


1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……


循序移动:~行。~动。~转(zhuàn )。搬送:~输。~载。~营(交通工具的运行和营业)。~力。~销。空~。海~。使用:~用。~算。~笔。~筹(制定策略)。人的遭遇,亦特指迷信的人所说的遭遇:~气。命~。幸~。国~。南北距离:广~百里。姓……



汉语拼音:zhuǎn yùn







  1. 循环运行。

    《诗·大雅·云汉》“倬彼云汉,昭回于天” 汉 郑玄 笺:“精光转运於天,时旱渴雨,故 宣王 夜仰视天河,望其候焉。” 汉 王充 《论衡·说日》:“然而日出上日入下者,随天转运,视天若覆盆之状,故视日上下然,似若出入地中矣。” 北魏 温子昇 《大觉寺碑》:“维天地开闢,阴阳转运。”

  2. 运输。

    汉 荀悦 《汉纪·宣帝纪三》:“今见转运烦费,倾国家不虞之用以赡一隅,臣愚以为不便。”《三国演义》第五七回:“今劳师远征,转运万里,欲收全功,虽 吴起 不能定其规, 孙武 不能善其后也。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·开矿》:“真有机器以代人工,有铁路以资转运,故能钩深索隐兴美利于无穷。”

  3. 谓声调转换。

    汉 王褒 《四子讲德论》:“有二人焉,乘輅而歌,倚輗而听之,咏叹中雅,转运中律。”

  4. 运气好转。

    叶紫 《丰收》:“为了连年的兵灾水旱,他不得不拼命地加种了 何八爷 七亩田,希图有个转运。” 钱锺书 《围城》五:“我这次出门以前,有朋友跟我排过八字,说现在正转运,一路逢凶化吉。”

  5. 官名。中国唐代以后各王朝主管运输事务的中央或地方官职。




  1. In the developing world, the problem is often lack of resources - money, trained medical personnel, and transportation to the clinic.


  2. If it does not occur between these two ports, unloading and reloading is not considered to be transshipment.


  3. Diao added: "They need a little bit of a turn in luck and things to go for them maybe a touch more than they are right now. "


  4. You're probably right. But they are to be transshipped on the way. Don't you think they might be spoiled by dampness or rain?


  5. It's been a bit unfortunate, but that's why I'm determined to be right for this season and hopefully have a turn of luck.


  6. campaigners are now trying to have the previous shipments recalled, citing concerns about poor storage in transit.


  7. The battle had been still going on but he had received a slight wound and was being ferried back to a hospital ship.


  8. Swiss railway company said after the accident, this range of railway have been closed, buses will transport stranded passengers to leave.


  9. A decision was made to take her to the public hospital in Panama City, but on the way she stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated .


  1. 转运,中转

    Transit shipment.

  2. 胺转运蛋白

    amine transporter.

  3. 胆固醇转运

    cholesterol transport.

  4. 转运许可证

    transportation permit.

  5. 水陆转运点

    navigation head.

  6. 不正当转运

    illicit transport.

  7. 通透性转运

    permeability transition

  8. 材料转运车

    Material Transfer Vehicle

  9. 氨基酸转运载体

    amino acid carrier

  10. 司徒转运培养基

    Stuart transport medium

  11. 非偶联转运

    uncoupled transport

  12. 线粒体转运

    mitochondrial transport.

  13. 转运及分运。

    Transshipment and partial shipment allowed.

  14. 材料转运桥

    material handling bridge.

  15. 沿海转运贸易权

    coastal transit trade rights

  16. 图三转运中华鲟。

    Finger 1 Transportation of the Chinese sturgeon.

  17. 微管轴质转运

    Microtubule axoplasmic transport.

  18. 微丝轴质转运

    Microfilament axoplasmic transport.

  19. 我们要求允许转运。

    We require that transshipment be allowed.

  20. 单糖转运体

    glucose transporter.

  21. 胱氨酸转运体

    cystine transporter.

  22. 单糖转运蛋白类

    Monosaccharide Transport Proteins

  23. 中转站被自动转运。

    We receive telecasts from Beijing through relay stations.

  24. 单糖转运蛋白质类

    Monosaccharide transport proteins

  25. 水果经不起长途转运。

    The fruit will not bear transportation to any great distance.

