







汉语拼音:rén yān








  1. 亦作“ 人烟 ”。住户的炊烟。亦泛指人家。

    三国 魏 曹植 《送应氏》诗之一:“中野何萧条,千里无人烟。” 唐 李白 《蜀道难》诗:“尔来四万八千岁,不与 秦 塞通人烟。” 唐 谷神子 《博异志·崔无隐》:“师行可七八日,入 南阳 界,日晚过一大泽中,东西路絶,目无人烟,四面阴云且合,渐暮,遇寥落三两家,乃欲寄,宿耳。” 宋 杨万里 《过张王庙》诗:“地迴人烟寂,山盘水势回。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》九:“闲着无聊,望着车窗一片雪色,往往几十里内绝无人烟。”

  2. 见“ 人烟 ”。



  1. when the U. S. tried to enter these sparsely populated areas to attack the enemy, they were hard to find them.


  2. Such a stark contrast between the dark desolate lifeless desert of northern Africa and the Nile River teeming with life along its shores.


  3. The crossbow is a favourite weapon of the men of Granada , being both easy to use, and effective against the armour of their Christian fors.


  4. So far Beijing has not pressed new territorial claims; it has simply begun to defend old ones in sparsely inhabited places.


  5. village seemed deserted, the only sign of lift being an ugly-looking black goat tied to a tree on a short length of rope in a field nearby.


  6. As it is a remote place with unusually charming scenery and few inhabitants, it is often called the "wonderland on earth" .


  7. Arid and desolate Iraq was once a green, lush environment even reputed to be the setting of the Garden of Eden.


  8. Two men were traveling in a very wild and lonely of America. For days, they had not even seen a.


  9. "Faith is the courage to struggle with the difficulties of a strong willpower. " * Jane's love in the barren swamp densely said.


  1. 该岛人烟稠密。

    The island is thickly inhabited.

  2. 鲜有人烟的平原

    a sparsely inhabited plain.

  3. 这个省人烟稀少。

    The population distrubution in this province is sparse.

  4. 广袤, 没有人烟的草原。

    vast unpopulated plains.

  5. 他们发现那个地方人烟绝迹。

    They found the place deserted.

  6. 像这些地方,荒芜人烟。

    We have names for places where people don't exist.

  7. 几十里不见人烟。

    No trace of human habitation could be seen for dozens of li.

  8. 他们住的地方远离人烟。

    They live miles off the beaten track.

  9. 连年兵革, 这里早已人烟荒芜。

    The war went on for years, and made the place deserted.

  10. 连年兵革,这里早已人烟荒芜。

    The war went on for years, and made the place deserted.

  11. 这个地方似乎根本没有人烟。

    The place seemed to be utterly bereft of human life.

  12. 屋宇起平地,耕野生人烟。

    Signs of habitation appeared and the fields gave way to houses.

  13. 由于海拔高,那里人烟稀少。

    Because of the high altitude, few people lived there.

  14. 那里景色幽美,只是人烟稀少。

    It was beautiful, but very remote.

  15. 被遗弃, 没有人烟或者空无一物。

    left desolate or empty.

  16. 周期性的洪水泛滥使人烟稀少。

    Periodic major floods had thinned out the population.

  17. 他们愈往前走,人烟愈见稀少。

    As they went along, the roads became more lonely.

  18. 肥沃富饶但人烟稀少的象牙海岸。

    The richly endowed but underpopulated Ivory Coast.

  19. 这湖并非是一个渺无人烟的野地方。

    The lake had never been what you would call a wild lake.

  20. 并且此地深处俄罗斯腹地,几乎广无人烟。

    The land, deep in rural Russia, was also largely devoid of people.

  21. 他们在人烟稀少的边远地带度过童年。

    They spent their childhood in the backwoods.

  22. 大多数岛屿基本上都是一片荒凉、渺无人烟。

    Many of the islands are mainly wild and underpopulated.

  23. 大片土地干旱荒芜,属半沙漠,人迹罕至,渺无人烟。

    Vast areas are arid or semidesert, and virtually uninhabited.

  24. 在过去这里是一片沮泽, 少有人烟。

    In the past, this was a piece of marshland with little trace of human habitation.

  25. 在过去这里是一片沮泽,少有人烟。

    In the past, this was a piece of marshland with little trace of human habitation.

  26. 今年我想开车去一个不见人烟的地方。

    This year I want to drive to the middle of nowhere.

  27. 和一两个朋友去人烟稀少的地方。

    Hanging out with little friends to some desolated places.

  28. 带着它去北方,去得远远的,到没有人烟的地方。

    Take this so far north that no man can live there.

  29. 南地是一片贫瘠的、没有人烟的可怕荒漠。

    The Negeb was a barren, terrible desert, a lifeless desert.

  30. 泸水一带人烟极少, 瘴气很重而且泸水有毒。

    Along the densely Lushui very little heavy but Lushui poisonous miasma.


  1. 问:人烟拼音怎么拼?人烟的读音是什么?人烟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人烟的读音是rényān,人烟翻译成英文是 signs of human habitation



人烟 rén yān

【解释】 〖signs of human habitation〗住户的炊烟,亦广泛借指人家,住户,住家:~稀少∣没有~∣荒无~。

【例句】 “中野何萧条,千里无人烟。”——三国魏·曹植《送应氏》诗之一 “尔来四万八千岁,不与秦塞通人烟。”——唐·李白《蜀道难》诗 “人烟寒橘柚,秋色老梧桐。”——唐·李白《秋登宣城谢朓北楼》诗 “师行可七八日,入南阳界,日晚过一大泽中,东西路绝,目无人烟,四面阴云且合,渐暮,遇寥落三两家,乃欲寄,宿耳。”——唐·谷神子《博异志·崔无隐》 “地回人烟寂,山盘水势回。”——宋·杨万里《过张王庙》诗 “闲着无聊,望着车窗一片雪色,往往几十里内绝无人烟。”——瞿秋白《饿乡纪程》九 “车窗外是茫茫的大戈壁,没有山,没有水,也没有人烟。天和地的界限并不那么清晰,都是浑黄一体。 ”——袁鹰《白杨》


【人烟稠密、人烟浩穰】指某地方人口很多。 人烟稀少,比喻没有人