







汉语拼音:suàn dìng






  1. 经过计算而确定或断定。

    《醒世恒言·一文钱小隙造奇冤》:“算定机谋夸自己,排成巧计害他人。” 毛泽东 《论人民民主专政》:“帝国主义者算定我们办不好经济,他们站在一旁看,等待我们的失败。” 茅盾 《子夜》七:“那么, 朱吟秋 方面,你是一定要积极进行的,你算定了没有风险?”



  1. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the coming glory to be revealed upon us .

  2. And Laban said unto him, If now I have found favor in thine eyes, [tarry]: [for] I have divined that Jehovah hath blessed me for thy sake.

  3. For we account that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.

  4. A Program of Definite Area Computation in Land Appropriation Surveying


  1. 重新算定的转向点

    recomputed point of turn

  2. 因为我们算定了,人得称义是藉著信,与行律法无关。

    For we account that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.

  3. 再加入一些精彩的故事才算搞定

    I need a few more killer stories to just seal the deal.

  4. 后定选择权的保险精算定价

    An actuarial approach to pricing of chooser options

  5. 不过目前我算在这儿住定了。

    At present, however, I consider myself as quite fixed here.

  6. 他自己就能在20秒内心算出一个给定日期是星期几。

    Carroll himself could perform his calendar algorithm in his head, calculating the day of the week for a given date in about 20 seconds.

  7. 就那么定了。现在我们算一下费用。

    That's it, then. Now let's work out the cost.

  8. 保险精算定价

    insurance actuary pricing.

  9. 征地测量中的算定面积程序

    A Program of Definite Area Computation in Land Appropriation Surveying

  10. 积分器技术性计算定积分的仪器

    An instrument for mechanically calculating definite integrals.

  11. 团体寿险的精算定价理论与应用

    Actuarial Pricing Theory and Its Applications in Group Life Insurance

  12. 好,这事总算定了。那么,我们还有别的什么事情要讨论吗?

    Well, that's at last. Now, what are the other things we want to discuss

  13. 严格正定算子

    strictly positive definite operator.

  14. 亦定定算未清楚到底家己是几岁呀?

    Also could not always figure out exactly how old they were ?

  15. 如果你是老板,定啥规则,由你说了算。

    If you are the boss then you can say what the rules are.

  16. 现在, 说不定还有将来, 移幻帝国由我说了算!

    Now, even future the whole removing unreal empire will have me control!

  17. 时间表定得很紧, 但我都进行得还算顺利。

    It was a tight schedule but everything went right for us.

  18. 他把闹钟定在六点, 再倒回来算到一点。

    He set the alarm clock at six, and measured back five hours to one o'clock.

  19. 你觉得呢个世界奸人多定好人多呢?点算好呀?

    Do you think there are more good or bad people in this world ? How should it be like?

  20. 如果我们定一个样品, 那船运之类的费用怎么算?

    What are the costs for shipping, etc. if we order a sample ?

  21. 带源项的守恒系统时间分裂算法定常解的收敛性研究

    Study on convergence to steady state of the time splitting method for conservation laws with source terms

  22. 正定线性算子

    positive linear functional

  23. 你可以全部用算术运算搞定。

    you can do it all with arithmetic.

  24. 正定埃尔米特算子

    positive definite Hermitian operator

  25. 只用加法运算就可以搞定一切。

    You could do the whole thing with addition.

  26. 静定梁内力图的电算方法

    Program Design of Internal Force chart for Determinate Beam

  27. 用微分算子级数法计算三类定积分

    Calculating Three Kinds of Definite Integral with Differential Operator Interstage

  28. 官定您正正在写自传,您筹算邮荃么标题成绩?

    If you were writing an autobiography, what would its title be?

  29. 编译器无法为给定得类生成赋值运算符。

    The compiler cannot generate an assignment operator for the given class.

  30. 编译器无法为给定的类生成赋值运算符。

    The compiler cannot generate an assignment operator for the given class.


  1. 问:算定拼音怎么拼?算定的读音是什么?算定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算定的读音是,算定翻译成英文是 calculate