




1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……



汉语拼音:jiàn néng








  1. The resultant ionized bond can be cleaved by a hemi-heterolysis process, affording a cation and a neutral radical.


  2. Raman spectroscopy results showed that: the presence of electron withdrawing groups improved the bond energy of C-H in the benzene ring.


  3. The bonding energy and micro-defects are the major factors that affect the film refractive index and film quality.


  4. While looking at a list of mails, hit C to immediately start composing a new email.


  5. The hydrogen bond energy is smaller, but its existence actually aspects to the material nature, and structure so on.


  6. Shift-LMB combined with mouse movement will move the view forward, backward, left, right etc.


  7. Hitting J while an email is highlighted will jump directly to the oldest message in that email chain.


  8. This shortcut lets you drag it exactly where you want it.


  9. So we're going to have a positive number there.


  1. 化学键键能

    bond energy.

  2. 常见化学键的键长与键能

    Bond Lengths and Bond Energies of Common Chemical Bon

  3. 键长、键的极性于键能间的关系

    The relationship among bond length, polarity and bond energy

  4. 了解键长、键能、偶极矩的概念。

    Know the concepts of bond length, bond energy and dipole moment.

  5. 共价化合物的某些化学性质的键能表征

    Characterization of Some Chemical Properties of Covalence Compounds by their Bond Energies

  6. 对于大多数分子, 我们知道他们的裂解键能。

    And for lots of molecules, we know the dissociation energies.

  7. 超晶格分子层中的键能和平均键能的研究

    On Bonding Energy and Average Bonding Energy in Superlattice Molecular Layer.

  8. 计算了含钴高速钢的价电子结构与共价键能。

    The valence electron structures and covalent bond energy have been calculated for cobalt high speed steel.

  9. 如果他们不是等价的共用, 个别的键, 可能有不同的键能。

    And, if they don't share equally, then the individual bonds might have different energies.

  10. 使用控制显示装置键盘上的专用键能完成各种功能。

    Pressing the function button on the display set pannel can proceed kinds of functions.

  11. 在此处理过程中, 分子键能沿纤维轴向定向排列。

    When this process occurs, molecular chains can orient in the fiber direction.

  12. 钢中部分硫化物共价键能与其析出行为的关系

    Relationship between the covalent bond energy of sulfides and their precipitation behavior in steel

  13. 程序升温实验中用键能变化量估算煤的氧化放热强度

    Heat Emit Intensity of Coal Oxidation Evaluated through Bond Energy Change in Programmed Heat Experiment

  14. 取代乙烯顺反异构体键能和稳定性的密度泛函理论研究

    Density Functional Study on the Bond Energy and Stability of Cis and Transisomers in Substituted Ethylenes

  15. 浅谈金属键的能带理论

    An elementary introduction to theory of energy band for metallic bond.

  16. 此外,分子内氢键影响键离解能值。

    The BDE values of title compounds are influenced by intramolecular hydrogen bonds.

  17. 你能随便按一个键就能接通一条线吗?

    Can you punch any button for a line?

  18. 三硝基甲烷键离解能和生成焓的理论计算

    Theoretical calculation of bond dissociation energy and enthalpy of formation for trinitromethane

  19. 键自由能与水溶液中硬软酸的定量分类

    Bond Gibbs energy and quantitative classification of acids as hard or soft in aqueous solution

  20. 这些与气相分子的键离解能所得结论完全相符。

    All of these are consistent well with those drawn from bond energy calculation on gas molecules.

  21. 这些与气相分子得键离解能所得结论完全相符。

    All of these are consistent well with those drawn from bond energy calculation on gas molecules.

  22. 这些几何参数表征了位阻效应对键离解能产生的影响。

    These parameters represented the influence steric effect on BDEs.

  23. 这些几何参数表征了位阻效应对键离解能产生得影响。

    These parameters represented the influence steric effect on BDEs.

  24. 这就意味着人们在电脑上点几个键 就能阅读所有的书

    So what that means is, one could use computational methods to read all of the books in a click of a button.

  25. 只需按下启动键,就能自动打孔。

    Only press the start button for automatic punch.

  26. 键和值必能包含换行符, 键也不能包含冒号。

    A key or value MUST NOT contain a newline and a key also MUST NOT contain a colon.

  27. 只需按下启动键,就能自动打孔和装订。

    Only press the start button for automatic punch and bind.

  28. 激发能分布在全部离子上,并转变成各个键的振动能。

    Each state represents a different combination of rotational , vibrational , or orbital energy for the molecule.

  29. 键均裂解离能

    bond dissociation enthalpy

  30. 对羰基中碳氧双键键能的理解

    Comprehension of Double Bond Energy Between C and O in Carbonyl Group


  1. 问:键能拼音怎么拼?键能的读音是什么?键能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:键能的读音是jiàn néng,键能翻译成英文是 bond energy; bound energy; bond strength

  2. 问:键能键序法拼音怎么拼?键能键序法的读音是什么?键能键序法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:键能键序法的读音是jiàn néng jiàn xù fǎ,键能键序法翻译成英文是 bond-energy-bond-order method


