown Sugar Decoction.

  14. 目的观察脾胃湿热证的舌象、舌苔脱落细胞的结构。

    Objective To observe of tongue demonstration and its cast off cells on chronic gastritis patients with splenogastric hygropyrexia.

  15. 宝宝最近几天舌苔有点厚, 请问该怎么处理?

    Darling these days coating on the tongue is a bit thick, how should handle excuse me ?

  16. 两组与中医症状,舌苔,脉象的相关性无显著差异。

    There is no significant deviation in the dependability of chinese medical symptoms, tongue coating, pulse pattern between the two groups.

  17. 急性心肌梗死患者的舌苔厚度与应激激素间关系的研究

    Relationship between thickness of tongue coating and excitable hormone in patients with acute myocardial infarction

  18. 切记牙齿的内侧和咬合面都要刷到,舌苔也要刷哦。

    Remember to brush the inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth, as well as your tongue.

  19. 中焦蕴热者可表现为舌苔厚, 尿黄, 便秘, 口渴等

    char accumulate heat performance of coated tongue is thick, yellow urine, thirst, constipation etc.

  20. 慢性浅表性胃炎3组舌苔变化都不明显,均以薄白苔为主。

    Thin and white coat was the main tongue coat in CSG.

  21. 不同舌苔舌上皮细胞的凋亡及相关基因分子机理研究

    Study on the Molecular Mechanism of Lingual Epithelial Cell Apotosis and its Related Genes in Different Tongue Furs


  1. 问:舌苔拼音怎么拼?舌苔的读音是什么?舌苔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:舌苔的读音是shétāi,舌苔翻译成英文是 coating on the tongue; fur; furred tongue


