


屈指卷(juǎn )握起来的手:~头(“头”读轻声)。徒手的武术:~术。打~。太极~。~谱。~脚。肢体弯曲:~曲。~起腿来。量词,用于拳头打人的动作:打他几~。……


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:quán dǎ






  1. If I had drunk enough and I would have had the bold to punch him in the face.


  2. After a few moments of indecision, and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude, I stood up and punched him in the nose.


  3. She had tried to keep that purse full of money presents for herself and he had given her a nice black eye and taken the money from her.


  4. In fact he did neither. He simply held his left hand up in front of his face and received the blow in his cupped palm.


  5. So I hit him, a girl's wide roundhouse to right under his ear, and Tyler shoved me back and stomped the heel of his shoe in my stomach.


  6. You know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna punch you right square in the nose!


  7. One of the men had smashed his fist into Julia's solar plexus, doubling her up like a pocket ruler.


  8. I saw myself from the perspective of the wide eyed two year old following his daddy, and it was like a punch to the gut.


  9. Rather, Chinese bodyguards are martial arts experts, trained to disarm or subdue an attacker with a few quick thrusts and hand chops.


  1. 用掌或拳打

    To hit with the hand or fist.

  2. 这一拳打得他头晕目眩。

    The beat made his head swim.

  3. 一拳打得他透不过气来。

    The blow left him breathless.

  4. 他被一拳打得不醒人事。

    He was knocked senseless by the blow.

  5. 我把这个坏蛋一拳打了出去。

    I decked the bully out with one punch.

  6. 我把这个坏蛋一拳打了出去。

    I decked the bully out with one punch.

  7. 又一拳打得他耳朵嗡嗡直叫。

    Another punch makes his ear ring.

  8. 希望你这拳打得值 你卷铺盖走人吧。

    Well, I hope that was worth it, 'cause you're fired.

  9. 野兔拳击他野兔拳打他全身上下乌龟赢了!

    The tortoise moves his arms. The hare arms.

  10. 有人亲眼见过我一拳打穿沙袋。

    I have witnesses that saw me heavy bags with one punch.

  11. 腰下那一拳打得他喘不过气来。

    The low punch made him gasp for air

  12. 侦察员用左手对着敌人的哨兵一拳打过去。

    The scout let drive at the enemy sentry with his left first.

  13. 有个家伙想打劫, 我一拳打过去, 他割伤了我。

    This guy tried to mug me, and I swung on him and he sliced me.

  14. 便直接一拳打他脸上,然后我们开始打得天翻地覆。

    I just punched him right in his face, and we began fighting right then and there.

  15. 秀明误会定一在动歪脑筋,一拳打到他流鼻血。

    Xiu Ming once again mistakes Ding Yi and hits him on his nose.

  16. 凯西奥放开我,先生,否则我要一拳打到你的头上来了。

    Cassio. Let me go, sir, Or Ill knock you oer the mazzard.

  17. 乌尔都克握紧拳头一拳打了上去,几乎打碎了他下级的下巴。

    Urduuk clenched his mailed fist and shot it forward, crushing into the jaw of his subordinate.

  18. 我不进监狱继续打拳。

    I stay out ofjail and keep boxing.

  19. 你只会对着桔子打拳。

    The only thing you'll ever box is oranges.

  20. 我告诉他不要总乱打拳。

    I told him not to take all the small punches.

  21. 我看过你跟佳威兰小子打拳。

    I saw you fight kid gavilan.

  22. 一天下午, 他和我在体育馆里打拳。

    One afternoon, he and I were sparring in the gym.

  23. 我女朋友在奥林匹克体育场看过你打拳。

    My girlfriend saw you fight a couple of times over at the olympic.

  24. 当我还年轻的时候我非常喜欢看泰森打拳。

    When I was younger I loved the way Tyson boxed, where he came from.

  25. 他博览群书,打桥牌,打网球,还到当地一个健身房去打拳。

    He read many books, played bridge, played tennis, and boxed at a local gymnasium.

  26. 这一拳正好打在他得鼻子上。

    The punch hit him right on the nose.

  27. 这一拳正好打在他的鼻子上。

    The punch hit him right on the nose.

  28. 他闪过另一拳,打他朋友的胸部。

    He dodged another punch and struck his friend in the chest.

  29. 我让他离开,他给了我一拳 我打回去是自卫。

    I tried to get him to leave, he threw a punch, and I defended myself.

  30. 那一拳把我打得昏了一阵。

    The punch stunned me for a moment.


  1. 问:拳打脚踢拼音怎么拼?拳打脚踢的读音是什么?拳打脚踢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拳打脚踢的读音是quándǎjiǎotī,拳打脚踢翻译成英文是 beat … up

  2. 问:拳打拼音怎么拼?拳打的读音是什么?拳打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拳打的读音是,拳打翻译成英文是 fist