







汉语拼音:diǎn rǎn








  1. 点笔染翰。指绘画。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·杂艺》:“ 武烈太子 偏能写真,坐上宾客,随宜点染,即成数人,以问童子,皆知姓名矣。” 元 赵孟頫 《桃源春晓图》诗:“ 瀛洲 仙客知仙路,点染丹青寄轻素。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·题画》:“美人一去,庭院寂寥,正好点染,应酬画债。”

  2. 写作;修饰文字。

    宋 陆游 《掩门》诗:“点染聊成字,呻吟仅似诗。” 明 《杀狗记·家门大意》:“点染新词别样锦,推敲旧谱无瑕玉。” 鲁迅 《<故事新编>序言》:“至于只取一点因由,随意点染,铺成一篇,倒无需怎样的手腕。”

  3. 染色;着色。《元典章·礼部五·阴阳学》:“﹝鞭子﹞用粉五色点染。” 曹靖华 《飞花集·点苍山下金花娇》:“ 大理 花艳,艳得美术家调不出颜色来点染。”

  4. 沾染;沾附。

    唐 郑损 《星精石》诗:“苍苔点染云生靨,老雨淋漓铁溃痕。” 宋 方夔 《感兴》诗之十四:“秋夜不肯明,霜露畏点染。”

  5. 玷污;污染。

    唐 杜甫 《八哀诗·故著作郎贬台州司户荥阳郑公虔》:“反復归圣朝,点染无涤盪。” 仇兆鳌 注:“ 虔 本心归王室,但一受伪命,无从洗涤。”

  6. 点缀;装点。

    杨朔 《泰山极顶》:“万山丛中,时而点染着极其工细的人物。” 庐隐 《海滨故人》:“寂寞的松林和无言的海流,被这五个女孩子点染得十分热闹。”

  7. 打点。《负曝闲谈》第三回:“另外还有营官那边,号房里、门房里、厨房里,都得点染点染,把这位 柳老爷 弄了个家产尽絶。”



  1. A local newspaper, the Billings Gazette, has run pictures of a turtle and a group of pelicans apparently with oil on them.


  2. Is the only incised mainly carved category supplement color dyed paper cutting.


  3. Born in Yuxian, Hebei Province, he worked with a knife and is most famous for his use of spot dyeing.


  4. Who will dare to guarantee that such lake stones are not endowed with the inspiration of embellishing heaven and earth?


  5. The wheels wheeled, the chairs spun, the cotton candy tinted the faces of children, the bright leaves tinted the woods and hills.


  6. Water, except by the miracle of style, does not become wine.


  7. Answer: It is venereal, infection causes acuteness wet wart.


  8. Yuxian paper-cut of "incised" and "colordian ran " mainly, it is the "three points dyeing division of labor " theory.


  9. Dark red, plain, lilacinus, wet spring melt in the misty jungle of trees, such as the family poured ink stipple rendering color.


  1. 精忠的赤血点染了我的家传。

    I heritate the royal blood of the family.

  2. 再加点染, 否则火就要灭了。

    More wood on the fire, otherwise it will go out.

  3. 不经风格的点染, 水是永远变不成酒的。

    Water, except by the miracle of style, does not become wine.

  4. 春晨点染心中的希望,激发着人生的热情。

    Polish the hope in the heart in the spring morning, is stimulating the enthusiasm of life.

  5. 这个夏天让你的衣橱也点染一些阳光的色泽吧。

    Bring a ray of sunshine to your summer wardrobe with some warm, bright yellow.

  6. 它吸尽了热,用自己的生命,给寒冷的世界点染了一片暖色。

    It absorbs heat and gives the cold world warm color with its own life.

  7. 在淡蓝色的天空中, 恍若可以分辨出点染了金黄色的寒气。

    In the pale blue sky, you could sense the cold all spangled with yellow.

  8. 双耳下也染上两点红晕,心里有一种说不出的意味。

    With this, two spots flushed under her ears. She felt something unspeakable in her heart.

  9. 灯芯绒平幅染整加工要点

    Key points in openwidth processing of corduroy

  10. 染矽尘大鼠不同时间点肺组织细胞凋亡

    Expression of apoptotic cells in pulmonary tissue of rats exposed to silica at the different time

  11. 在个别树上有多达54个侵染点。

    There were as many as 54 infection courts on an individual tree.

  12. 可形成乳突的侵染点下吸器形成率降低。

    Under the invasion site where papilla can be form, the haustoria formation rate was lower.

  13. 28岁的罗伯特·布洛克刚刚做完头发从丹佛的城市发型店出来,他说:染头发和护理好头发不能再说你有点女人气。

    Dyeing your hair and caring about the way you look aren't sissy anymore, ' says Robert Bullock, 28, walking out of Denver's Urban Renewal after a touchup.

  14. 文章含沙射影地点出他和朋友的妻子有染。

    The article insinuated that he was having an affair with his friend's wife.

  15. 分散大红染涤纶针织物时色点的产生与防止

    Causes and Prevention of Coloured Spots in Disperse Red Dyeing of Polyester Knitted Fabric

  16. 染火点必须隔离。不要再密封的环境中超载。

    Sources of ignition should be kept clear. Do not overload at tight sealed condition.

  17. 是国内唯独的阴刻为主, 阳刻为辅的彩色点染类剪纸。

    Is the only incised mainly carved category supplement color dyed paper cutting.

  18. 除了在波兰时染上得那点传染病外, 他得健康实在很好。

    Apart from the little infection he had caught in Poland, his health was sound.

  19. 除了在波兰时染上的那点传染病外,他的健康实在很好。

    Apart from the little infection he had caught in Poland, his health was sound.


  1. 问:点染拼音怎么拼?点染的读音是什么?点染翻译成英文是什么?

    答:点染的读音是diǎnrǎn,点染翻译成英文是 add details to a painting; to touch up



明朝 杨补 画。 纸本墨笔 纵26.7厘米,横33厘米。 上海博物馆藏。 杨补(1598—1657)明代画家。字无补,号古农,祖籍临江(今江西清江),生于吴,后为长洲(今江苏吴县)布衣。这幅画构图丰满,正中一座山峦迫塞画面,给人以弃绝弃绝尘俗之感。杨补山水学黄公望,但这幅画上兼有吴镇风格影响。画上勾皴点染并用,落墨大胆沉着,浓墨醒目,墨色层次丰富,构成了画面的空间感。山石坡地以长披麻皴写出,笔力劲爽,表现出了山岩的独特结构。