







汉语拼音:shèng diǎn







  1. 圣人的经典法则。

    汉 王符 《潜夫论·赞学》:“天地之道,神明之为,不可见也;学问圣典,心思道术,则皆来睹矣。”《后汉书·陈元传》:“陛下宜修文武之圣典,袭祖宗之遗德,劳心下士,屈节待贤,诚不宜使有司察公辅之名。”《南齐书·高逸传·顾欢》:“夫辩是与非,宜据圣典。” 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·经籍会通三》:“农家又有 贾充道 《大农孝经》,又 刘炫 《酒孝经》,皆溷褻圣典,可罪也。”

  2. 泛指各种宗教的经典。

    晋 慧远 《沙门不敬王者论·形尽神不灭五》:“火木之喻,原自圣典。” 许地山 《缀网劳蛛·商人妇》:“你不但玷污了自己,更是玷污我和清真圣典。”



  1. The image in the Canon is of a solid wooden door: a ball of string thrown at the door won't leave a dent at all.


  2. There is nothing in the Bible or any other scripture about patents, trademarks or copyrights being fundamental human rights.


  3. If you finish the entire Tipitaka but have not come to this point, then you still have doubts, and therefore dukkha.


  4. But the problem here is that this draft appears to have been canonised , passing largely unedited into popular conscience .


  5. Whether we call it myth, science, fiction, or the Bible, explanations for the origin of man and the universe have always been popular.


  6. One of its first tasks was to outline a fixed canon.


  7. Germany now wants to treat the Maastricht Treaty as the scripture that has to be obeyed without any modifications.


  8. Meanwhile, Muslim media from Turkey to Afghanistan warned that burning the sacred text of Islam could deepen animosity toward the West.


  9. The Bible, along with other sacred texts, provides solace and inspiration for billions across the planet.


  1. 佛教圣典丛刊。

    SBB Sacred Books of the Buddhists Series, London.

  2. 巴利圣典协会学报。

    JPTS Journal of the Pali Text Society.

  3. 可兰经是回教的圣典。

    The Koran is the sacred book of Islam.

  4. 可兰经是伊斯兰教的圣典。

    The Koran is the sacred book of the Islam.

  5. 古兰经是伊斯兰教的圣典。

    The Koran is the sacred book of the Islam.

  6. 一场亢奋迷醉的死亡圣典

    A stimulated death ceremony that inebriate

  7. 为什么犹大福音没有进入圣典?

    Why did the Gospel of Judas not make it into the canon ?

  8. 孙子兵法是一部饮誉世界的兵学圣典。

    Shi, is a drink praise tsu of the world.

  9. 它的一种最初的急务就是编订一本确定的圣典。

    One of its first tasks was to outline a fixed canon.

  10. 圣典的有关或属于一个大教堂的全体教士大会的

    Of or belonging to a cathedral chapter.

  11. 马利亚和她得圣母颂歌,听起来很像圣典。

    Mary had her Magnificat, which sounds like scripture.

  12. 马利亚和她的圣母颂歌,听起来很像圣典。

    Mary had her Magnificat, which sounds like scripture.

  13. 教规圣典时刻用的书,包括赞美诗,祭礼和祷文

    a book containing the hymns,offices,and prayers for the canonical hours

  14. 圣典博伽瓦谭第五篇讲述了有无数宇宙存在。

    The Fifth Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam tells of innumerable universes.

  15. 所以圣典的书目,对所有基督教徒从来没有实现统一。

    The canon of all the scripture therefore has never been completely the same for all Christians everywhere.

  16. 所以圣典得书目,对所有基督教徒从来没有实现统一。

    The canon of all the scripture therefore has never been completely the same for all Christians everywhere.

  17. 祈祷书教规圣典时刻用的书,包括赞美诗,祭礼和祷文

    A book containing the hymns, offices, and prayers for the canonical hours.

  18. 我就坐在长椅上翻阅,最后我打开了黎明马圣典。

    I sat down on the couch and finally opened The Dawn Horse Testament.

  19. 巴利圣典会于100年前出版了这些故事的全部英译本。

    The Pali Text Society published the whole text in English translation a hundred years ago.

  20. 伊斯兰教的圣典是可兰经,载有上帝对穆罕默德的启示。

    The sayings and deeds of the Prophet recounted in the sunna are also an important source of belief and practice in Islam.

  21. 我刚从您那美好的浴佛圣典回来, 而再次我感谢您的邀请。

    I have just returned from your wonderful Bathing Buddha Holy Ceremony and again I thank you for the invitation.

  22. 这在历代老师们流传下来的著书或圣典中都有载明。

    These are words, they are in the books, in the scriptures, handed down by teachers.

  23. 马吉安似乎促使了其他基督教领袖,确定基督圣典的作用。

    Marcion,though, seemed to have spurred other Christian leaders to decide what they thought Christian scripture should do.

  24. 马吉安似乎促使了其他基督教领袖,确定基督圣典得作用。

    Marcion, though, seemed to have spurred other Christian leaders to decide what they thought Christian scripture should do.


  1. 问:圣典学者拼音怎么拼?圣典学者的读音是什么?圣典学者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:圣典学者的读音是,圣典学者翻译成英文是 canonist