




规矩,法式:~式。~序。章~。规~。进展,限度:~度。进~。日~。过~。道路的段落:路~。行(xíng )~。里~。启~。前~。衡量,考核:计日~功。姓。……



汉语拼音:yīn chéng






  1. 音乐术语。指两音间的距离,亦即两音在高度上的差异。

    蔡元培 《美术的起源》:“初民的唱歌,偏重节奏,不用和声。他们的音程也很简单,有用三声的,有用四声的,有用六声的;对于音程,常不免随意出入。”



  1. Pure axial forearm rotation is used for small intervals, up to about a sixth or a seventh, depending on the size of the hand.


  2. E to F seems to be the same distance as D to E but it's not.


  3. The arithmetic distance is expressed numerically, and the interval quality by an additional descriptive adjective.


  4. Juana sang an ancient song that had only three notes and yet endless variety of interval.


  5. Any of certain fixed arrangements of the diatonic tones of an octave, as the major and minor scales of Western music.


  6. So up here this all seems to be the same distance.


  7. However, with its great pitch span and its ability to vary dynamics and tone color, the piano is unsurpassed.


  8. Intervals may be modified by the addition of signs for sharps, flats or naturals by the side of numerals.


  9. Leaps or skips indicate the movement of any one voice by intervals of more than one step.


  1. 平均律音程

    tone of average law.

  2. 完全协合音程

    perfect consonance

  3. 等分音程组

    part interval scales.

  4. 音程跳动较大。

    The musical interval jitterbug is bigger.

  5. 等量音程组

    equivalent interval scales.

  6. 一个八度音程

    an interval of one octave

  7. 不完全协合音程

    imperfect consonance

  8. 大调音阶, 调, 音程或调式

    A major scale, key, interval, or mode.

  9. 首先我们来听旋律音程。

    First, lets listen to the melodic interval.

  10. 三全音三个全度音的音程

    An interval composed of three whole tones.

  11. 频率偏差与音程偏差的互换

    Exchange for frequence deviation and pitcle interval deviation

  12. 首先我们来听三度音程。

    First let's listen to next interval.

  13. 小调音, 短音阶或短音程

    A minor key, scale, or interval.

  14. 音程听觉训练的进程与方法

    The Procedure and Method of Interval Listening Training

  15. 不协和音程为二度和七度。

    Dissonant intervals are the second and the seventh.

  16. 值得注意的是,音程是向上度量的。

    It should be noticed that intervals are measured upwards.

  17. 四度音程两音调之间的间歇

    The interval between two such tones.

  18. 小三度, 含三个半音的音程

    a minor third, ie an interval of three semitones

  19. 用同样的练习练习不同的音程与和弦,

    Use the same exercises for intervals of all sizes and chords.

  20. 这个音程内的最高一个音调。

    The tone at the upper limit of such an interval.

  21. 这个音程内得最高一个音调。

    The tone at the upper limit of such an interval.

  22. 常见的有三度平行音程或六度平行音程。

    Parallel intervals of a third or sixth are frequent.

  23. 特定的音程与全八度音程之间的间隔

    an interval that completes an octave when added to a given interval

  24. 调性感与音程感的有机结合

    Tonality integration with Interal Abstract

  25. 在音乐中, 音程间隔长度至关重要。

    In music, the spacing of intervals is vital.

  26. 数字可用来表示低音上的任意音程。

    Numerals can be used to indicate any interval above the bass.

  27. 这些音程在自然大音阶中向上计算。

    Such intervals calculated upwards in the diatonic major scale are major.

  28. 比相应得大音程或完全音程增多一个。

    Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval.

  29. 比相应的大音程或完全音程增多一个。

    Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval.

  30. 音程向位模块在视唱教学中的运用

    To Use the Module of Direction and Position of Interval in the Course of Solfeggio and Ear Training


  1. 问:音程拼音怎么拼?音程的读音是什么?音程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:音程的读音是yīnchéng,音程翻译成英文是 interval; pitch interval