




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:huì jí






  1. Nutrient production would occur closer to the surface, promoting a food chain benefiting different species, as they migrate farther north.


  2. Poverty campaign groups might also be more enthusiastic if the benefits of climate policies were shared out in a more progressive manner.


  3. State-of-the art financial services of every kind will be available to every person in the world.


  4. If they were truly advantageous, why would not their benefits ripple through a culture at the speed of news?


  5. eg. It has had a different impact in each country, but its benefits have been seen across the board.


  6. The benefits from freer trade are diffuse and the winners do not always know in advance who they are.


  7. "Yes, it covers a lot of people, but the money is too little to cover real medical expenses in rural areas, " he said.


  8. In others, civil libertarians demand a right to choose plain salt, with the result that the iodized kind rarely reaches the poor.


  9. The word "charity" is also commonly used to describe an organization that facilitates charity benefiting people in need.


  1. 绿色革命未曾惠及非洲

    The green revolution never reached Africa.

  2. 转化为光能,惠及千家万户。

    could be converted into the light, and lives of millions.

  3. 这将惠及1亿5千万个家庭。

    This will affect 150 m families.

  4. 以求惠及世界的每个角落。

    so that it would sweep across the world more.

  5. 他希望那昂贵的,可以惠及世人。

    He wanted to make that which was expensive free.

  6. 这种药将惠及成千上万的感染者。

    The drug will be useful to hundreds of thousands of infected people.

  7. 你的成功是怎么样惠及你的前任老板的?

    How have your successes benefited your previous employer?

  8. 战争年代的救济金也没有惠及所有的人。

    Nor had the benefits of the war years touched all sectors of the population.

  9. 发展成果实实在在惠及每一个老百姓。

    Tangible development results benefit the people of each one.

  10. 但是它赚再多的钱, 也难以惠及消费者。

    But no amount of money it earned, can not be onto consumers.

  11. 我们通过惠及他人来保护我们自己的自由与繁荣。

    We protect our own freedom and prosperity by extending it to others.

  12. 保护老地名功在当代,开发老地名惠及千载

    To protect and development the old place names will benefit the contemporary and future generations

  13. 投资人的慷慨也惠及了处于发展中后期的企业。

    The largesse is also spreading to companies in middle and later stages.

  14. 在许多情况下,这种增长主要惠及的是小型企业。

    In many cases this growth primarily benefits smaller enterprises.

  15. 补贴政策也可能惠及的是外国企业,而不是本国企业。

    The spoils may also flow to foreign companies rather than local ones.

  16. 此优惠不可与任何优惠及折扣券同时使用。

    This offer cannot be used in conjunction with ALL promotional offers and discounted vouchers , unless specified.

  17. 即,数字技术大爆炸并不是以相同的速度惠及人人。

    That is the digital explosion is not booming at the same pace for everyone.

  18. 虽然此轮经济复苏疲弱,但许多增长都惠及大公司。

    And as weak as this recovery has been, many of the gains have accrued to big companies.

  19. 她还很想知道婚姻法改革是否会惠及加勒比妇女。

    She also wondered whether the reform of the marriage laws would benefit Carib women.

  20. 该处并会将计划进一步扩大,以惠及社会各阶层人士。

    The scheme will be extended to other sectors of the community.

  21. 预期3,000名医护人员将可受益,主要惠及医管局属下医院。

    It is expected that 3,000 workers, mainly from the HA hospitals, will be benefited.

  22. 使用土地建设学校可能将比购物中心惠及的人还要少。

    The use of the land for a school will probably benefit even less people than a shopping center would.

  23. 他说, 石油和矿产资源出口带来的收入很少惠及穷人。

    He says little of the income from oil, the mining and extractive sectors trickle down to the poor.

  24. 总是用金刚石冲击强度更高,更加昂贵永远不会惠及经营。

    However, always using higher impact strength diamond that is more expensive will not always benefit the operator.

  25. 布基纳法索所有旨在惠及妇女的立法必须得到贯彻执行。

    All Burkina Faso legislation designed to benefit women must be implemented.

  26. 而更多的则是质疑,例如,家人团聚是否可以惠及居住国。

    There is more scepticism, for example, that family reunification benefits host countries.

  27. 该计划自一九九九年十二月起, 惠及60岁以下得单身人士。

    The scheme has been extended since December 1999 to cover single persons under 60 years of age.

  28. 该计划自一九九九年十二月起,惠及60岁以下的单身人士。

    The scheme has been extended since December 1999 to cover single persons under 60 years of age.

  29. 这次调整将直接惠及低收入人群,尤其是目前广东境内的2300多万农民工。

    This adjustment will directly benefit people with low incomes, especially the 23 million peasant workers in Guangdong Province.


  1. 问:惠及拼音怎么拼?惠及的读音是什么?惠及翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惠及的读音是huìjí,惠及翻译成英文是 To provide someone or place with a benefit....



【词 目】惠及

【读 音】huì jí

【释 义】把好处给予某人或某地。

【示 例】保护环境是一件惠及子孙后代的大事。