







汉语拼音:xū jīng






  1. 不必要的惊慌。

    明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·国事八·土木之败》:“至己巳七月八日以后,胡虏入寇之报,一日数次……初至 龙虎臺 札营,一鼓即虚惊,众以为不祥。”《西游记》第五六回:“茶罢, 三藏 却转下来,对婆婆作礼道:‘贫僧是东土 大唐 差往西天取经的。才到贵处,拜求尊府借宿,因是我三个徒弟貌丑,老家长见了虚惊也。’”《儒林外史》第三五回:“﹝ 庄徵君 ﹞心里懊悔道:‘吉凶悔吝生乎动,我若坐在家里,不出来走这一番,今日也不得受这一场虚惊!’” 杨朔 《麦子黄时》:“不过这一夜却是场虚惊。我们躲在麦子地里,后半夜就得到信,知道到的是八路军。”



  1. Fortunately, it turned out to be a false alarm because a careless customer mistakenly set the fire alarm off.


  2. The summer may have brought a brief health scare for the French president, but on other fronts matters seem to be inching his way.


  3. Martin said the boss was going to make a surprise visit, but it proved to be a false alarm.


  4. In particular this means that this file is not malicious but a false alarm .


  5. Who let out a cry and I frighten creepy, then see, is a pervasive machine was a false alarm.


  6. Police-car radios crackled with reports that rogue airplanes had been spotted over the White House.


  7. And businesses were struck by an alarming thought: even if this threat proves empty, commercial secrets are no longer safe.


  8. In most cases these convictions of his turn out to be utter moonshine.


  9. The rumour of a petrol shortage turns out to be a false alarm.


  1. 真是虚惊一场!

    It is really a surprised!

  2. 他受了一场虚惊。

    He was the victim of a false alarm.

  3. 一切都是虚惊一场。

    This has been a false alarm.

  4. 看来又是虚惊一场。

    It sounds just like a false alarm.

  5. 那次警报,是一场虚惊。

    That alarm was premature.

  6. 虚惊,谦让等品质过时了?

    Are qualities like modesty and humility things of the past

  7. 没什么, 不过是虚惊一场罢了。

    It's ok, it was only a false alarm.

  8. 别担心, 可能只是虚惊一场。

    Nothing to be alarmed about. it's probably just a tease.

  9. 我经常反应过度,经常虚惊一场。

    I overreact frequently and experience many false alarms.

  10. 只是虚惊一场,没有人受重伤。

    There was very little damage. Noone was seriously hurt.

  11. 应该是虚惊一场吧, 我内心暗忖。

    Just a false alarm probably, I told myself.

  12. 最终证实是虚惊一场的爆炸恐吓

    a bomb threat that turned out to be a false alarm.

  13. 不,抱歉让大家虚惊一场,不是尸体。

    NO! I'm sorry, false alarm. We didn't find a body.

  14. 汽油短缺的谣传原来是一场虚惊。

    The rumour of a petrol shortage turns out to be a false alarm.

  15. 她以为她怀孕了, 但结果是虚惊一场。

    She thought she was pregnant, but it turned out to be a false alarm.

  16. 部队解除了戒备状态,原来是虚惊一场。

    The troops stood down it was a false alarm.

  17. 德国一对情侣吊桥上观赏日出引发一场虚惊

    Sunrise Lovers Spark Suicide Fear

  18. 损失和事态是否控制,包括事故、疾病和虚惊事件?

    Have losses and occurrences been addressed, including accidents, incidents, illnesses and near misses?

  19. 这意味着, 这个文件是没有恶意的, 只是虚惊一场。

    In particular this means that this file is not malicious but a false alarm.

  20. 第一次做庄,还没经验,令大家虚惊一场,不好意思!

    Just had a Karaok and massage, sorry to make you guys, not enough experience yet!

  21. 这场虚惊是街头得实况, 却是种族和睦得精彩典型写照。

    That was a harrowing scene on the road, but it was also a typical and vivid portrayal of racial harmony.

  22. 这场虚惊是街头的实况,却是种族和睦的精彩典型写照。

    That was a harrowing scene on the road, but it was also a typical and vivid portrayal of racial harmony.

  23. 大多数情况下他的这类瞎想最终都是虚惊一场。

    In most cases these convictions of his turn out to be utter moonshine.

  24. 但是埃丽诺受了这场虚惊, 却不那么容易恢复镇静。

    But not so easily did Elinor recover from the alarm into which it had thrown her.

  25. 马丁说老板将来个突然造访, 但结果却是虚惊一场。

    Martin said the boss was going to make a surprise visit, but it proved to be a false alarm.

  26. 波黑在比赛中几次击中门柱,这让葡萄牙虚惊一场。

    Bosnia and Herzegovina a few times in the game hit the goal post, which makes Portugal a false alarm.

  27. 天空变得黑沉沉的,我们以为要下雨了,但结果只是虚惊一场。

    The sky went very dark and we thought it was going to rain but it was a false alarm.

  28. 在该实验中, 明确告知被试人脸露出的恐惧表情只是虚惊。

    Participants were explicitly informed that the presented face became fearful simply because the gazer had made a mistake.

  29. 这条蛇从记者席处被清理掉, 但仍使一些体育记者虚惊一场。

    The snake was removed from the press box but not before scaring a few sports writers.


  1. 问:虚惊拼音怎么拼?虚惊的读音是什么?虚惊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚惊的读音是xūjīng,虚惊翻译成英文是 false alarm