


1. 羊 [yáng]2. 羊 [xiáng]羊 [yáng]哺乳动物,反刍类,一般头上有一对角,品种很多:绵~。黄~。羚~。~羔。~毫。~肠线。~肠小道。姓。羊 [xiáng]古同“祥”,吉祥。……







汉语拼音:yáng róng shān






羊绒衫 [yáng róng shān]
  1. 以山羊绒为原料针织而成的服装。是粗纺中的高档产品之一。有纯羊绒织品及其混纺产品。款式多为v”型领套头衫、开衫、圆领套衫等。具有山羊绒本身的白、青、紫等天然色彩,也可染色。手感细软、柔滑,有光泽,保暖性好,穿着舒适,但强度较差。



  1. A Shang Xia spokesperson said sales of its products were going well so far, with tea sets, cashmere and jewelry among the top movers.


  2. The company also provided to customers cashmere sweater knitting technology of computer software.


  3. The company in the early 1990s will be the first cashmere sweater in cashmere yarn to the custom of the market.


  4. Therefore, the surface layer of fuzzy cashmere sweater is a must.


  5. Packing: Each sweater to be packed in a polybag, per dozen in a tin-lined carton, with 10 dozen to a wooden case.


  6. Now in the market, cashmere processing industry development is rapid, piece as market force that cannot be ignored.


  7. Fragrant fibers can be used in the fields of fragrant decorative fabric for automobile, fragrant cashmere sweater and fra. . .


  8. Cashmere fiber is not easy heat transfer, fiber thin gap more warm and strong, so wear is particularly warm cashmere sweater.


  9. In cashmere sweater spot checks in the fiber content is not eligible, but frequent phenomenon of the callout 100% cashmere.


  1. 粗纺羊绒衫

    woolen cashmere sweater.

  2. 精纺羊绒衫

    worsted cashmere sweater.

  3. 羊绒衫案。

    India wool shirt and blouses.

  4. 我们专营羊绒衫。

    We specialize in cashmere sweaters.

  5. 穿件羊绒衫如何

    How about a nice cashmere cardigan?

  6. 穿件羊绒衫如何?

    How about a nice cashmere cardigan?

  7. 精纺羊绒衫的开发

    Development of worsted cashmere sweater

  8. 羊绒衫后整理探讨。

    Discussion on cashmere sweater finishing.

  9. 羊绒衫品牌化策略研究

    Study of woolen sweater brand strategy

  10. 及羊绒衫,羊绒围巾,羊绒披肩!

    And cashmere sweater, cashmere scarf, cashmere shawl!

  11. 羊绒衫,质感高雅,触感柔软。

    Cashmere sweaters are elegant in texture and soft to the touch.

  12. 羊绒衫洗后一定要进行脱水。

    The sweater must be dehydrated after washing.

  13. 羊绒衫挺贵的, 我买不起。

    Woolen sweaters are expensive, I can't afford one.

  14. 羊绒衫挺贵的,我买不起。

    Woolen sweaters are expensive, I can't afford one.

  15. 然后再换一件漂亮的羊绒衫

    for a gorgeous cashmere sweater.

  16. 你千万别出手买一件羊绒衫。

    Promise me you won't buy one of these cashmere sweaters.

  17. 我注意到你没找到红色羊绒衫。

    I notice you didn't get the red sweater.

  18. 羊绒衫缩绒脱色沾色防缩甲醛

    Keywords cashmere sweatermillingdiscolorationtarnishshrinkproofformaldehyde

  19. 她的羊绒衫发出一股湿羊毛味。

    Her sweater smells of damp wool.

  20. 羊绒衫的消费行为分析及企业对策

    Consuming active of cashmere sweater and strategy of enterprise

  21. 羊毛衫及羊绒衫的顾客价值与价值创新

    Consumer value and value innovation for woolen and cashmere sweater

  22. 因此, 模糊羊绒衫表面层是必须的。

    Therefore, the surface layer of fuzzy cashmere sweater is a must.

  23. 那么如何方便地鉴定羊绒衫的真假呢?

    So how easy identification of cashmere sweater is true then

  24. 因此, 在选购羊绒衫时, 必须认真加以辨别。

    Thus, in the purchase cashmere sweater , you must carefully distinguish.

  25. 美国用法, 开襟的或套头的羊绒衫, 羊毛衫。

    Cashmere sweaters are softer and warmer than most ones made of ordinary wool.

  26. 公司还为客户提供羊绒衫编织工艺电脑软件。

    The company also provided to customers cashmere sweater knitting technology of computer software.

  27. 磨破的羊绒衫可以改成时尚的一羊绒坎肩。

    The frayed cashmere sweaters can be changed into fashionable cashmere waistcoats.

  28. 她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。

    She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater.

  29. 众所周知, 羊绒衫是由细纤维的特点, 产品柔软滑糯。

    is well known that cashmere sweater is characterized by a thin fibers, the product soft slippery waxy.

  30. 苏格兰以它得羊绒衫,毛织品和格子呢绒闻名世界。

    Scotland is famous for its cashmeres, woollens and tartans.


  1. 问:羊绒衫拼音怎么拼?羊绒衫的读音是什么?羊绒衫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:羊绒衫的读音是yángróngshān,羊绒衫翻译成英文是 cashmere