  26. 货物在转运中破损。

    The goods were damaged in transit.

  27. 二价阳离子转运蛋白

    divalent metal transporter

  28. 特种产品转运平车

    The Flat Car for Transshipment of Special Products

  29. 退行性轴质转运

    Retrograde axoplasmic transport

  30. 货物将经过香港转运。

    We shall ship the goods via Hong Kong.


  1. 问:转运拼音怎么拼?转运的读音是什么?转运翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运的读音是zhuǎnyùn,转运翻译成英文是 transport; to have a change of luck

  2. 问:转运站拼音怎么拼?转运站的读音是什么?转运站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运站的读音是zhuǎnyùnzhàn,转运站翻译成英文是 Department which specializes in transporting...

  3. 问:转运人拼音怎么拼?转运人的读音是什么?转运人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运人的读音是zhuǎn yùn rén,转运人翻译成英文是 passer

  4. 问:转运处拼音怎么拼?转运处的读音是什么?转运处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运处的读音是zhuǎn yùn chù,转运处翻译成英文是 transfer office

  5. 问:转运期拼音怎么拼?转运期的读音是什么?转运期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运期的读音是zhuǎn yùn qī,转运期翻译成英文是 transit period

  6. 问:转运权拼音怎么拼?转运权的读音是什么?转运权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运权的读音是zhuǎnyùnquán,转运权翻译成英文是 right to transship

  7. 问:转运港拼音怎么拼?转运港的读音是什么?转运港翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运港的读音是zhuǎn yùn gǎng,转运港翻译成英文是 port of transhipment

  8. 问:转运病拼音怎么拼?转运病的读音是什么?转运病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运病的读音是zhuǎn yùn bìng,转运病翻译成英文是 transport disease

  9. 问:转运的拼音怎么拼?转运的的读音是什么?转运的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运的的读音是,转运的翻译成英文是 forwarded

  10. 问:转运费拼音怎么拼?转运费的读音是什么?转运费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运费的读音是zhuǎn yùn fèi,转运费翻译成英文是 transhipment charge

  11. 问:转运业务拼音怎么拼?转运业务的读音是什么?转运业务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运业务的读音是zhuǎn yùn yè wù,转运业务翻译成英文是 freight forwarding services

  12. 问:转运买卖拼音怎么拼?转运买卖的读音是什么?转运买卖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运买卖的读音是zhuǎn yùn mǎi mài,转运买卖翻译成英文是 carrying over

  13. 问:转运仓库拼音怎么拼?转运仓库的读音是什么?转运仓库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运仓库的读音是zhuǎn yùn cāng kù,转运仓库翻译成英文是 Transit Storage

  14. 问:转运分子拼音怎么拼?转运分子的读音是什么?转运分子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运分子的读音是zhuǎn yùn fēn zǐ,转运分子翻译成英文是 transport molecule

  15. 问:转运口岸拼音怎么拼?转运口岸的读音是什么?转运口岸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运口岸的读音是zhuǎn yùn kǒu àn,转运口岸翻译成英文是 entrepot

  16. 问:转运因子拼音怎么拼?转运因子的读音是什么?转运因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运因子的读音是zhuǎn yùn yīn zǐ,转运因子翻译成英文是 transport factor; transfer factor

  17. 问:转运地点拼音怎么拼?转运地点的读音是什么?转运地点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运地点的读音是zhuǎn yùn dì diǎn,转运地点翻译成英文是 place of transhipment

  18. 问:转运宿主拼音怎么拼?转运宿主的读音是什么?转运宿主翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运宿主的读音是zhuǎn yùn sù zhǔ,转运宿主翻译成英文是 transfer host

  19. 问:转运小车拼音怎么拼?转运小车的读音是什么?转运小车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运小车的读音是zhuǎn yùn xiǎo chē,转运小车翻译成英文是 transfer car

  20. 问:转运序列拼音怎么拼?转运序列的读音是什么?转运序列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转运序列的读音是zhuǎn yùn xù liè,转运序列翻译成英文是 transit sequence



“转运”是个多义词,它可以指转运(汉语词汇), 转运(物流名词), 转运(安德鲁斯著畅销书), 转运(道家概念)。