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〔~娜(nuó ㄋㄨㄛˊ)〕柔美的样子,如“~~多姿”。……
1. 娜 [nà]2. 娜 [nuó]娜 [nà]女子人名用字及译音字。娜 [nuó]〔婀~〕见“婀”。〔袅~〕见“袅”。〔~~〕轻柔的样子。……
汉语拼音:ē nuó
三国 魏 曹植 《洛神赋》:“含辞未吐,气若幽兰。华容婀娜,令我忘餐。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·柳》:“高下任人取足,便掐去正心,即四散下垂,婀娜可爱。” 唐 韩愈 《元和圣德诗》:“天兵四罗,旂常妸娜。”一本作“ 婀娜 ”。 宋 苏轼 《和子由论书》:“端庄杂流丽,刚健含婀娜。” 茅盾 《追求》五:“一个女子的婀娜的背影正在椅衖中间徘徊,吸引了 仲昭 的注意。”
Listen to the rain sound, drop a child, say, the wind landing, into a pond willow wind, graceful, river with light overflow dyeing.
倾听雨落声,落一子嗔言,风声起落,惹一塘风荷,杨柳婀娜,染一江春水盈盈轻漾。Open or close my eyes, your graceful figure and the tableau of you flash before my eyes and in my mind.
睁开眼——闭上眼,我脑海里闪现的全是婀娜的身影、你跳动的画面。She was lither than either as she cruised through the water-weed, a lazy twist of gold.
不过当她在水草之间悠游,就比她俩还更婀娜,只消慵懒一扭,金光豔潋。She was so beautiful: her stature was slim; her long golden hair lay back in curls over her delicate ears.
她是如此美丽,身材如此婀娜。她长长的头发卷曲着,遮住她精美的耳朵。The large number of yarns and lace are also used to represent women's elegant and sexy.
而纱和蕾丝也大量使用,来表现女性的婀娜与性感。Tired of the beauties of spring, graceful and purples relies on the doorstep, more rare flowers &grasses musical group ooze incense reveal.
倦倚姹紫嫣红婀娜的春色,家门口,更多奇花异草沁香流露。She looked really healthy and had tawny hair and long, good legs, a very good figure, and an intelligent, lively face.
她有着棕色的头发,修长的双腿,婀娜动人的身材,还有一张聪慧、开朗的脸,看上去确实健康活泼。Three black women, with moonlight and starlight's hale, walked gracefully towards the rising sun in the misty field, outlining beautifully.
薄雾中,三个皮肤黝黑的妇女披着披星戴月的披肩,迎着朝阳,从田野里婀娜走来,构成美轮美奂的剪影。Latin dance five dance has each style, graceful, exactly the rumba the lively, samba passion, cowboy's funny and bullfighting strong .