







汉语拼音:xīn ān








  1. Moved, silent, silent, like the flower of the fingertip, as long as you know, is good at!


  2. You try to avoid succumbing to a superstition, but then at the last minute you decide to follow through, just for good measure.


  3. Jasper blackmails Annie with photographic proof of her hit-and-run, but she gives Jasper an ultimatum that puts her mind at ease.


  4. But by the end of this harrowing year of debt, it was hard . to be confident.


  5. Now as she brought in the next course she seemed relieved that things were better .


  6. This isn't a free app, but it might be worth paying a small fee for the peace of mind the service could give you.


  7. but as I knew you wanted a heart's -ease , I am determined to be the best little heart's -ease that I can.


  8. In short, Ren Zhi-one, which is "peace of mind and the reason was" the heart of the whole Germany.


  9. When wisdom is the body of our practice, with the power of this wisdom, we can focus our minds on the Dharma and the path.


  1. 愉快而心安。欣慰

    Feel pleased with sth. And derive comfort from it

  2. 噻吗心安眼水

    timoptol eye drops.

  3. 养心安神颗粒

    Yangxinhnshen Granules.

  4. 我们担心安德鲁。

    We were worried about Andrew.

  5. 我们担心安德鲁。

    We were worried about Andrew.

  6. 镇肝养心安神汤

    decoction for tranquilizing liver and supporting heart to calm the nerves

  7. 养心安神, 安心神, 镇静心田

    tranquilizing mind

  8. 医生嘱咐他一定要静心安养。

    The doctor said he must avoid excitement in order for the disease to heal.

  9. 医生嘱咐他一定要静心安养。

    The doctor said he must avoid excitement in order for the disease to heal.

  10. 满屋葱花的香味, 让男人心安。

    House of green onion flavor, so that peace of mind of men.

  11. 满屋葱花得香味,让男人心安。

    House of green onion flavor, so that peace of mind of men.

  12. 我已经将你的心安好了。

    I have already consoled your heart now.

  13. 你不接受他的道歉,他是不会心安的。

    He will not be content if you do not accept his apology.

  14. 这人,冷静而突兀,让人见了又害怕,又心安。

    This calm, abrupt man was both terrifying and reassuring at one and the same time.

  15. 暴风雨期间, 老师得镇静使孩子们得心安定了。

    The teachers calmness during the storm reassured the children

  16. 车流声, 和远处孩子们得嬉笑声。心安静极了。

    Traffic sound, and the distant sound of children giggling. Heart very quiet.

  17. 他叫道,愿他那颗真正的水手的心安息吧!

    He cried.'Then rest of his soul for a true seaman!

  18. 车流声,和远处孩子们的嬉笑声。心安静极了。

    Traffic sound, and the distant sound of children giggling. Heart very quiet.

  19. 卑俗者之作风自由而新不安,绅士之作风心安而不自由。

    The manner of a vulgar man have freedom without ease, the manner of a gentleman have ease without freedom.

  20. 口服美多心安治疗血管迷走性晕厥的疗效观察

    A study on the effect of oral metoprolol for vasovagal syncope

  21. 鲍勃向老师撒这个谎时,暗中将两指交叉以求心安。

    Bob crossed his fingers when he told his teacher the lie.

  22. 我们报告1例因局部应用喹酮心安引起得2度房室传导阻滞。

    We report a case of second degree AV block due to topical administration of carteolol.

  23. 我们报告1例因局部应用喹酮心安引起的2度房室传导阻滞。

    We report a case of second degree AV block due to topical administration of carteolol.

  24. 人们对海洋情况的掌握其实是很多的,但很少有令人心安的。

    Quite a lot is known, and very little is reassuring.

  25. 如果核心安装全部完毕,你就可以开始桌面安装啦!

    Once all is complete with the kernel installation, you can start on the desktop installation!

  26. 他对人们议论他不太关心安齐奥登陆战表示异议。

    He demurred to the suggestion that he was not very keen on the Anzio landing.

  27. 财产和势力, 能使人心安定, 然而还不如敬畏上主。

    Riches and strength lift up the heart but above these is the fear of the Lord.

  28. 现在她把下一道菜端进来,仿佛因为情况好转了,心安了一点。

    Now as she brought in the next course she seemed relieved that things were better.

  29. 卡维地洛美多心安原发性高血压随机双盲平行对照研究

    Keywords CarvedilolLodeEssential hypertensionRandomized doubleblind parallel contrast study

  30. 心安茅屋稳性定菜根香世事静方见人情淡始长。

    A peaceful mind abides joyfully in a hut. An equable mind savors the simplest fare. A tranquil mind comprehends the world. A tolerant mind makes lifelong friendships.


  1. 问:心安拼音怎么拼?心安的读音是什么?心安翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心安的读音是xīn'ān,心安翻译成英文是 Comfortable.

  2. 问:心安理得拼音怎么拼?心安理得的读音是什么?心安理得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心安理得的读音是xīn'ānlǐdé,心安理得翻译成英文是 have a clear conscience

  3. 问:心安全操作系统拼音怎么拼?心安全操作系统的读音是什么?心安全操作系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心安全操作系统的读音是xīn ān quán cāo zuò xì tǒng,心安全操作系统翻译成英文是 Kernalized Secure Operating System