


共同合作,和洽:~商。~定。~和。~调(tiáo )。~议。帮助,辅助:~助。~同。~理。……





汉语拼音:xié lì







  1. 合力;共同努力。

    《宋书·柳元景传》:“今餘东岸万人,贼军数倍,强弱不敌,谓宜还就节下协力当之。” 唐 陆贽 《诛李怀光招谕淮西诏》:“协力同谋,举城归顺。” 清 李渔 《比目鱼·攀辕》:“同心做好事,协力諫清官。” 郭沫若 《念奴娇·怀念周总理》词:“与导师协力、同心、共命。”



  1. Traditionally in years past, the parents and communities cooperated to set up schools to serve all the children in a particular location.


  2. The international banking system would have collapsed if the authorities had not banded together to save it.


  3. JBIC, a lender charged with helping Japanese firms doing business abroad, would be the first foreign-government entity to take such a step.


  4. He said accurate surveillance of bird flu outbreaks is crucial to global efforts to combat the virus. As an example, he pointed to Nigeria.


  5. Countries should pursue the concept of sustainable development, strengthen macro policy coordination and ensure the growth of world economy.


  6. I call for the Big Four accounting firms, the Big Four banks and the CICPA to get together to work out a system for online confirmations.


  7. Tadashi Maeda, director- general for energy and resources at JBIC, refused to discuss details of any specific bond issue.


  8. Dole declined to work on drafting a joint proposal, saying I should just present my own bill and we'd work out a compromise later.


  9. "We have to help each other, " Ariza said. "If somebody else helps, we've all got to help each other out if we want to win. "


  1. 协力抵抗敌人

    make a common cause against enemy

  2. 公私协力机制

    mechanism of partnership between government and nonprofit organization.

  3. 系统协力学模型

    SD model

  4. 协力达到那个目标

    cooperate towards that end

  5. 他们协力支持首相。

    They rallied to the support of the Prime Minister.

  6. 各界人民, 协力救亡。

    All sections of the people have joined forces to save the nation.

  7. 各界人民,协力救亡。

    All sections of the people have joined forces to save the nation.

  8. 我们将可以协力合作。

    We will be able to join hands.

  9. 藉良好的协力合作成功

    succeed by means of good teamwork

  10. 公司上下都协力相助。

    The entire company pitched in to help.

  11. 与他的同事协力工作

    work in concert with his colleagues

  12. 我们协力把树拉倒了。

    Between us we pulled down the tree.

  13. 我们协力捐款支援前线。

    We club together for the purpose of raising funds for the front.

  14. 到处都有人协力相助。

    Everywhere people pitched in to help.

  15. 与她的顾问们协力统治

    Governed in consort with her advisers.

  16. 他们想和我们协力从事。

    They want to team up with us.

  17. 一群协力工作的外交官们

    A consort of fellow diplomats.

  18. 我们为贫民而协力捐款。

    We club together for the purpose of raising funds for the poor.

  19. 园艺是一个协力的事务。

    Gardening is a cooperative affair.

  20. 让我们协力为人权而战。

    Let us unite to fight for human rights.

  21. 爸爸爱爱协力完成粘土拼图

    Clay puzzle work made by Emma and Daddy

  22. 他们协力促成两人的会面。

    They conspired to bring about the meeting of the two people.

  23. 比如彩色将协力会战胜灰色

    Like all the colors conspire to overwhelm the grey.

  24. 管理层认同合并的协力优势。

    The management recognizes the synergy in this exercise.

  25. 同心山成玉,协力土变金!

    ChengYu mountain, together with soil change gold!

  26. 协力帮忙寻找安置难民的处所

    concurrence in helping to find homes for refugees

  27. 协力解决个人债务及破产问题

    Concerted efforts to tackle consumer debt and bankruptcy

  28. 当我和你协力把我自己厌恶?

    When I against my self with thee partake?

  29. 面对困难,我们要合心协力。

    When facing difficulties, we should act with one heart.

  30. 面对困难,我们要合心协力。

    When facing difficulties, we should act with one heart.


  1. 问:协力拼音怎么拼?协力的读音是什么?协力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协力的读音是xiélì,协力翻译成英文是 to make an effort together; to make concerte...

  2. 问:协力的拼音怎么拼?协力的的读音是什么?协力的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协力的的读音是,协力的翻译成英文是 cooperative

  3. 问:协力创新法拼音怎么拼?协力创新法的读音是什么?协力创新法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:协力创新法的读音是xié lì chuàng xīn fǎ,协力创新法翻译成英文是 synectics




拼音:xié lì 基本
