







汉语拼音:wú hàn





没有怨恨;没有不满。《论语·公冶长》:“愿车马衣裘与朋友共,敝之而无憾。”宋 魏了翁《题孙教授志铭》:“吾同年友 孙次龙 之葬,张义立 誌之,刘文节公 铭之,可以无憾矣。”巴金《爝火集·一颗红心》:“他一直到最后都没有放下他的笔,他死而无憾。”



  1. 没有怨恨;没有不满。

    《论语·公冶长》:“愿车马衣裘与朋友共,敝之而无憾。” 宋 魏了翁 《题孙教授志铭》:“吾同年友 孙次龙 之葬, 张义立 誌之, 刘文节公 铭之,可以无憾矣。” 巴金 《爝火集·一颗红心》:“他一直到最后都没有放下他的笔,他死而无憾。”



  1. So that's what's tough about it. But I have no regrets, you know. So it's all right.


  2. Imagine always has a perfect partie fun while reality are always full of accidental fun, in the travel both are important for me.


  3. Playful worry-free fleeting time, have the honor to hold send flowers, no regrets this life have stricken, playing time through this life.


  4. Athletes the greatest happiness is no resentment in Wuhan when the curtain call.


  5. I shall but love you, till heaven is blind, and till the world is sealed.


  6. Mom and Dad, you let me know: "family without blood to maintain, as long as each other, can also add a life without regrets" .


  7. Gerry: Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I'm a man with no regrets.


  8. As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well used brings happy death.


  9. Till loved , I never lived enough.


  1. 我现在死而无憾。

    I have no regrets in dying now.

  2. 否则现在我会无憾。

    I'd be a happier man today.

  3. 人生无憾,必是傻瓜。

    A person without regrets is a nincompoop.

  4. 为人民而死,死而无憾。

    If we die for the people, we shall die without regret.

  5. 我交友广泛, 人生无憾。

    I have all the friends I could possibly want.

  6. 我交友广泛,人生无憾。

    I have all the friends I could possibly want.

  7. 直到爱过此生才无憾!

    Till loved, I never lived enough.

  8. 只要你满意,我也无憾了。

    I am content, so you are satisfied.

  9. 他们为正义而流血,死而无憾。

    They bled for a righteous cause and died happily.

  10. 到过那不勒斯, 死而无憾。

    See Naples and die.

  11. 他们为国流血牺牲, 死而无憾。

    They bled for their country and died happily.

  12. 我的家庭对我的爱让我此生无憾!

    My family's love for me and support, let my lifetime partie!

  13. 所以死神将我召唤时此生无憾。

    So when he calls me, Death shall find me ready.

  14. 只要中了大奖,我这辈子就无憾了!

    Once I hit the jackpot, I'm done!

  15. 到过那不勒斯死而无憾, 对吗?

    See Naples and die, right ?

  16. 现在我的生命要结束了, 但死而无憾。

    My life is over without any regret.

  17. 这对孪生兄弟为国流血牺牲,死而无憾。

    The twin brothers bled for their country and died without any regrets.

  18. 能够死在你的手里, 我死而无憾, 动手吧。

    To death in your hands, I regrets the death, do it.

  19. 如果能终生从事音乐事业,我会死而无憾。

    I would die a very happy person if I could stay in music my whole life.

  20. 一旦这本书出版,我基本可以死而无憾了。

    Once the book comes out, I can basically keel over and die happy.

  21. 我想我现在死而无憾了,因为我刚看到了天堂。

    I think I can die happy now, cause I have just seen a piece of heaven.

  22. 举头望皓月,凝思意中人。若得尔陪伴,一生终无憾!

    Wang cited the first Haoyue, Ningsi matches. If a Seoul company, Wuhan end his life!

  23. 可是我一点也不想辩白,由于我今朝仍旧死而无憾了。

    But I do not want to provide an explanation at all, having no regret because I have already die now.

  24. 现在我个人要做得事都已做了, 可一死而无憾也。

    Now I personally do have Done, one also regrets the death.

  25. 现在我个人要做的事都已做了,可一死而无憾也。

    Now I personally do have Done, one also regrets the death.

  26. 得一知己,死而无憾。他觉得她的影子会永远依傍他,安慰他。

    There is no regret after death for someone if he get a people who know him very well.

  27. 如果唐伯虎能够有你这位红颜知己, 真是死而无憾呀。

    If Tong Pak Fu had a friend like you, he wouldn't have any regrets.