







汉语拼音:ròu wán








  1. Meanwhile IKEA, known for its Swedish meatballs, has no plans to allow nuptials in its cafeterias.


  2. Meatball in cooling groove can be directly into a frozen after cooling hang ice frozen workshop.


  3. Jason: Hey we missed you at dinner; I thought maybe you'd like some of your mom's famous Swedish meatballs .


  4. So the wife picked up the card and read, ''Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti - Two with sausage and meatballs, two without. '


  5. We enjoyed cooked and raw beef, noodles and small meatballs with plates of herbs and sliced onions soaked in vinegar on the side.


  6. Tigress had already prepared lunch: steamed bread, boiled cabbage with meat-balls, a plate of jellied pork skin and pickled turnips.


  7. The machine is mainly used to process meat ball with the material of meat, fish, shrimp, vegetable etc.


  8. E: I don't want to see meatballs with smiling faces on my dinner plate. I'll skip the main dish. Just give me some dessert.


  9. Artichokes are a DiFara specialty but very rare in New York; this pie is half artichokes, half homemade meatballs.


  1. 不放肉丸。

    Hold the balls.

  2. 蟹籽塞肉丸

    Meatballs stuffed with crab ovum

  3. 肉丸子米饭

    meat balls with rice.

  4. 义大利肉丸面

    Italian spaghetti

  5. 肉丸子味道鲜美。

    The meat balls taste delicious.

  6. 她将肉做成肉丸。

    She shaped the meat into balls.

  7. 我揉得肉丸比较小。

    I roll my meatballs fairly small.

  8. 我揉的肉丸比较小。

    I roll my meatballs fairly small.

  9. 也就是肉丸有点小。

    Which means the balls are kinda small.

  10. 也就是肉丸有点小。

    Which means the balls are kinda small.

  11. 牛肉丸,小吃,粽子等。

    For example beef pellet, snack, noodles, dumpling.

  12. 您想再来点儿肉丸吗?

    Would You Like a Few More Meatballs?

  13. 我最喜欢的食物是肉丸。

    My favorite food is meatballs.

  14. 呃,谁吃了意大利面和肉丸?

    Uh, okay, who had the spaghetti and meatballs?

  15. 得了吧 不如直接说是肉丸。

    Screw this. Let's get to the meatballs.

  16. 吃些带肉丸的面条好吗?

    Shall we also have some spaghetti with meatballs

  17. 意大利面和肉丸 我家式的。

    Spaghetti and meatballs, my familystyle

  18. 加入肉丸煮,不要让酱覆盖肉丸。

    Add your meatballs and let simmer uncovered with the sauce.

  19. 肉丸滚进灌木丛, 变成一坨坨。

    And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush!

  20. 意面和肉丸是休闲的象征。

    There is something so cozy about spaghetti and meatballs.

  21. 因为我吃了肉丸三明治,对吗?

    Because I had a meatball sandwich, right?

  22. 意面和肉丸是他的最爱。

    Spaghetti and Meatballs is his absolute favorite meal.

  23. 烘烤得时间由你得肉丸得大小决定。

    It will depend on the size of your meatballs.

  24. 烘烤的时间由你的肉丸的大小决定。

    It will depend on the size of your meatballs.

  25. 可是做肉丸不就需要肉馅嘛。

    Making meat balls needs minced meat.

  26. 我不是天鹅,而是土耳其肉丸。

    I ain't a Swan. I'm a Turkey Meatball.

  27. 肉丸加佐料烹制的小碎肉团

    A small ball of ground meat variously seasoned and cooked.

  28. 然后开小火煮, 同时去准备肉丸。

    Reduce heat to a simmer while you prepare the meat.

  29. 我喜欢肉丸子。他们是好吃的。

    I like meatballs. They're tasty.

  30. 我把瘦肉切得很细来做肉丸。

    I minced the lean meat finely to make meat balls.


  1. 问:肉丸拼音怎么拼?肉丸的读音是什么?肉丸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肉丸的读音是ròuwán,肉丸翻译成英文是 A meat ball; to mix minced meat, starch and seaso...

  2. 问:肉丸子拼音怎么拼?肉丸子的读音是什么?肉丸子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肉丸子的读音是ròuwánzi,肉丸子翻译成英文是 meatball; quenelle

  3. 问:肉丸咖喱饭拼音怎么拼?肉丸咖喱饭的读音是什么?肉丸咖喱饭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肉丸咖喱饭的读音是ròu wán gālí fàn,肉丸咖喱饭翻译成英文是 Curry Rice with Meatballs



“肉丸”是个多义词,它可以指肉丸(有肉的丸子), 肉丸(美国亚利桑那州凤凰城的肥猫)。