







汉语拼音:biàn lì






  1. Up to this point we've been traversing the record store with a simple for loop.


  2. Just a warning though, doing an SNMP walk of the whole . iso tree can take quite a while, so you might want to just take my word for it.


  3. Much like the PHP version, I then iterate over the items in the list that are lines of the standard out of the command.


  4. Depth-first walking means that the processor visits all the children of a given node recursively until it has processed the entire document.


  5. Thus, iterating over the elements in a list is typically preferable to indexing through it if the caller does not know the implementation.


  6. It can also be used to "walk backwards" through a collection or list, rather than trying to do everything from the front.


  7. It loops over a set of elements (selected through the select attribute as well), in this case the various items.


  8. What we do is, in a loop, march down the argument list checking each one to see if it is an option.


  9. The goal of this article was to take you through the Galileo release train and showcase some of the projects that are part of the release.


  1. 非线性遍历

    Nonlinear traversal

  2. 遍历随机场

    ergodic random field

  3. 流程遍历图

    Flow traversal graph.

  4. 遍历递归类

    ergodic recurrent class

  5. 导航式遍历

    traversing of navigation.

  6. 遍历随机核

    ergodic stochastic kernels

  7. 遍历信息源

    ergodic information source

  8. 广度优先遍历

    Breadth first search.

  9. 遍历输入测度

    ergodic input measure

  10. 遍历测度空间

    ergodic measure space

  11. 遍历随机过程

    ergodic random process

  12. 遍历随机函数

    ergodic random function

  13. 最佳遍历分析

    the best ergodic analysis

  14. 遍历隶属函数

    Searching subject function

  15. 平稳遍历序列

    stationary ergodic sequence

  16. 完全遍历算法

    complete coverage algorithm

  17. 遍历匹配集合。

    For Each Match in rv.

  18. 遍历电子磁性

    itinerant electron magnetism

  19. 遍历传递容量

    ergodic transmission capacity

  20. 概率遍历搜索

    probability search wind power.

  21. 遍历搜索算法

    pure traversal searching algorithm

  22. 遍历自同构

    ergodic automorphism

  23. 约瑟夫遍历

    Josephus traversing.

  24. 二叉数遍历

    binary tree traversal.

  25. 遍历递归链

    ergodic recurrent chain

  26. 二叉树遍历

    traversal of binary tree.

  27. 中序遍历序列

    inorder traversal

  28. 遍历类的周期

    period of ergodic class

  29. 遍历信道容量

    ergodic channel capacity

  30. 遍历不变测度

    ergodic invariant measurement


  1. 问:遍历拼音怎么拼?遍历的读音是什么?遍历翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历的读音是biànlì,遍历翻译成英文是 ergodic

  2. 问:遍历图拼音怎么拼?遍历图的读音是什么?遍历图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历图的读音是biàn lì tú,遍历图翻译成英文是 traversing graph

  3. 问:遍历堆拼音怎么拼?遍历堆的读音是什么?遍历堆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历堆的读音是biàn lì duī,遍历堆翻译成英文是 walk heap

  4. 问:遍历态拼音怎么拼?遍历态的读音是什么?遍历态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历态的读音是biàn lì tài,遍历态翻译成英文是 ergodic state

  5. 问:遍历性拼音怎么拼?遍历性的读音是什么?遍历性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历性的读音是biàn lì xìng,遍历性翻译成英文是 system with ergodicity

  6. 问:遍历流拼音怎么拼?遍历流的读音是什么?遍历流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历流的读音是biàn lì liú,遍历流翻译成英文是 ergodic flow

  7. 问:遍历群拼音怎么拼?遍历群的读音是什么?遍历群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历群的读音是biàn lì qún,遍历群翻译成英文是 ergodic group

  8. 问:遍历链拼音怎么拼?遍历链的读音是什么?遍历链翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历链的读音是biàn lì liàn,遍历链翻译成英文是 ergodic chain

  9. 问:遍历集拼音怎么拼?遍历集的读音是什么?遍历集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历集的读音是biàn lì jí,遍历集翻译成英文是 ergodic set

  10. 问:遍历面拼音怎么拼?遍历面的读音是什么?遍历面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历面的读音是biàn lì miàn,遍历面翻译成英文是 ergodic surface

  11. 问:遍历信源拼音怎么拼?遍历信源的读音是什么?遍历信源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历信源的读音是biàn lì xìn yuán,遍历信源翻译成英文是 ergodic source

  12. 问:遍历假说拼音怎么拼?遍历假说的读音是什么?遍历假说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历假说的读音是biàn lì jiǎ shuō,遍历假说翻译成英文是 ergodic hypothesis

  13. 问:遍历分解拼音怎么拼?遍历分解的读音是什么?遍历分解翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历分解的读音是biàn lì fēn jiě,遍历分解翻译成英文是 ergodic decomposition

  14. 问:遍历变换拼音怎么拼?遍历变换的读音是什么?遍历变换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历变换的读音是biàn lì biàn huàn,遍历变换翻译成英文是 ergodic transformation

  15. 问:遍历同胚拼音怎么拼?遍历同胚的读音是什么?遍历同胚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历同胚的读音是biàn lì tóng pēi,遍历同胚翻译成英文是 ergodic homeomorphism

  16. 问:遍历命令拼音怎么拼?遍历命令的读音是什么?遍历命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历命令的读音是biàn lì mìng lìng,遍历命令翻译成英文是 walk commands

  17. 问:遍历定理拼音怎么拼?遍历定理的读音是什么?遍历定理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历定理的读音是biàn lì dìng lǐ,遍历定理翻译成英文是 ergodic theorems

  18. 问:遍历控制拼音怎么拼?遍历控制的读音是什么?遍历控制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历控制的读音是biàn lì kòng zhì,遍历控制翻译成英文是 ergodic control

  19. 问:遍历条件拼音怎么拼?遍历条件的读音是什么?遍历条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历条件的读音是biàn lì tiáo jiàn,遍历条件翻译成英文是 ergodic condition

  20. 问:遍历极限拼音怎么拼?遍历极限的读音是什么?遍历极限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍历极限的读音是biàn lì jí xiàn,遍历极限翻译成英文是 ergodic limits