







汉语拼音:yì zhǐ






  1. 见“ 意旨 ”。



  1. "The body has been sent, and, with the local deity in the official" means the four men have been taken to his official not at home.


  2. By this I don't just mean the rampant anti-Americanism on parts of the left. In a sense, that is relatively easy to counter.


  3. There is nothing more difficult for a introvert person like me than to write a letter that will tell you how much you mean to me .


  4. Confirming bank means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing bank's authorization or request.


  5. Banking day means a day on which a bank is regularly open at the place at which an act subject to these rules is to be performed.


  6. "Montessori school, " she said proudly, of her problem-solving skills.


  7. "conveyance" is referred to the presentation of a product's meaning and implication to the receivers (customers).


  8. Through the point of semiotics, the third chapter explains the system of the apparel style, and how the symbol convey the meanings.


  9. Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an applicant or on its own behalf.


  1. 意指或意味

    To signify or mean.

  2. 意指与某人

    Get Something Going With Someone.

  3. 意指她更喜欢茶。

    She prefers tea to coffee.

  4. 它意指你将进化。

    It means that you will be evolving.

  5. 这些名词都意指丧失希望。

    These nouns denote loss of hope.

  6. 公吨意指一吨,等于1000公斤。

    C. Metric Tonne means a tonne equivalent to 1000 kilogram.

  7. 意指结实的, 肌肉发达的, 粗壮的。

    beefymuscular in build, brawny.

  8. 日心的意指太阳或崇拜太阳的

    Referred or with respect to the sun.

  9. 意指你必须意识到时势的变化。

    Times change. You must sense the tide.

  10. 我们论及文学一词时,意指何为?

    What is it that we mean by literature?

  11. 意指受寒后快速, 相当轻微的颤抖

    Shiver involves rapid, rather slight trembling, as of a person experiencing chill

  12. 提及不可度量的,他们意指无条件的,绝对的。

    By immeasurable they mean unconditional.

  13. 对不起,我不明白,我不知道你意指什么事。

    I'm sorry, I don't understand; I don't know what you're getting at.

  14. 首先,中间地位意指一般、乏味和枯燥等。

    First and foremost, the middle is average, boring, bland, etc.

  15. 意指或表示反驳, 否认或拒绝的说法或行为

    a statement or an act indicating or expressing a contradiction, denial, or refusal

  16. 论艺术语言能指和所指之间的意指关系

    On the relation of connotation between the signifier and the Signified of Artistic Language

  17. 已经实际表达的通知, 意指已经发出和收悉的通知。

    Notice actually and expressly, or by implication, given and received.

  18. 你意指什么?你是否意指我不明白自己在说什么吧

    What are you driving at? Are you implying that I don't know what I'm talking about?

  19. 当这个字当名词使用时, 意指攻击某人的言论。

    When used as a noun, jibe refers to a remark that attacks someone.

  20. 这意指原型得确提及某些人类心灵得深层结构。

    This suggests that the archetypes actually do refer to some deep structures of the human mind.

  21. 这意指原型的确提及某些人类心灵的深层结构。

    This suggests that the archetypes actually do refer to some deep structures of the human mind.

  22. 意指从玩家总生命减去指定的生命量。

    Paying life subtracts the indicated amount of life from the players life total.

  23. 意指已获香港医务委员会接纳的认可额外资格。

    Refers to the quotable additional qualification which is acceptable to the Medical Council of Hong Kong.

  24. 意指钱, 或者是有钱的人比较有影响力跟权力。

    Money talks means that people with a lot of money have power and influence.

  25. 在河岸边遇到了一位密修者,意指赤裸的智者

    which means the naked, wise man.

  26. 所有这些形容词都意指注意,遵守或具有良好举止的。

    All these adjectives mean mindful of, conforming to, or marked by good manners.

  27. 当我们意指抽象意义上的网络时,我们将用这种形式。

    We will use this form when we mean a network in the abstract sense.

  28. 意指大麦,小麦等有芒作物种子已经成熟,抢收十分急迫。

    Means barley, wheat and other crop seeds are ripe Mountain, rush in the harvest very urgent.

  29. 两层之间点缀的是红色和黄色的油质, 意指精液和鲜血。

    Interspersed between the two layers are reddish and yellowish smears, suggestive of semen and blood.

  30. 到1433年,出现了意指被雇佣来记录交易及处理商务的人。

    By 1433,the sense of someone who is employed to record transactions and business dealings had arisen.


  1. 问:意指拼音怎么拼?意指的读音是什么?意指翻译成英文是什么?

    答:意指的读音是,意指翻译成英文是 meant