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1. 钥 [yuè]2. 钥 [yào]钥 [yuè]开锁或上锁的用具:锁~(a.“锁”和“钥”;b.喻重要关键;c.喻边防要地,如“北方~~”)。钥 [yào]义同(一):~匙(开锁、上锁的用具。“匙”读轻声)。……
1. 匙 [chí]2. 匙 [shi]匙 [chí]舀汤用的小勺子(亦称“调(tiáo )羹”):汤~。茶~。匙 [shi]〔钥~〕开锁的东西。……
汉语拼音:yào shi
《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》“ 鲁 人投其籥” 唐 张守节 正义:“籥,钥匙也。” 前蜀 杜光庭 《虬髯客传》:“家人自堂东舁出二十牀,各以锦帕覆之。既陈,尽去其帕,乃文簿钥匙耳。”《水浒传》第五四回:“那汉把钥匙开了门,请 李逵 到里面坐地。” 冰心 《超人》:“你去把那间空屋子收拾收拾,再锁上门罢,钥匙在门上呢!”
沙汀 《闯关》四:“ 左嘉 得到一个启发,设想自己已经找到了那把揭开秘密的钥匙。” 巴金 《把心交给读者》:“可能以后还会有读者来信问起写作的秘诀,以为我藏有万能钥匙。”
But put in a bit of effort and you'll find a Keyholder with a bunch of keys to unlock the gates to the unknown.
但是只要更努力一点,就会发现一个有一串钥匙的钥匙扣,可以打开通往未知的大门。Mary put the door key was lost to her mother outside, etc.
玛丽把开门的钥匙丢了,只好在屋外等她妈妈。She was about to reach for her keys when she felt a sharp tug on her neck.
当她刚要拿钥匙时感到有一股很强的力量将她脖子向后拉。Fatima gave him the other keys; but she did not give him the key of the little room.
法给了他其他的钥匙,但是她没有给他小房间的钥匙。She also did not want to acknowledge that she had admitted, in an earlier deposition, to have had the key to the church.
她也不想承认在一项较早的证词里她供认已经把那把钥匙给了教堂。What! " said he, " is not the key of my closet among the rest?
“什么!”他说,“我的小房间的钥匙不在这里边?”"It's very stiff , " said the Princess, as she turned the key. "There! It's open! "
公主说,“这可太难了。”然后她转动了钥匙,“哈,门开了!”Come now and join me within the halls of this pyramid as there are keys that will return you to your natural state of being.
现在来和把我加入这金字塔大厅里,因为对你存在的自然状态有钥匙回返你。In a room, the staff found a body from a game Sumou coin box keys, and then with wooden sticks, iron rods on Sumou be beaten.