


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……







汉语拼音:zì yóu rén








  1. 指奴隶占有制度下享有公民权、财产权和政治权的居民。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·上海所感》:“由此看来,人们--至少,是我一般的人们,要从自由人变成奴隶,怕也未必怎么烦难罢。” 郭沫若 《中国史稿》第一编第三章第一节:“这些自由人、半自由人和奴隶,都在一位家长的支配或奴役下生活。”

  2. 足球比赛拖后中卫的别称。防守时无固定的看守对象,可机动灵活地补位救险,亦可助攻至前场。



  1. He almost wished he was back there again--here in this pleasant scene he felt as if he were wholly free.


  2. "No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other way destroyed, except by the lawful judgment of his peers. " - The Magna Carta.


  3. If you were a slave when called, do not worry, yet if you can gain your freedom, take the opportunity.


  4. Therefore for me, if I unify with S, it cannot be violated basic principle: S must be the free man.


  5. Only yesterday he had heard one of the mates say that they ought to throw her overboard before her tears could swamp the ship.


  6. Professor Dirac is a free man in the true sense of the word.


  7. We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men. We could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses.


  8. Scott then took his case to a federal court. Finally, he asked the United States Supreme Court to decide if he was a slave or a free man.


  9. And, Marx's free individual combo and restructuring individual ownership is the realization form of his human force property right.


  1. 自由人团体

    community of free individuals.

  2. 自由人日报

    Daily Freemen.

  3. 自由人之家

    WENDELL BERRY Home of the Free.

  4. 自由人呼声, 有国旗。

    Freeman statement with Chinese flag.

  5. 自由人的联合体社会

    freeman association society

  6. 自由人呼声,有国旗。

    Freeman statement with Chinese flag.

  7. 汤姆是一个自由人。

    Tom is a free man.

  8. 生来是一个自由人

    Be born a free man

  9. 他现在是个自由人!

    He is a free man!'.

  10. 自由人所构成的人民

    A people of free man

  11. 康柏自由人多媒体系列

    Compaq Presario

  12. 奴隶逃跑了, 成了自由人。

    The slave escaped and became a free man.

  13. 奴隶逃跑了,成了自由人。

    The slave escaped and became a free man.

  14. 他获释出狱, 成为自由人。

    He walked out of jail a free man.

  15. 可我说我们是自由人。

    But I say we are free.

  16. 尼塔想和我抢自由人。

    Netah thinks he's going to steal the Freeman from me.

  17. 奴隶跟自由人不许参加。

    Slaves and freedmen are not eligible.

  18. 内战之后, 他成了自由人。

    After the civil war he was a free man.

  19. 出逃并成为自由人的奴隶。

    The slave who escapes and becomes a free man.

  20. 重作自由人我很不习惯。

    It was strange to be a free man.

  21. 我不是鸟, 而是个自由人。

    I am no bird, but a free human being.

  22. 他应享受自由人的所有权利。

    He deserves all the rights of a free man.

  23. 自由人非常擅长传球和垫球。

    The libero is very good at passing and digging.

  24. 南北战争之后他就是个自由人。

    After the Civil War he was a free man.

  25. 我虽在英格兰但是自由人。

    I am in England but I am free.

  26. 这种观念是同自由人格格不入得。

    It is a conception quite unworthy of free men.

  27. 这种观念是同自由人格格不入的。

    It is a conception quite unworthy of free men.

  28. 他们是自由人,我是被放逐了的。

    They are free men, but I am banished.

  29. 这个奴隶梦想着成为一个自由人。

    This slave dreamed of becoming a freeman.

  30. 一个下决心保卫自己家园的自由人。

    And one free man defending his home.


  1. 问:自由人拼音怎么拼?自由人的读音是什么?自由人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自由人的读音是zì yóu rén,自由人翻译成英文是 homo liber

  2. 问:自由人编码拼音怎么拼?自由人编码的读音是什么?自由人编码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自由人编码的读音是zì yóu rén biān mǎ,自由人编码翻译成英文是 freeman coding

  3. 问:自由人联保制拼音怎么拼?自由人联保制的读音是什么?自由人联保制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自由人联保制的读音是zì yóu rén lián bǎo zhì,自由人联保制翻译成英文是 freoborgh

  4. 问:自由人民党 (义大利)拼音怎么拼?自由人民党 (义大利)的读音是什么?自由人民党 (义大利)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自由人民党 (义大利)的读音是,自由人民党 (义大利)翻译成英文是 The People of Freedom